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1 建筑与市政公用设施智慧运维性态全息快速感知与多源异构数据融合 评论
项目来源: 国家重点研发计划项目课题(11/2022-10/2025)
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 研究基于天基卫星快速解译、空基多智能体协同巡检以及地基IOT群体传感的空天地一体化运维性态信息的实时智能感知方法,研发基于网联资源调度“端-边”数据校验与保障算法,研究基于多智能体无人系统的多源运维数据感知方法;研发新型边缘智能体和边缘节点架构研究资源配置优化模型和自适应网络动态调度方法,搭建基于分布式边缘计算体系的智能网联架构;建立面向多源异构运维数据的融合模型,提出基于数据动态匹配的融合机制与算法,搭建基于数据融合的智能运维数据服务;开发建筑与市政公共设施运维数据采集与融合系统,搭建多源异构运维数据共享服务环境,实现多场景智能运维服务的示范应用。
2 海洋-气象灾害数字孪生、数值模拟技术研发及其示范应用 评论
项目来源: 广东省区域联合基金粤港澳团队项目(10/2022-09/2026)
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 本项目总体研究思路概括为“基于数字孪生模拟海洋-气象灾害过程,以大数据研究海洋灾害致灾机理,结合工程与海洋-气象信息实现海洋工程结构响应分析,为工程管理提供技术支撑”。据此,本项目分解为五个主要研究任务。1)多源异构海洋-气象信息数字孪生模型建立;2)基于海气通量参数模型优化的海洋-气象灾害过程模拟;3)基于复杂系统动力学的海洋灾害致灾机理研究;4)基于数据与结构可靠性理论的海洋工程设施安全分析;5)海洋灾害模拟及海洋工程结构预警平台研发。
3 基于GIS/BIM的轻量化平台框架与接口技术 评论
项目来源: 国家重点研发计划子课题(12/2018-12/2022)
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 面向集体统建与村民自建等不同应用需求,研究基于BIM和GIS的乡村住宅多尺度信息模型,突破BIM模型轻量化与高效传输技术,建立轻量化平台数据集成接口规范,研发基于Web的模型可视化与平台框架,实现乡村住宅设计、建造信息的集成与统一对外服务。
4 深圳市海洋智能感知与计算重点实验室 评论
项目来源: 深圳市科技创新委员会,平台和载体专项(03/2021-03/2023)
本人角色: 参与
摘 要: 该项目构建分布式海洋环境信息智能感知平台,实现感知大数据的采集、存储、分发,实现海洋环境全三维、实时的立体成像,针对海洋突发灾害,形成应急观测、强化观测的对外服务能力。本人在其中负责海洋大数据的存储与管理,以及海洋环境全三维平台的研发。
5 海洋浮式风机选址、基础设计和智能运维关键技术研究 评论
项目来源: 深圳市科技创新委员会,基础研究专项(稳定支持)(05/2021-12/2023)
本人角色: 参与
摘 要: 该项目主要研究我国东南和南海海域的风能资源评估、浮式风机基础的水动力几何外形与结构特性设计、风机极端海况下的耦合动力响应分析、基于尾流效应模型的风机群整体模拟以及基于物联网的风机结构智能健康监测等关键技术。本人在其中负责海洋浮式风机智能运维关键技术的研究与运维系统的研发。
序号 名称 评论
1 信息驱动下既有建筑物/群多尺度性能模拟与分析技术研究 评论
项目来源: 国家自然科学基金面上
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 以既有建筑运维期信息作为支撑,以BIM和AI等信息技术为驱动,通过对既有建筑性能分析体系的深入研究,面向不同尺度的性能分析需求,提出一个多尺度建筑物运维信息模型,并基于混合云架构实现海量信息的集成高效管理。在此基础上,研究外环境尺度和内环境尺度的信息融合机制,通过技术集成、系统集成和应用集成的方式,研发一个面向既有建筑物/群的多尺度性能模拟与分析系统,以实现多尺度建筑运维期性能分析与预测。
成果介绍: 信息驱动下既有建筑物/群多尺度性能模拟与分析技术研究(科普)
2 基于能耗监测系统的建筑及其机电系统标准化大数据提取技术研究 评论
项目来源: 国家重点研发计划子课题
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 针对当前建筑能耗监测系统数据种类多样,内容繁杂的特点,根据子课题1数据提取准则,建立从已有能耗监测系统提取动态标准化大数据的方法,实现云端数据提取软件模块。包括:1)基于子任务1中建筑能耗数据模型,考虑现有分项计量工程的能耗数据传输的不足和缺陷,研究建立面向动态监测的建筑能耗数据模型。2)分析当前能耗监测系统的数据模型,研究采用数据接口和系统集成等方式实现动态能耗监测数据与上述建筑能耗数据模型的集成,以及基于数据挖掘的标准化大数据提取。3)研究基于数据挖掘的建筑及机电标准化大数据提取技术,实现云端数据提取软件模块。
3 移动端三维图形管理模块及模型轻量化 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 研发“移动端三维图形管理模块及模型轻量化”,实现:1、模型压缩与网络传输优化;2、模型的三角网格简化;3、模型加载及显示优化;4、开发iOS及Android端的三维图形显示模块。
4 基于BIM的动态信息采集与分析技术 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 建筑的全生命期往往需要牵涉多方互相配合,而当前在建筑行业的实践中,建筑工程的不同参与方互相传递的BIM信息大多是不随时间变化发生的静态信息。在实际的建筑工程项目中的施工和运维阶段往往会产生大量的动态数据,如基于物联网监测设备获取的现场温度、湿度等环境参数,结构应力、应变和位移等结构物参数,以及不断产生的进度变更和维护维修记录等。这些数据不但在数据结构、存储方式、数据结构等方面与静态信息有较大的差别,其中更包含有大量有价值的信息和知识,具有很高的数据挖掘层面的潜力和应用价值。本研究将基于BIM模型及其数据标准,研究基于物联网技术的动态信息大数据的采集技术与方法。在此基础上,针对施工期盾构机作业,运维期建筑能耗监控以及路面损伤识别的具体业务场景,基于物联网监测信息与BIM模型的数据集成技术,以及数据挖掘、大数据分析、图像识别和机器学习等人工智能技术,研究BIM动态信息的大数据标准化提取和智能分析技术,并在上述的实际应用案例中,走通数据获取、分析和处理的完整流程,为施工和运维管理等提供优化决策的支持。
5 广州市市政交通工程BIM技术应用发展战略研究 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 对广州市市政交通工程 BIM 技术应用发展提供战略研究咨询服务,编制广州市市政交通工程 BIM 技术应用发展战略研究报告。
6 车陂路--新滘东路隧道工程(黄埔大道至新港东路)基于BIM技术的隧道工程精细化设计与施工研究 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 车陂路-新滘东路隧道工程(黄埔大道至新港东路)南起新港东路、止点至现状黄埔大道交叉口,全长约 2.07 km,道路等级为城市主干路,设计速度 60km/h。隧道工程主线全长 1547m,其中沉管段总长 492m,跨江隧道主线采用双向六车道。利用 BIM 先进技术和历年来项目管理经验,搭建工程项目全设计、施工、运维等全流程的 BIM 应用管理平台,实现隧道管线综合以及沉管管节精细化设计、施工及运维。
7 建筑机电设备知识图谱的构建和应用研究 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: MEP专业(电气、暖通、给排水)设计是建筑设计的重要内容,但由于建筑业数据结构复杂,知识库建设落后,从业人员难以精确获取该领域的所需知识。广联达在建筑信息领域积攒了大量以MEP设计、管理、建设为核心的原始数据。以这些多源异构数据为核心,可构建基于知识图谱的智能搜索引擎。该课题包括三部分内容,第一部分为基于知识图谱的数据结构化处理,需突破MEP领域语料库的收集、自动词性标注、实体识别和关系抽取等技术,由MEP原始数据构造领域知识图谱。第二部分为智能搜索引擎的构建,即基于MEP领域知识图谱,融合自然语言处理及深度学习技术,自动判断用户所需的“知识点”,进而给出用户想要的答案。第三部分是课题总结,研究将本课题构造的知识图谱用于智能问答,MEP构件检索,关联推荐、智慧工地等多项业务的可能。
8 基于 BIM 的大型公共建筑运维期安全管理技术研究 评论
项目来源: 国家自然科学基金面上
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 针对当前大型公共建筑运维期安全管理中存在的海量信息的管理和集成应用方 面等问题,本课题拟结合大型公共建筑的安全管理体系,通过引入 BIM 技术,并结合物联网 技术、云计算技术等国际上新兴前沿技术,基于国际建筑业 IFC 标准,构建一个基于 BIM 和 GIS 的多尺度运维管理模型。在此基础上,以集成创新为主要手段,研究基于云计算技术的 运维信息管理以及基于物联网的安全性能动态监测、评估与预警技术,开发基于 BIM 的大型 公共建筑运维期安全管理平台(BIM-SMP),为大型公共建筑运维期安全信息模型的创建和应 用提供一套完整的理论、方法、技术和平台支持,实现运维期安全的宏观管理和微观管理相 结合、信息管理和信息应用相结合、动态监测和实时评价相结合以及灾后模拟和逃生指引相 结合,可及时发现建筑安全隐患和制定灾后应急方案,进而提高建筑结构及其附属机电设备 的安全性能,减少建筑灾害损失。
成果介绍: 基于BIM的大型公共建筑运维期安全管理技术研究(科普)
9 基于BIM和物联网的再生水厂辅助运维管理 评论
项目来源: 北京市科技计划子课题
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 针对槐房水厂建筑物及构筑物繁多、工艺管线复杂等特点,研究设计、施工过程BIM信息的特征,引入建筑业国际标准IFC(Industry Foundation Classes),通过建立机电设备信息模型(MEP-BIM),解决设计、施工阶段BIM机电信息向运维阶段集成交付的问题,实现信息的综合管理和应用;同时,在BIM集成交付模型的基础上,综合应用计算机辅助工程技术(CAE)、虚拟现实技术、人工智能技术、工程数据库、移动网络技术、物联网技术以及计算机软件集成技术,根据北京槐房再生水厂项目的特点和具体需求,应用物联网的核心技术,通过技术集成、系统集成和应用集成等方式,开发“基于BIM的再生水厂辅助运维管理系统”,提供运维阶段的综合信息管理,实现快速获取、管理和处理相关信息,支持运维过程的综合信息、维护维修、运维知识库、机电设备信息管理与应急决策等,从而提高北京槐房再生水厂运维阶段的工作效率和信息化管理水平。
10 面向设计和施工期的建筑物时变结构安全性能的4D模拟和分析 评论
项目来源: 国家自然科学青年基金项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 当前施工安全分析和管理的手段主要包括工程安全管理和结构安全分析两方面。然而,目前的相关研究主要从其各自的角度来展开,没有联系起来进行综合分析。事实上,导致施工中任何一类安全事故的因素都不是孤立的。为实现集成化的施工期时变结构安全性能的分析和管理,引入信息技术是一条必需和可行的途径。本研究拟引入数据库、人工智能等新兴的计算机信息技术,结合传统结构工程领域中的时变结构分析方法,建立一个面向设计阶段和施工阶段的统一的信息模型,用于存储和管理海量的建筑信息,以及实现多种有限元计算软件中结构分析模型的统一。再应用四维CAD技术来模拟和描述施工全过程,并采用不同的有限元软件进行动态的结构计算,实现施工全过程中结构安全性能的动态模拟和分析,可为设计阶段考虑施工受力变化提供参考,也为施工现场提供新的安全分析手段,从而达到提高设计阶段和施工阶段效率和质量、降低生命周期成本、减少施工过程安全事故发生的目的。
11 基于全生命期绿色住宅产品化数字运营管理技术研究 评论
项目来源: 国家863项目子课题
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 通过实现设计、施工阶段与运行维护阶段的信息共享,研究基于全生命期的产品化绿色住宅运维管理技术、绿色性能与安全性能动态监控及评价技术,开发基于全生命期的产品化绿色住宅运维管理系统,为实现绿色住宅运维期的节能减排、防灾减灾和信息化管理提供技术支撑。
12 面向结构设计与施工阶段的统一信息模型的研究与应用 评论
项目来源: 中国博士后科学基金面上资助
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 当前施工安全分析和管理的手段主要包括工程安全管理和结构安全分析两方面。然而,目前的相关研究主要从其各自的角度来展开,没有联系起来进行综合分析。事实上,导致施工中任何一类安全事故的因素都不是孤立的。为实现集成化的施工期时变结构安全性能的分析和管理,引入信息技术是一条必需和可行的途径。本研究拟引入数据库、人工智能等新兴的计算机信息技术,结合传统结构工程领域中的时变结构分析方法,建立一个面向设计阶段和施工阶段的统一的信息模型,用于存储和管理海量的建筑信息,以及实现多种有限元计算软件中结构分析模型的统一。再应用四维CAD技术来模拟和描述施工全过程,并采用不同的有限元软件进行动态的结构计算,实现施工全过程中结构安全性能的动态模拟和分析,可为设计阶段考虑施工受力变化提供参考,也为施工现场提供新的安全分析手段,从而达到提高设计阶段和施工阶段效率和质量、降低生命周期成本、减少施工过程安全事故发生的目的。
13 基于BIM和4D技术的施工现场时变结构与可动设施间的动态碰撞检测 评论
项目来源: 中国博士后科学基金特别资助
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 本研究通过引进4D技术和BIM,将进度信息与场地实体的空间信息进行严密的整合,组成场地设施的4D时空信息模型,而不再局限于只是一种场地设施随时间变化的三维表现。并基于此4D时空信息模型,结合改进的物理碰撞检测算法,将系统的场地碰撞冲突分析功能扩展至每一个时间点,针对每个时间点对时变结构与可动设施之间进行动态的物理碰撞检测。本研究成果能为加强施工过程中的场地管理,避免由于时变结构与可动场地设施之间发生碰撞而导致安全事故,也为改善施工现场只能依靠管理者进行主观决策的落后局面,提供新的方法和手段,具有理论意义和应用前景。
14 多重灾害作用下大型复杂混合结构工作机理研究 评论
项目来源: 清华大学自主科研
本人角色: 参与
15 重大工程地质灾害快速监测与评估 评论
项目来源: 国家863项目子课题
本人角色: 参与
16 基于BIM的机电设备设施管理系统 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 本研究通过引入国际标准IFC(Industrial Foundation Classes),基于从设计和施工阶段所建立的面向机电设备的BIM(MEP-BIM),设计机电设备全信息数据库,用于信息的综合存储与管理。在此基础上,开发基于BIM的机电设备智能管理系统(BIM-FIM 2012),其目的一方面是为了实现MEP安装过程和运营阶段的信息共享,以及安装完成后将实体建筑和虚拟的MEP-BIM一起集成交付;另一方面是为了加强运营期MEP的综合信息化管理,为延长设备使用寿命、保障所有设备系统的安全运行提供高效的手段和技术支持。
17 天津富力广东大厦项目投标的BIM技术服务 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 基于BIM技术和清华大学自主知识产权的“建筑工程4D项目管理系统”,为施工投标方在天津富力广东大厦项目的土建施工投标阶段提供BIM技术服务。主要内容和要求为利用BIM技术和4D系统协助,将甲方建立的BIM模型导入到4D系统中,并在该系统中实现4D施工过程模拟(能够展示相关参数和数据)、资源使用分析、成本费用分析,并形成一套动画。
18 深圳机场T3航站楼玻璃幕墙快速建模 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 深圳机场T3航站楼的幕墙造型采用了自由曲面上参数化造型的设计,建筑设计方使用空间三维坐标点的方式给出了航站楼外表皮的单层单线模型。在进行施工图深化设计时,需根据该模型以及施工图设计过程中所需的各种指导生产/安装的信息,对原数据进行相应的预处理,从而建立符合施工图要求的多层构造的三维模型,并实现图纸输出。本研究在建筑设计方提供的数据基础上,开发了集预处理、自动建模、后处理等功能于一体的深圳机场T3航站楼幕墙CAD系统(T3-CW-CAD),旨在提高幕墙施工图设计工作的效率。应用结果表明该系统的研发对于指导建筑构件的生产和幕墙系统的施工起到了关键的作用。
19 基于BIM技术的建筑工程安全信息模型及分析软件研究 评论
项目来源: 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划子课题项目
本人角色: 参与
摘 要: 针对建筑工程全生命周期,着眼于建筑施工过程安全分析,基于BIM技术,研究并建立适合我国的建筑工程安全信息模型,研制基于BIM的建筑工程4D施工管理与安全分析系统。包括建立基于BIM技术的建筑安全信息模型、研究施工期建筑结构的安全分析和预测方法、研究建筑施工过程的冲突检测和安全分析方法、建立建筑施工期安全控制管理和决策支持模型、研制基于BIM技术的建筑安全分析与控制系统、将该软件的原型系统试用于实际工程等研究内容。课题于2011年4月15日在北京通过专家组验收和鉴定,评价为“国际领先水平”。
20 建筑设计与施工一体化信息共享技术研究 评论
项目来源: 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划子课题项目
本人角色: 参与
摘 要: 通过深层次的理论研究和高新技术的综合应用,确立BIM的理论、方法和建模技术,引入建筑业国际标准IFC,建立建筑工程设计与施工一体化信息模型和数据交换标准,开发设计与施工信息共享管理平台及相关的支撑软件,从而为实现设计与施工的信息交换、共享和集成化管理,提供研究理论、方法和技术方面的支持,并为开发新一代建筑设计和建筑施工管理系统提供标准、工具和平台,以便进一步解决项目建设各阶段的信息共享,实现建筑全生命期管理奠定基础。
21 《深圳市历史遗留建筑物安全性检测与鉴定规程》 评论
项目来源: 深圳市建设局
本人角色: 参编
摘 要: 由深圳市住房和建设局委托,清华大学深圳研究生院土建工程安全研究中心和中国建筑科学研究院国家建筑工程质量监督检验中心为主编单位,陈肇元院士担任主编,遇平静教授、陈勤博士和胡振中博士参编,会同有关单位共同完成了《深圳市历史遗留建筑物安全性检查评估和检测鉴定规程》。审查会议于2011年11月28日在深圳市迎宾馆召开,认为《规程》针对临时使用建筑的安全评估提出的基于建筑结构状况全面检查的评价方法、对于确认产权建筑物的检测鉴定提出的基于建筑状况分类的抽样检测方法和鉴定要求及安全性鉴定与抗震性鉴定相结合的综合评估方法,具有创新性。;《规程》对深圳市历史遗留建筑的安全性检测鉴定做了系统和详细的规定,对指导和规范该类建筑物的安全性检测鉴定将起到重要作用,具有显著的社会经济效益,其研究内容和方法在国内国家标准及地方标准中属首创,达到了国内领先水平。
22 4D-BIM系统的研发与应用(国家体育场、广州地铁、上海国际金融中心、昆明新机场、中建地产、北京英特宜家、深圳天安高尔夫珑园、青岛海湾大桥、广州西塔、海军总医院9931工程) 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 参与
23 基于BIM的济南黄河公铁两用桥工程施工安全监测与4D动态管理系统 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 参与
摘 要: 在清华大学已有的 BIM(Building Information Modeling)技术研究成果和“基于BIM的工程项目4D施工动态管理系统”软件的基础上,定制开发“基于BIM的济南黄河公铁两用桥工程施工安全监测与4D动态管理系统”,并将该系统应用于济南黄河公铁两用桥工程的实际施工管理过程中。
24 基于BIM的建筑工厂化(设计、加工、仓储)管理系统 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 本研究通过应用BIM技术,通过开发具有自主知识产权的建筑工厂化(设计、加工、仓储)管理系统,为项目多参与方提供协同工作平台,辅助BIM深化设计、预制构件信息管理、预制构件编码、预制构件加工、现场装配组合。
25 轨道交通BIM管理平台研究与开发 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 针对广州市轨道交通的建设需求,在清华大学已有的BIM(Building Information Modeling)技术研究成果和“基于BIM的工程项目4D施工动态管理系统”软件的基础上,研发“轨道交通BIM管理平台”(以下简称BIM平台),并为合作方在广州市轨道交通项目提供BIM平台的搭建、接入、使用、培训、定制开发与软件维护等技术服务。
26 基于Web的BIM服务平台研究与开发 评论
项目来源: 自主选题
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 本研究为自选课题研究项目,自主研发一个基于WebGL的网页端BIM平台,实现1)BIM模型的浏览与交互;2)面向结构分析的BIM模型转化;3)BIM知识智能搜索引擎。为BIM的进一步跨平台普及推广应用奠定良好的基础。
27 新一代桥梁管理系统软件开发 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 针对当前的桥梁管理系统普遍存在着管理体系不完整、分析和评估模型落后且不准确、数据库功能不够强大、人机交互体验性不强等问题,基于WebGIS和先进的退化模型、费用模型,开发“新一代桥梁管理系统软件”,实现桥梁在运维过程中的综合信息管理、检查管理、劣化分析、维护管理、报表输出以及决策支持的管理内容。
28 建筑信息模型(BIM)联合研究中心一期项目 评论
项目来源: 横向项目
本人角色: 负责人
摘 要: 在清华大学(土水学院)-广联达软件股份有限公司BIM联合研究中心的支持下,进行以下三个课题的研究:面向BIM的知识引擎的研究与开发(基础研究专项)、基于BIM的时变结构安全性能模拟和分析系统(系统研发专项)、基于BIM的机电设备运维管理系统(系统研发专项)。
29 基于云计算的建筑全生命期BIM集成与应用关键技术研究 评论
项目来源: 国家自然科学基金面上项目
本人角色: 参与
摘 要: 本课题针对当前建筑信息模型(BIM)技术应用于建筑业信息化存在的问题和迫切需求,通过引入国际上新兴的云计算技术,基于国际建筑工业IFC标准,构建一个面向建筑全生命期各阶段和不同应用的BIM结构体系,提出面向建设项目多参与方分阶段递进式的BIM建模方法,研究BIM数据分布存储及管理、BIM数据集成及融合、BIM数据提取与交换以及基于过程的BIM服务及应用等关键技术,开发基于云计算的BIM集成与应用服务平台(BIM Integration and Server Platform,BIMISP)。为建筑全生命期BIM创建和应用提供一套完整的理论、方法、技术和平台支持,实现BIM信息在建设项目规划、设计、施工和运行维护全过程的全局共享、无损传递和充分利用,进而提高工作效率和质量、降低资源消耗,支持在建筑全生命期实施可持续发展战略。


The Beijing Intel IKEA.jpg


The Kunming new airport.jpg


The National Stadium -- Bird's Nest.jpg


The Guangzhou West Tower.jpg


The Shenzhen Kerry Centre Phase II.jpg


The Shanghai International Financial Center.jpg


The Navy General Hospital 9931 project.png


The Qingdao Bay Bridge.jpg


The terminal 3 of Shenzhen Airport.jpg



序号 时间 名称 评论
1 2023 城市信息模型基础平台技术标准 评论
标准编号: DBJ/T15-262-2023
编写人员: 王永海、包世泰、曹书兵、乔长江、黎栋梁、陈顺清、王洋、黎嘉慧、周子璐、林艾嘉、黄立新、罗志华、唐柱鹏、彭进双、刘远亮、罗冠鑫、刘勇、张赛、罗远峰、胡振中、陈航、李钦、王湛、梁昊飞、陈彪、孙建龙、周桔红、董南、高歌
下载链接: http://zfcxjst.gd.gov.cn
2 2022 医院运维建筑信息模型应用标准 评论
标准编号: T/CECS 1096-2022
编写人员: 余芳强、程明、魏建军、张建忠、卢爱国、张铭、胡振中、李永奎、许璟琳、左锋、彭阳、魏永明、郑国彪、沈倍义、姜仁、赵国林、赵东方、高尚、高健、宋天任、钟天鹰、邱嘉、唐森骑、方强
下载链接: https://www.gongbiaoku.com/read/gwy24826xoe?secId=vff1023553061
3 2020 贵州省建筑信息模型技术应用标准 评论
标准编号: DBJ52/T101-2020
编写人员: 张建平、胡振中、林佳瑞、李雯娟、涂志强、陈祖文、刘孟雯、李希龙、王正清、黄洁、吴大鹏、邱爱博、马杰、罗刚、任鸿斌、罗恩浩、吴道林、王培、张晔、夏思阳、郭魁、张再芳、曾锋、邓双黔、杨大勇、陈泷、刘军安、乐俊、赵彦霖、杨灵运、杨文峰、张磊
本标准共12章6个附录和条文说明,主要内容包括:总则、术语、基本规定、应用环境、应用组织管理、模型创建与管理、可行性研究及规划阶段 BIM 应用、勘察设计阶段 BIM 应用、施工阶段 BIM 应用、运维阶段 BIM 应用、工程造价 BIM 应用、基于 BIM 的大数据应用以及附录、条文说明等。
下载链接: /UpLoad/Files/202311/AACAfbzmQhA.pdf
4 2019 技术产品文件建筑信息模型(BIM)技能等级标准 评论
标准编号: T/SCGS 311001—2019
编写人员: 王静、张建奇、强毅、张建平、马智亮、谢卫、董建峰、徐旻洋、霍光辉、胡振中
为进一步完善行业技能专业标准体系,为专业技能人才的教育与培训提供科学、规范的依据,中国图学学会依据当前建筑行业的发展情况,组织相关专家,进行了本标准的编写。BIM(Building Information Modeling)技术是一种应用于工程设计、施工、运维、管理的技术体系,通过对建筑的数据化、信息化模型整合,在项目策划、实施、运行和维护的全生命期过程中进行信息的共享和传递,使工程技术人员对各种建筑信息作出正确理解和高效应对,为设计团队以及包括建设、运营单位在内的各方建设主体提供协同工作的基础,在提高生产效率、节约成本和缩短工期方面发挥重要作用。本标准以现阶段 BIM 技能人员所需水平和要求为目标,在充分考虑经济发展、科技进步和产业结构变化影响的基础上,对 BIM 技能的工作范围、技能要求和知识水平做了明确规定。
下载链接: /UpLoad/Files/202311/AADAAbzmQhA.pdf
序号 时间 名称 评论
1 2025 一种基于深度学习的动态电缆动力响应监测方法、计算机可读存储介质及程序产品 评论
类型: 中华人民共和国发明专利
专利号: ZL202411609188.X
2 2024 一种基于数字孪生的风机安装力学分析方法及系统 评论
类型: 中华人民共和国发明专利
专利号: ZL202311306512.6
3 2023 一种基坑柔性挡墙墙后有限黏性土主被动土压力模型试验装置 评论
类型: 中华人民共和国发明专利
专利号: ZL201911214637.X
4 2023 海面波浪的三维动态模拟和可视化方法 评论
类型: 中华人民共和国发明专利
专利号: ZL202211436973.0
5 2022 基于词典匹配的实体标注方法、模块及装置 评论
类型: 中华人民共和国发明专利
专利号: ZL202011079331.0
授权公告号: CN112347765B
6 2022 基于浓度分析的水体污染扩散模拟预测方法和装置 评论
类型: 中华人民共和国发明专利
专利号: ZL202111240610.5
授权公告号: CN113688555B
7 2022 基于粒子运动的水体污染扩散模拟预测方法和装置 评论
类型: 中华人民共和国发明专利
专利号: ZL202111232257.6
授权公告号: CN113705131B
8 2020 基坑柔性挡墙墙后有限黏性土主被动土压力模型试验装置 评论
类型: 中华人民共和国实用新型专利
专利号: ZL201922125843.5
授权公告号: CN211401942U
9 2012 基于IFC标准的建筑信息模型数据集成与交换引擎装置和方法 评论
类型: 中华人民共和国发明专利
专利号: 201110023930
本发明属于建筑业信息技术领域,为建筑信息模型(Building Information Model,BIM)的创建和应用,提供一种基于IFC标准的建筑信息模型数据集成与交换引擎装置和方法。以基于IFC标准和关系型数据库建立的BIM数据库为基础,实现IFC格式BIM解析,非IFC格式建筑信息转化,BIM子模型的提取和集成,BIM数据存储、交换以及访问控制,该引擎装置包括IFC实体库、IFC文件解析器、IFC几何模型转化器、Project-IFC转化器、BIM子模型集成器、BIM子模型提取器、数据访问控制器、BIM数据存储器、BIM数据提取器以及IFC文件生成器等组件。本发明支持多种格式的BIM数据转化,可实现面向建筑生命期各阶段或不同应用的BIM数据集成与交换。采用数据批量处理技术,有效提高了BIM数据集成与交换的效率。
序号 时间 名称 评论
1 2025 空间全景漫游展示系统V1.0 评论
著作权号: 2025SR0215731
2 2025 导管架平台结构振动健康监测系统V1.0 评论
著作权号: 2025SR0258605
3 2023 浮式风机结构健康智能监测系统 评论
著作权号: 2023SR0167488
4 2022 基于Web的模型可视化平台 评论
著作权号: 2022SR1427643
5 2021 建筑机电知识获取和可视化系统(MEP知识系统)1.0 评论
著作权号: 2021SR1537190
本系统主要面向建筑机电(MEP,mechanical, electrical and plumbing)领域内知识工程相关的工作人员,为他们提供一个完整易用的、可以对MEP领域文本进行自动处理和知识获取的流式web服务,并提供了必要的可视化功能,用于对获取的知识进行可视化的展示和交互。通过本系统,用户可以方便地调用接口,以进行一次完整的MEP文本分析和知识获取流程;同时,用户可以通过交互式的浏览从文本中获取的图结构知识,对从MEP文本中获取的关键信息产生直观认识;用户也可以更方便地对图数据库中积累的所有图结构知识进行检索,降低用户在图数据库操作方面的门槛。本系统基于B/S前后端架构,主要由文本流处理处理模块、数据管理模块和用户交互界面模块组成,其中,文本流处理模块作为核心,负责对输入MEP文本的解析和知识获取工作,从文本中获取结构化的三元组列表,并对下传输到数据管理模块进行持久化储存,对上返回到用户交互界面模块进行可视化展示;数据管理模块负责所有的数据库相关操作;用户交互界面模块负责前端的鼠标、键盘操作和可视化展示。
6 2021 海洋环境信息建模系统 评论
著作权号: 2021SR0772916
本系统主要面向与海洋领域相关的各类工作人员,提供用于浏览、查询多种海洋大气及波浪等环境信息数据的平台。通过本系统,用户可以通过三维交互的方式浏览环境数据在全球的分布,对海洋环境随区域的变化趋势产生直观的认识;用户也可直接在交互界面查询任意位置的环境数据,降低海洋环境信息数据检索和读取的门槛。本系统主要由数据管理模块、三维图形处理模块、用户交互界面模块组成。其中,数据管理模块从netCDF(network Common Data Form,网络通用数据模块)文件中提取并管理所需的环境信息数据;三维图形显示模块控制三维地球云图的生成及环境数据的可视化处理;用户交互界面模块用于处理鼠标、键盘等用户输入,并进行三维图形的最终展示。
7 2021 建筑群风环境与污染物扩散模拟系统 评论
著作权号: 2021SR0772915
8 2020 建筑及其机电系统动态标准化大数据提取软件 评论
著作权号: 2020SR0267715
9 2018 基于BIM的大型公共建筑运维期安全管理平台(BIM-SMP) 评论
著作权号: 2018SR729088
本软件名称为基于BIM的大型公共建筑运维期安全管理平台(BIM-based Safety Management Platform for large public buildings,简称BIM-SMP),为大型公共建筑运维期安全信息模型的创建和应用提供一套完整的软件平台支持。BIM-SMP是一款面向大型公共建筑的运维期的BIM应用软件。主要功能软件均以插件的形式挂接到主平台上,可以根据自己的需求自主开发插件。本系统主要包含以下功能模块:1)	主应用平台:包括基本的用户界面、登录注销、视图、导航等界面,同时包含自主开发的BIM环境。2)	项目属性与管理:管理项目、子项目及BIM关联的各类属性信息。3)	建筑设备安全管理:实现建筑设备及自动控制系统的信息获取与集成、实时监控结果的动态显示、运行状态分析与预警等。4)	结构安全管理:引入物联网技术,通过智能传感器布设,获取住宅结构安全性能信息,通过数据扩展方式与原有的BIM模型实现异构信息的整合,实现结构安全性能动态监测与评价。5)	人员安全管理:基于人工智能的大型公共建筑人员动态疏散的研究成果,提供了人员安全模型建立、动态疏散策略功能、人员安全可视化等实用功能。
10 2017 基于BIM的建筑设备运维管理系统V1.0 评论
著作权号: 2017SR046923
11 2016 基于全生命期产品化绿色住宅运维管理系统(LC-FGB-FM) 评论
著作权号: 2016SR269712
12 2016 基于BIM的时变结构安全性能模拟和分析系统(BIM-SSAS) 评论
著作权号: 2016SR179822
13 2016 基于BIM的建设工程文件归档管理系统(BIM-CDM) 评论
著作权号: 2016SR123940
1)系统将BIM模型属性和各类附件分别用相应格式的文档统一存储,并提供了分类、搜索、查询、统计的功能。为运维人员查询设备信息,修改设备状态,追溯设备历史、查看文档附件信息等需求,提供了方便快捷的查询、编辑和分析工具,做到了海量文档信息的高效利用和管理。 2)运维知识库功能提供了包括操作规程、培训资料等知识文档,运维人员可根据自己的需要,在遇到运维难题时快速查找和学习。 3)针对移动端对文档信息查询的需要,专门开发了相应的APP。利用二维编码技术以及多维可视化BIM平台可以在移动端做到文档信息的动态显示与查询分析。运维人员可以通过PDA,在户外维护现场快速扫描和查询设备的详细信息、查看维护日志,解决当前问题。
14 2016 基于BIM的机电设备设施管理系统V2.0(BIM-FIM) 评论
著作权号: 2016SR057011
15 2013 基于BIM的结构分析模型转换系统(Unitive-BIM) 评论
著作权号: 2013SR138762
16 2013 基于BIM的建筑工厂化(设计、加工、仓储)管理系统(BIM-FC) 评论
著作权号: 2013SR121642
17 2012 基于BIM的机电设备设施管理系统(BIM-FIM) 评论
著作权号: 2012R11L173033
18 2011 基于BIM的建筑工程4D施工安全与冲突分析系统(4DBIM-COSCAS) 评论
著作权号: 2011SR031069
基于建筑信息模型的建筑工程4D施工安全与冲突分析系统(BIM-based 4D Construction Safety and Conflict Analysis System,简称4DBIM-COSCAS)结合我国建筑施工安全分析与管理的实际需求,通过建立基于IFC标准的4D施工安全信息模型,实现建筑设计、结构分析和施工管理的信息共享与集成管理,提供了施工过程安全检查评分、施工过程时变结构和支撑体系的动态安全分析、施工进度/资源/成本费用的冲突分析与管理以及场地设施动态碰撞检测等功能,在4D动态施工管理和过程模拟中实现了施工安全与冲突分析。系统可用于各种建筑工程的施工安全分析和管理,尤其适用于大型、复杂工程。
19 2006 基于IFC标准的建筑工程4D施工管理系统(4D-GCPSU) 评论
序号 时间 名称 评论
1 2025
Liu Y, Li Y L, Min Y T, Chen S L, Yang W, Gu J T, Feng W J, Li Y H, Hong C P, Du J Q, Li S W, Li B B, Guo Y T, Zhang J M*, Hu Z Z*. Fukushima Contaminated Water Risk Factor: Global Implications[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2025.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
The discharge of Fukushima radioactively contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean started in August 2023, posing comprehensive threats to marine ecosystems and human health globally. This study introduces the Fukushima Contaminated Water Risk Factor (FCWRF), which integrates three components-radionuclide diffusion, bioaccumulation, and global seafood trade-to evaluate the spatiotemporal distribution of risks based on actual discharge practices. Results suggest that comprehensive risks exceeding 2 orders of magnitude beyond the baseline will be transferred to six continents globally. Furthermore, the spread of such risks is projected to be six times faster than radionuclide diffusion. In the simulation, the results illustrated a small increase in radionuclide activity occurring in most regions of the Pacific Ocean. Nevertheless, the dimensionless FCWRF based on a novel integrated framework bridges the barriers among different fields in the risk assessment of radionuclides, thereby underpinning timely and effective responses from the global community.
下载链接: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.4c08145
2 2025
Chen Y, Ding Y M, Hu Z Z, Ren Z R. Geometrized Task Scheduling and Adaptive Resource Allocation for Large-Scale Edge Computing in Smart Cities[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2025.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
Edge computing is vital in developing smart cities by providing on-site computational resources to support the surging Internet of Things demands. However, the distributed nature of edge nodes and large scale of tasks distributed in expansive urban spaces challenge task scheduling and resource allocation. In this paper, a novel framework is developed to achieve efficient task scheduling (assignment and offloading) and resource allocation for large-scale edge computing in both wired and wireless smart-city applications. To overcome overparameterization in existing optimization-based heuristic algorithms, the geometrized task scheduling problem is addressed by transforming the assignment of clustered tasks into a regional partition problem in a two-dimensional graph and applying a Tetris-like task offloading strategy for edge-cloud cooperation. These approaches avoid combinatorial explosion and NP-hardness, and the regional partition problem is solved by multiplicative weighted Voronoi diagrams with polynomial computational complexity. Furthermore, an adaptive resource allocation algorithm is proposed to overcome the dynamic, uncertain, and highly concurrent task requests. An online learning algorithm is adopted to adjust the sliding window length according to the evolving conditions. Comparison results show that the proposed framework significantly reduces the average task deadline violation rate, i.e., up to 4.72% of (more than 20 times better than) those using the other schemes, especially when handling large-scale workloads.
下载链接: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10820112
3 2025
Yang L, Li B B*, Dong Y H, Hu Z Z, Zhang K, Li S W. Large-amplitude rotation of floating offshore wind turbines: A comprehensive review of causes, consequences, and solutions[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2025, 211, 115295.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
Floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) have emerged as a promising option for harnessing offshore wind resources, benefiting from better wind conditions in offshore areas, minimal impact on nearby coastal installations, and the ability to accommodate larger turbine sizes. Field measurements and physical model tests have demonstrated the occurrence of large-amplitude rotation in FOWTs, posing potential threats to structural integrity and causing fluctuations in electricity generation. Some studies have addressed these issues, but targeted and systematic research is noticeably lacking. This review aims to comprehensively identify and analyse the root causes of large-amplitude rotation in FOWTs, categorising them into various aspects such as hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, and aerodynamic loads, etc. The effects of nonlinear wave loads, low-frequency rotation, and negative aerodynamic damping are discussed in detail. Existing solutions proposed to mitigate large-amplitude rotation, including blade pitch control, tuned mass dampers, active ballast, and tuned liquid dampers, are summarised and evaluated. Nevertheless, most solutions to date have been adapted from fixed wind turbines. Accordingly, more specific and efficient measures must be proposed based on a more adequate understanding of the behaviour and causes of large-amplitude rotation.
下载链接: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2024.115295
4 2024
Deng S K, Chen S L*, Sui Y*, Hu Z Z. Intensification of an Autumn Tropical Cyclone by Offshore Wind Farms in the Northern South China Sea[J]. ‌Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129, e2024JD041489.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
The rapid development of the wind industry is accompanied by increasing environmental impacts. Currently, there is a lack of research on the impacts of offshore wind farm (OWF) on tropical cyclone (TC) intensity, including the mechanisms involved. This research is carried out by using a coupled and an uncoupled numerical model to investigate the impact of OWF on an autumn TC in the northeastern South China Sea. The results show that the wind speed deficit caused by OWF leads to an increase in surface pressure on the inflow side. This causes the surface pressure in the TC periphery to increase by advection, even if the TC is some distance away from the OWF. The increase in pressure gradient from the periphery to the TC center enhances the TC secondary circulation, thereby intensifying the TC. When the TC entersthe OWF, the above mechanisms weaken and the ocean dominates the TC intensification. This is because the reduction in wind speed caused by the OWF results in a weaker sea surface current velocity, which weakens the flow of upstream cold water into the OWF, warming the sea surface temperature (SST) within the OWF. This implies that the horizontal gradient of the local SST is an important factor to be considered in the development of OWF. Sensitivity experiments indicate that OWF can also intensify other types of TC, and that higher cut‐out wind speeds lead to stronger intensification effects. These results also provide a new perspective on TC intensity forecasts.
下载链接: https://doi.org/10.1029/2024JD041489
5 2024
Ge K, Wang C, Guo Y T*, Tang Y S, Hu Z Z, Chen H B. Fine-tuning vision foundation model for crack segmentation in civil infrastructures[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 431, 136573.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
Large-scale foundation models have become the mainstream deep learning method, while in civil engineering, the scale of AI models is strictly limited. In this work, a vision foundation model is introduced for crack segmentation. Two parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods, adapter and low-rank adaptation, are adopted to finetune the foundation model in semantic segmentation: the Segment Anything Model (SAM). The fine-tuned CrackSAM shows excellent performance on different scenes and materials. To test the zero-shot performance of the proposed method, two unique datasets related to road and exterior wall cracks are collected, annotated and open-sourced, for a total of 810 images. Comparative experiments are conducted with twelve mature semantic segmentation models. On datasets with artificial noise and previously unseen datasets, the performance of CrackSAM far exceeds that of all state-of-the-art models. CrackSAM exhibits remarkable superiority, particularly under challenging conditions such as dim lighting, shadows, road markings, construction joints, and other interference factors. These cross-scenario results demonstrate the outstanding zero-shot capability of foundation models and provide new ideas for developing vision models in civil engineering.
下载链接: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.136573
6 2024 评论
检索情况: SCI检索号:
High offshore installation costs are a significant factor limiting the competitiveness of offshore wind energy. One efficient installation approach for floating offshore wind turbines is to preassemble the tower, nacelle, and rotor onshore and perform a single lifting operation to mate the superstructure with the floating foundation at the installation site. It is heavy lifting, due to the weighty payload. At the end of the mating process, a loadoff operation is conducted to transfer the preassembly to the floating foundation. It results in a sudden change in total force acting on the vessel and causes substantial acceleration and potential damage to the mechanism in the onboard nacelles. The magnitude of acceleration of the onboard nacelles can vary greatly at different release instants. In this research, a simplified two-degrees-of-freedom (DOF) (heave and pitch) model is also proposed to account for the heavy lifting process and variable ballast tanks. The sudden payload transfer is approximated using a hyperbolic tangent function to guarantee continuity and differentiability. The loadoff operation consists of the decision-making and vessel-stabilizing phases. Based on the nonlinear model predictive control method, a payload-transfer time selector and anti-pitch ballast controller have been developed to achieve optimal release time decisions and stabilize the vessel after payload release, respectively. Six-DOF simulation results show that the proposed algorithms are capable to a satisfying level of robustness of deciding the optimal payload release time instant, as well as limiting the peak and mean acceleration magnitudes of the onboard nacelles after payload release. The decision-making and control strategies may promote the sustainable energy transformation by extending the operation window and reduce the installation costs.
下载链接: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2024.100096
7 2024 评论
检索情况: SCI检索号:
As global warming intensifies, the development of offshore wind farms is swiftly progressing, especially deep-water Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (FOWTs) capable of energy capture in deep-sea regions, which have emerged as a focal point of both academic and industrial interest. Although numerous researchers have conducted comprehensive and multifaceted studies on various components of wind turbines, less attention has been paid to the operational stage responses of FOWTs to wind, waves, and currents and the reliability of their structural components. This study primarily employs a theoretical analysis to establish mathematical models under a series of reasonable assumptions, examining the possibility of collisions between FOWT transport fleets and other vessels in the passage area during the towing process. Using the model, this paper takes the Wanning Floating Offshore Wind Farm (FOWF) project, which is scheduled to be deployed in the South China Sea, as its research object and calculates the probability of collisions between FOWTs and other vessels in three months from the pier near Wanning, Hainan, to a predetermined position 22 km away. The findings of the analysis indicate that the mathematical model developed in this study integrates the quantities and velocities of navigational vessels within the target maritime area as well as the speeds, routes, and schedules of the FOWT transport fleet. By employing statistical techniques and geometric calculations, the model can determine the frequency of collisions between various types of vessels and the FOWT transport fleet during the transportation period. This has substantial relevance for future risk assessments and disaster prevention and mitigation measures in the context of FOWT transportation.
下载链接: https://doi.org/10.3390/su16041705
8 2023
Guo X Q, Liu Y, Zhang J M, Chen S L, Li S W, Hu Z Z*. Simulation Analysis of the Dispersion of Typical Marine Pollutants by Fusion of Multiple Processes[J]. Sustainability, 2023, 15, 10547.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
The rapid development of coastal economies has aggravated the problem of pollution in the coastal water bodies of various countries. Numerous incidents of massive-scale marine life deaths have been reported because of the excessive discharge of industrial and agricultural wastewater. To investigate the diffusion of typical pollutants after discharge, in this study, a multi-process fusion simulation analysis model of pollutants under the action of ocean currents was established based on the concentration analysis method. Furthermore, key technologies involved, such as the parameter value, data selection, and visualization, were investigated. The iterative analysis and programming realization of three independent sub-processes, such as pollutant diffusion and transport, and the drift path and concentration distribution of pollutants after their discharge into the sea, were visualized. The case study revealed that the increase in the concentration of pollutants in the ocean was affected by the diffusion sub-process, and the transport sub-process plays a critical role in the long-distance transport of pollutants. The proposed method can provide technical support for marine environmental risk assessment and dynamic tracking of marine pollutants.
下载链接: https://doi.org/10.3390/su151310547
9 2023
Liu Y, Zhang J M, Min Y T, Yu Y T, Lin C, Hu Z Z*. A digital twin-based framework for simulation and monitoring analysis of floating wind turbine structures[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 283:115009.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
It is currently a prevailing trend to adopt clean energies instead of traditional ones due to the global climate change caused by carbon emissions. Offshore wind farms, in particular, have emerged as a crucial source of renewable energy, owing to their benefits such as no land occupation and abundant resources. However, the design, installation, operation, and maintenance (O&M) of floating wind turbines (FWTs) involve multiple sources of heterogeneous data, which pose challenges to data integration and management, as well as to the simulation and analysis of FWTs. To address this issue, this study proposes a unified framework based on digital twin (DT) to acquire and integrate diverse types of information used throughout the entire life cycle of FWTs. A digital 3D model serves as a medium to enable real-time synchronization and inversion of sensor data, facilitating the simulation and analysis of the global state of FWTs. The proposed framework is evaluated through a case study of a twin-barge float-over project, which includes process simulation, mechanical analysis, and anomaly identification. The results demonstrate that DT can facilitate timely monitoring and analysis of FWTs, and enable visualization of construction plans, early warning of structural abnormalities, and accurate recognition of FWT posture and marine environment. The case study validates the efficacy of the proposed framework in ensuring personnel and equipment safety, optimizing project plans, and improving construction efficiency.
下载链接: https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0029-8018(23)01393-8
10 2023
Yang C, Lin J R*, Yan K X, Deng Y C, Hu Z Z, Liu C. Data-Driven Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Construction Supervisors[J]. Buildings, 2023, 13(5), 1264.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
The performances of construction supervisors are essential for the monitoring, control, and coordination of the construction process of a project in order to adhere to a predefined schedule, cost, quality and other factors. However, it is challenging to evaluate their performance due to limitations such as data deficiency, human error, etc. Thus, this paper proposes an approach to data-driven quantitative performance evaluation of construction supervisors by integrating an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and activity tracking. The proposed approach contains three parts, namely, index extraction, weighting, data-driven index calculation, and then validation by case study. Firstly, performance indexes were developed based on a literature review as well as surveys and function analysis of the information system for construction supervision (CSI system). Then, the weights of and relationships among of the indexes are determined by AHP. After that, with daily workflow and inspection activities tracked in the CSI system, a method and a software module for automatic calculation of indexes were developed. Lastly, the proposed approach was validated by a real-world case. The result showed that the proposed approach can quantify the performance of a construction supervisor systematically and automatically, which shed lights on how to evaluate the performance of a worker based on the tracking of daily activities. The data-driven process enhanced our strong interpretation of member actions and evaluation indexes, and can boost the performance of every member in an organization.
下载链接: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-5309/13/5/1264
11 2022
Ren Z R, Zhou H Y, Li B B, Hu Z Z, Yu M H, Shi W*. Localization and topological observability analysis of a moored floating structure using mooring line tension measurements[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 266: 112706.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
Mooring is a widely used stationkeeping approach for floating structures. The main contribution of thispaper is to propose a novel localization scheme, which provides additional real-time position references and estimates the unknown anchor positions to a moored structure simultaneously using tension measurements from the mooring monitoring system. The proposed method enhances the safety of moored floating structures by extracting redundant position information from tension measurements instead of using satellite signals. A line-of-sight model that transforms tension measurements into range signals is developed. Fairleads, turret dynamics, and slow-varying current profiles are considered to provide a more realistic and robust tension-based localization scheme than early research. A distance-only sensor network is constructed, and graph rigidity theory is applied to analyze its topological observability. Two simplified models are presented for some specific applications: (1) to find the broken anchors offline with stored data for any vessels equipped with tension cells and (2) to position the moored structures with known anchor positions. Sensitivity studies show that theinfluence of unknown surface current is small, while the effects of unknown current profiles are larger. The positioning accuracy can be improved by increasing the number of virtual vessels.
下载链接: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029801822019898?dgcid=coauthor
12 2022
Lin C, Hu Z Z, Yang C, Deng Y C, Zheng W, Lin J R*. Maturity Assessment of Intelligent Construction Management[J]. Buildings, 2022, 12, 1742.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
 In the new era of Construction 4.0, the application of a large number of intelligent information technologies (ITs) and advanced managerial approaches have brought about the rapid development of intelligent construction management (ICM). However, it is still unclear how to assess the maturity of ICM. In this study, a maturity assessment system for ICM was formulated through literature reviews, questionnaires, expert discussions and a case study. A maturity scoring table containing five assessment dimensions and twenty assessment indicators was developed, and corresponding maturity levels and a radar chart of dimensions were designed. A case study of theassessments of two construction enterprises was conducted to validate that the proposed assessment system could be used by construction enterprises to quantitatively assess their ICM maturities and obtain both overall and specific assessment results. This study also proposed practical improvement methods to improve ICM maturities for construction enterprises with different maturity levels. Furthermore, the study also discussed the development direction of ICM at present and in the short-term future, which should be paid more attention to by the construction industry.
下载链接: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-5309/12/10/1742
13 2022
Leng S, Li S W, Hu Z Z*, Wu H Y, Li B B. Development of a micro-in-meso-scale framework for simulating pollutant dispersion and wind environment in building groups[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 132661.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
Simulation of pollutant dispersion and wind environment is of significant importance to the safety and health of pedestrians and residents. However, the high threshold of data collection and model configuration has hindered its application in the building industry. To address the problem, this paper proposes a Micro-in-Meso-scale (MiM) simulation framework for automatic and foolproof pollutant dispersion and wind environment simulation. The meso-scale Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model is first carried out to obtain city-level meteorology data with sufficient resolution. The micro-scale Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model is then initialized to simulate pollutant dispersion and wind environment in building groups. The two models are coupled where the numerical results of WRF are provided to CFD for the configuration of boundary conditions. Fluid dynamics knowledge and spatial characteristics of building groups are also embedded in the model to lower the threshold of performing atmospheric simulations. A Geographic Information System (GIS)-based data management module is established simultaneously to achieve automatic collection, processing and management of raw data for simulation. The conversion algorithm of GIS data is further implemented to achieve the automatic generation of the CFD domain. Finally, the framework is developed to embed the data module and simulation module, and provide an easy-to-operate environment for building industry personnel. The framework is validated by data of actual building groups in four major cities in China. The test results illustrate the efficiency and feasibility of the platform. The study is expected to enhance the application of wind environment simulation in building industries.
下载链接: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652622022600?via%3Dihub
14 2022
Li B B*, Qiao D S, Zhao W H, Hu Z Z, Li S W. Operability analysis of SWATH as a service vessel for offshore wind turbine in the southeastern coast of China[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 251:111017.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
The operability of service operation vessels (SOV) is highly concerned with the cost, schedule, and weather window to the operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms. SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) vessel is introduced as a novel application as SOV to be deployed off the coast of southeastern China,an investigation into the operability for walk-to-work (W2W) on-site service using the new type of vessel is conducted in this study. The features of SWATH’s motion behavior are discussed by performing a seakeeping analysis, which is compared to a similar size monohull SOV. W2W operation and various operational limits associated with vessel and gangway dynamic response are modeled by the numerical method established in the frequency domain. Considering different W2W transfer approaches and wave headings, an in-depth analysis regarding the limiting wave height is carried out, the operability of three sites off the southeastern coast of China is predicted. SWATH demonstrates the excellent operability for both transversal and longitudinal transfer approaches as well as the robustness against arbitrary wave heading. The fuel consumption under the high sea-state shows higher usage compared to the monohull by a qualitative estimation using the second-order mean drift forces. With the average operability greater than 95% in the study, SWATH has proven to be an attractive type of vessel against monohull whose operability may drop to 60% to 80% in case of unfavorable heading or transfer approach. Due to lack of damping, the optimization of SWATH geometry and proper damping device may help further improve the operability by suppressing resonant heave and roll.
下载链接: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0029801822004395
15 2022
Wu L T, Lin J R, Leng S, Li J L, Hu Z Z*. Rule-based information extraction for mechanical-electrical-plumbing-specific semantic web[J]. Automation in Construction, 2021, 135:104108.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
Information extraction (IE), which aims to retrieve meaningful information from plain text, has been widely studied in general and professional domains to support downstream applications. However, due to the lack of labeled data and the complexity of professional mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) information, it is challenging to apply current common deep learning IE methods to the MEP domain. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a rule-based approach for MEP IE task, including a “snowball” strategy to collect large-scale MEP corpora, a suffix-based matching algorithm on text segments for named entity recognition (NER), and a dependency-path-based matching algorithm on dependency tree for relationship extraction (RE). 2 ideas called “meta linking” and “path filtering” for RE are proposed as well, to discover the out-of-pattern entities/relationships as many as possible. To verify the feasibility of the proposed approach, 65 MB MEP corpora have been collected as input of the proposed approach and an MEP semantic web which consists of 15,978 entities and 65,110 relationship triples established, with an accuracy of 81% to entities and 75% to relationship triples, respectively. A comparison experiment between classical deep learning models and the proposed rule-based approach was carried out, illustrating that the performance of our method is 37% and 49% better than the selected deep learning NER and RE models, respectively, in the aspect of extraction precision.
下载链接: https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0926-5805(21)00559-8
16 2022
Liu Y, Guo X Q, Li S W, Zhang J M*, Hu Z Z*. Discharge of treated Fukushima nuclear accident contaminated water: macroscopic and microscopic simulations[J]. National Science Review, 2022, 9(1): nwab209.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
Site planning and building design results are generally managed in Geographic Information System (GIS) and Building Information Modeling/Model (BIM) separately. The incompatibility of data has brought potential challenges for the assessment and delivery of the results. A data integration and simplification framework for improving site planning and building design is proposed in this paper. A BIM-GIS integrated model with a multi-scale data structure is developed to link the results of site planning and building design together. Geometric optimization algorithms are then designed to generate simplified building models with different levels of details (LODs) based on the information required at each scale. This paper provides a feasible way to integrate planning and design data from different sources to enhance the evaluation and delivery of the results. The proposed approach is validated by a village construction project in east China, and results show that the method is capable to integrate site planning and building design results from different platforms and support seamless visualization of multi-scale geometric data. It is also found that a seamless database facilitates understanding of planning and design results and improves communication efficiency. Currently, the main limitation of this paper is the limited access to 3D real-world data, and data collection techniques like point cloud are expected to solve the problem.
下载链接: https://academic.oup.com/nsr/advance-article/doi/10.1093/nsr/nwab209/6442253
17 2021
Leng S, Lin J R, Li S W, Hu Z Z*. A Data Integration and Simplification Framework for Improving Site Planning and Building Design[J]. IEEE Access, 2021(9): 148845-148861.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
Site planning and building design results are generally managed in Geographic Information System (GIS) and Building Information Modeling/Model (BIM) separately. The incompatibility of data has brought potential challenges for the assessment and delivery of the results. A data integration and simplification framework for improving site planning and building design is proposed in this paper. A BIM-GIS integrated model with a multi-scale data structure is developed to link the results of site planning and building design together. Geometric optimization algorithms are then designed to generate simplified building models with different levels of details (LODs) based on the information required at each scale. This paper provides a feasible way to integrate planning and design data from different sources to enhance the evaluation and delivery of the results. The proposed approach is validated by a village construction project in east China, and results show that the method is capable to integrate site planning and building design results from different platforms and support seamless visualization of multi-scale geometric data. It is also found that a seamless database facilitates understanding of planning and design results and improves communication efficiency. Currently, the main limitation of this paper is the limited access to 3D real-world data, and data collection techniques like point cloud are expected to solve the problem.
下载链接: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9592771
18 2021
Zhou Y C, Hu Z Z, Yan K X and Lin J R*. Deep Learning-Based Instance Segmentation forIndoor Fire Load Recognition[J]. IEEE Access, 2021(9): 148771-148782.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
Accurate fire load (combustible objects) information is crucial for safety design and resilience assessment of buildings. Traditional fire load acquisition methods, such as fire load survey, which are timeconsuming, tedious, and error-prone, failed to adapt to dynamic changed indoor scenes. As a starting point of automatic fire load estimation, fast recognition and detection of indoor fire load are important. Thus,this research proposes a computer vision-based method to automatically detect indoor fire loads using deep learning-based instance segmentation. First, indoor elements are classified into different categories according to their material composition. Next, an image dataset of indoor scenes with instance annotations is developed. Finally, a deep learning model, based on Mask R-CNN, is developed and trained using transfer learning to detect fire loads in images. Experimental results show that our model achieves promising accuracy, as measured by an average precision (AP) of 40.5% and AP50 of 59.2%, for instance segmentation on the dataset. A comparison with manual detection demonstrates the method’s high efficiency as it can detect fire load 1200 times faster than humans. This research contributes to the body of knowledge 1) a novel method of high accuracy and efficiency for automated fire load recognition in indoor environments based on instance segmentation; 2) training techniques for a deep learning model in a relatively small dataset of indoor images which includes complex scenes and a variety of instances; and 3) an image dataset with annotations of indoor fire loads. Although instance segmentation has been applied for several years, this is a pioneering research on using it for automated indoor fire load recognition, which paves the foundation for automatic fire load estimation and resilience assessment for the built environment.
下载链接: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9598928
19 2021
Hu Z Z*, Leng S, Lin J R, Li S W, Xiao Y Q. Knowledge Extraction and Discovery Based on BIM: A Critical Review and Future Directions[J]. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2021: 1-22, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11831-021-09576-9.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
In the past, knowledge in the fields of Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industries mainly come from experiences and are documented in hard copies or specific electronic databases. In order to make use of this knowledge, a lot of studies have focused on retrieving and storing this knowledge in a systematic and accessible way. The Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology proves to be a valuable media in extracting data because it provides physical and functional digital models for all the facilities within the life-cycle of the project. Therefore, the combination of the knowledge science with BIM shows great potential in constructing the knowledge map in the field of the AEC industry. Based on literature reviews, this article summarizes the latest achievements in the fields of knowledge science and BIM, in the aspects of (1) knowledge description, (2) knowledge discovery, (3) knowledge storage and management, (4) knowledge inference and (5) knowledge application, to show the state-of-arts and suggests the future directions in the application of knowledge science and BIM technology in the fields of AEC industries. The review indicates that BIM is capable of providing information for knowledge extraction and discovery, by adopting semantic network, knowledge graph and some other related methods. It also illustrates that the knowledge is helpful in the design, construction, operation and maintenance periods of the AEC industry, but now it is only at the beginning stage.
下载链接: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11831-021-09576-9
20 2021
Zhang Y Y, Hu Z Z, Lin J R*, Zhang J P. Linking data model and formula to automate KPI calculation for building performance benchmarking[J]. Energy Reports, 2021, 7, 1326-1337.
检索情况: SCI检索号:
关键词: Automation; Building performance; KPI; Linked data; Ontology; Sensor network
Buildings consume a large proportion of global primary energy and building performance management requires massive data inputs. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a tool used for comparing different buildings while avoiding problems caused by heterogeneous data sources. However, silos of building and energy consumption data are separate, and the linkages between a KPI formula and different data sets are often non-existent. This paper develops an ontology-based approach for automatically calculating the KPI to support building energy evaluation. The proposed approach integrates building information from BIM and energy and environmental information collected by sensor networks. A KPI ontology is developed to establish a KPI formula, thereby linking static and dynamic data generated in the building operation phase. Each KPI can be defined by inputs, a formula and outputs, and the formula consists of parameters and operators. The parameters can be linked to building data or transformed into a SPARQL query. A case study is investigated based on the proposed approach, and the KPIs for energy and environment are calculated for a real building project. The result shows that this approach relates the KPI formula to the data generated in the building operation phase and can automatically give the result after defining the space and time of interest, thus supporting building performance benchmarking with massive data sets at different levels of details. This research proposes a novel approach to integrating the KPI formula and linked building data from a semantic perspective, and other researchers can use this approach as a foundation for linking data from different sources and computational methods such as formula created for building performance evaluation.
下载链接: https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S2352484721001426
21 2021
Yuan S ; Hu Z Z; Lin J R; Zhang Y Y*. A Framework for the Automatic Integration and Diagnosis of Building Energy Consumption Data[J]. Sensors, 2021, 21(4): 1395.
检索情况: EI检索号: 20210709932483
关键词: building energy consumption; data integration; energy usage diagnosis; artificial neural network
Buildings account for a majority of the primary energy consumption of the human society, therefore, analyses of building energy consumption monitoring data are of significance to the discovery of anomalous energy usage patterns, saving of building utility expenditures, and contribution to the greater environmental protection effort. This paper presents a unified framework for the automatic extraction and integration of building energy consumption data from heterogeneous building management systems, along with building static data from building information models to serve analysis applications. This paper also proposes a diagnosis framework based on density-based clustering and artificial neural network regression using the integrated data to identify anomalous energy usages. The framework and the methods have been implemented and validated from data collected from a multitude of large-scale public buildings across China.
下载链接: https://doi.org/10.3390/s21041395
22 2020 评论
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000589748900001
关键词: On-site inspection; text mining; keyword extraction; topic modeling; decision making; construction management
As an essential way to ensure success of construction projects, on-site inspection involves intensive paperwork, while generating large amounts of textual data. Lack of understanding of information hidden in text-based inspection records always leads to overlooking of important issues and deferred decisions. Therefore, a novel text mining approach based on keyword extraction and topic modeling is introduced to identify key concerns and their dynamics of on-site issues for better decision-making process. Then, the proposed approach was demonstrated in a real world project and tested with 7250 issue records. Results showed that the proposed method could successfully extract key concerns hidden in texts and identify their changes with time, thereby enabling a more efficient on-site inspection and data-centric decisionmaking process. This research contributes: (1) to the body of knowledge a new framework for discovering key concerns and their changes with time in texts, and (2) to the state of practice by providing insights on hot topics and their changes with time to reduce on-site issues and make decisions efficiently.
下载链接: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9246545
23 2020 评论
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000581392000001,EI检索号: 20204209341879
关键词: Battery capacity; hybridwind-photovoltaic system; optimization model; probabilistic approach
In the present study, a novel probabilistic approach is proposed to optimize a stand-alone hybrid wind-photovoltaic renewable energy system installed in the South China Sea. This approach uses the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) as the objective and the stability of the power generation as the constraint. In addition, the present study proposes a model of a battery-level coefficient, based on which the battery capacity can be probabilistically estimated, given the expected power shortage in a given continuous duration. This model discusses the optimization employing genetic algorithm (GA) when the model estimating the power generated from a hybrid wind- photovoltaic power system (HWPS) with a specific configuration is combined with the widely used cost model. The optimization verifies that the proposed probabilistic approach provides reasonable estimates of the power generation of a hybrid system in an optimization process. The verification reveals that the specifications of the duration to calculate the expected power shortage could have significant impacts on the estimates of power generations. Consequently, the present study performs a sensitivity analysis concerning the continuous power deficit days. The optimization and sensitivity analyses both indicate that the well-established loss of power supply probability (LPSP) criterion of 1% should not be applied universally across the South China Sea. In the areas with more stable winds and solar resources, the LPSP criterion can be relaxed when only the power deficit duration is concerned.
下载链接: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/13/18/4945/pdf
24 2020 评论
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000538727700119,EI检索号: 20202208772350
关键词: Data mining; monitoring data; tunnel boring machine (TBM); tunnel construction; underground structure
Tunnel engineering is one of the typical megaprojects given its long construction period, high construction costs and potential risks. Tunnel boring machines (TBMs) are widely used in tunnel engineering to improve work efficiency and safety. During the tunneling process, large amount of monitoring data has been recorded by TBMs to ensure construction safety. Analysis of the massive real-time monitoring data still lacks sufficiently effective methods and needs to be done manually in many cases, which brings potential dangers to construction safety. This paper proposes a hybrid data mining (DM) approach to process the realtime monitoring data from TBM automatically. Three different DM techniques are combined to improve mining process and support safety management process. In order to provide people with the experience required for on-site abnormal judgement, association rule algorithm is carried out to extract relationships among TBM parameters. To supplement the formation information required for construction decisionmaking process, a decision tree model is developed to classify formation data. Finally, the rate of penetration (ROP) is evaluated by neural network models to find abnormal data and give early warning. The proposed method was applied to a tunnel project in China and the application results verified that the method provided an accurate and efficient way to analyze real-time TBM monitoring data for safety management during TBM construction.
下载链接: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9091566
25 2020
Liu M L*, Chen X S, Hu Z Z, Liu S Y. Active Earth Pressure of Limited C-φ Soil Based on Improved Soil Arching Effect[J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2020, 10(9), 3243.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000538727700119
关键词: active earth pressure; c-φ soil; limited width; limit equilibrium method; soil arching effect
For c-φ soil formation (cohesive soil) of limited width with ground surface overload behind a deep retaining structure, a modified active earth pressure calculation model is established in this study. And three key issues are addressed through improved soil arching effect. First, the soil-wall interaction mechanism is determined by considering the soil arching effect. The slip surface of a limited soil is proved to be a double-fold line passing through the retaining wall toe and intersecting the side wall of the existing underground structure until it reaches the ground surface along the existing side wall. Second, the limited width boundary is explicated. And third, the variation in the active earth pressure from parameters of limited c-φ soil is determined. The lateral active earth pressure coefficient is nonlinear distributed based on the improved soil arching effect of the symmetric catenary curve. Furthermore, the active earth pressure distribution, the tension crack at the top of the retaining wall and the resultant force and its action point were obtained. By comparing with the existing analytical methods, such as the Rankine method, it demonstrates that the model proposed in this study is much closer to the measured and numerical results. Ignoring the influence of soil cohesion and the limited width will exponentially reduce the overall stability of the retaining structure and increase the risk of accidents.
下载链接: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/9/3243/pdf
26 2020 评论
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000525323100007,EI检索号: 20200408076892
关键词: Theoretical model, Surface drag coefficient, Turbulent diffusivity, Typhoon
In order to investigate and predict dynamics and developments of the tropical cyclone boundary layer (TCBL), theoretical and engineering models depicting the TCBL wind field are of great academic and practical interest. In the present study, a linear height-resolving model, where the vertically varying turbulent diffusivity (K) and speed dependent surface drag coefficient (Cd) parameterizations are incorporated, is proposed based on the original model proposed by Kepert (2001). The proposed model is validated through comparisons with the estimates made based on the observational data gathered by dropsondes. As the more realistic and sophisticated parameterizations are integrated, the proposed model produces predictions in better agreements with observations in the lower part of the TCBL. It is noted that the value of the proposed model is not only the improvements over the original model by Kepert (2001), but also the room for more sophisticated K and Cd parameterizations. With the help of the proposed model, it is feasible to discern the fundamental relationships between K and Cd parameterizations and the TCBL wind field in a parametric study. As the first step, a few K and Cd parameterizations are implemented in the proposed model, and their influences on the prediction of the TCBL wind field are systematically discussed. It is concluded that, whereas the prediction of the TCBL wind field is sensitive to the parameterization of K, Cd has limited effects on the prediction. Moreover, assuming K and Cd as constants could lead to erroneous estimates of the wind profile and strength of surface winds in the TCBL.
下载链接: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.104847
27 2019
Wen Q, Zhang J P, Hu Z Z*, Xiang X S, Shi T. A Data-Driven Approach to Improve the Operation and Maintenance Management of Large Public Buildings[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 176127-176140.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000509399500077,EI检索号: 20200107951853
关键词: Operation and maintenance, data mining, datacube, airport terminal
With the development of modern information technologies and more frequent utilization of information systems to operation and maintenance (O&M) management, a great amount of O&M data are collected nowadays. However, because of the large volume and poor quality, as well as a lack of effective data analysis techniques, these data are rarely analyzed and translated into useful knowledge for O&M decisions. This study presents a data model, which is named as datacube with multi-dimensional and unrestrained characteristics, for these data to better support data mining algorithms. The model organizes all the different data in both relational database and in the memories and is able to support analysis-requirements-oriented data extractions. Based on this datacube, an O&M data mining approach is proposed with procedures of data preparation, data clustering and data mining. The proposed datacube-based data mining approach was applied to the Kunming Chang Shui international airport terminal. More than 7 years on-site repairing data were used for data mining and the outcomes verified the model and the approach to be feasible and valuable for improving O&M management.
下载链接: ../Files/Resource/IEEE_Access_2019_Hu.pdf
28 2019
Hu Z Z*, Yuan S, Benghi C, Zhang J P, Zhang X Y, Li D, Kassem M. Geometric optimization of building information models in MEP projects:Algorithms and techniques for improving storage, transmission and display[J]. Automation in Construction, 2019, 107, 102941.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000494887600027
关键词: BIM; MEP; Geometric model; Storage; Transmission; Display
Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) models are generally characterized by information redundancy and a high density of irregularly shaped components. Consequently, they require large storage spaces and are not conducive for interchange purposes. Geometric optimization of MEP models can play a significant role in facilitating model exchange and handover by increasing storage, transmission and display efficiency. To date, the body of knowledge on such geometric optimization, unfortunately, is still very narrow.This paper presents and tests a solution for the optimization of storage, transmission, and display of MEP models. Storage optimization was achieved through a mapping-based model description method and a novel Quadric-Error-Metric (QEM) mesh simplification algorithm, reducing required storage while maintaining the contour of components. For transmission optimization, a normal vector compression algorithm and a fixed-dictionary specific compression algorithm were proposed to achieve efficient compression of data thus, fulfilling the need for cross-platform interchange. Display optimization was obtained through a normal vector regeneration algorithm for clustering triangle meshes to improve 3D display effects.The evaluation of the solution, performed for each individual component separately as well as for an entire solution, proved successful. Volume of storage data was reduced by 40% to 50% through mesh simplification. Data transmission volume was reduced by more than 80% for components with complicated geometry without affecting the topology of the components. Finally, the display process was capable of decreasing the number of triangles and delivering very good quality of displayed models.
下载链接: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926580518309890?via%3Dihub
29 2019
Zhou Y W, Hu Z Z, Lin J R*, Zhang J P. A Review on 3D Spatial Data Analytics for Building Information Models[J]. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2019, 27, 5, 1449-1463.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000575368900004,EI检索号: 20193407350240
关键词: Spatial database, Spatial analysis, Building information model, Interoperability Model checking, Data retrieval, Spatio-semantic analysis
Except for various properties, accurate and intuitive 3D representations of building elements and spaces are embedded in Building Information Models (BIMs). Thus, better understanding of spatial features of building elements and spaces is possible, which brings new opportunity in code compliance checking, indoor navigation, visualization, etc. With large amount of fine-grained 3D spatial data collected quickly and continuously, there is an urgent need for new methods to overcome problems like improper spatial expression, insufficient mining and utilization of information that exist in traditional methods. This research reviews state-of-the-art of related research and provides a summary of achievements and challenges in this area. Then, a framework consists of management, analysis, and application of 3D spatial data of BIM and a detailed discussion of each part are proposed, which would give the readers an overview of relevant methods, technologies, and tools. Moreover, potential research directions and open issues for future work are also discussed. The paper enables researchers to get a comprehensive understanding of 3D spatial data analytics of BIM as well as suggestions for future work, and thus makes a solid contribution in this area.
下载链接: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11831-019-09356-6
30 2019 评论
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000484072600008
关键词: evacuation; path planning; neural network; building information modeling; artificial intelligence
Evacuation path planning is of significant importance to safely and efficiently evacuate occupants inside public buildings. Current computer simulation methods carry out evacuation analysis and then provide emergency education and management with a vivid virtual environment. However, efficient evacuation path planning approaches for evacuation guidance still meet the challenges of generating the analysis models, and lacking of real-time analysis methods under dynamic circumstances. In this study, a dynamic path planning approach based on neural networks is proposed for evacuation planning in large public buildings. First, an automatic process to develop the evacuation analysis model with simplified but sufficient information is presented. Then a path generation algorithm is proposed, together with an evaluation process, to generate a number of training sets for policy neural networks. When the primary policy neural network is preliminarily trained, it falls into a self-learning iteration process. Finally, the approach embeds a dynamic algorithm to simulate the mutual influences among all occupants in the building. The neural network was trained according to a real large public building and then the approach managed to provide rapid and feasible evacuation guidance for both occupants to escape in multiple scenarios and managers to design the evacuation strategy. Test results showed that the proposed approach runs 8-10 times faster than existing software and traditional search algorithms.
下载链接: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925231219310306?via%3Dihub
31 2019
Xiao Y Q, Li S W, Hu Z Z*. Automatically Generating a MEP Logic Chain from Building Information Models with Identification Rules[J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019, 9(11), 2204.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000472641200032
关键词: BIM; MEP; logic chain
In mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems, logic chains refer to the upstream and downstream connections between MEP components. Generating the logic chains of MEP systems can improve the efficiency of facility management (FM) activities, such as locating components and retrieving relevant maintenance information for prompt failure detection or for emergency responses. However, due to the amount of equipment and components in commercial MEP systems, manually creating such logic chains is tedious and fallible work. This paper proposes an approach to generate the logic chains of MEP systems using building information models (BIMs) semi-automatically. The approach consists of three steps: (1) the parametric and nonparametric spatial topological analysis within MEP models to generate a connection table, (2) the transformation of MEP systems and custom information requirements to generate the pre-defined and user-defined identification rules, and (3) the logic chain completion of MEP model based on the graph data structure. The approach was applied to a real-world project, which substantiated that the approach was able to generate logic chains of 15 MEP systems with an average accuracy of over 80%.
下载链接: ../Files/Resource/ApplSci_2019_Hu.pdf
32 2019
Lin J R, Zhang J P, Zhang X Y, Hu Z Z*. Automating closed-loop structural safety management for bridge construction through multisource data integration[J]. Advances in Engineering Software, 2019, 128: 152-168.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000465951900012
关键词: Structural safety; Closed-loop management; Information modeling; Data integration; Time-dependent structure
Structural safety during construction is vital to engineering success of large scale bridges. However, difficulties in time-dependent structural modeling and data fragmentation of different engineering and management systems remain unresolved, hindering the plan, do, check, and adjust (PDCA) loop for structural safety management during bridge construction. In this paper, an integrated framework for closed-loop management of structural safety based on multisource data integration is presented. The proposed framework consists of a bridge safety information model (BrSIM), algorithms for data integration and semi-automatic time-dependent structural model generation, and methods for structural safety warning and assessment. The proposed BrSIM and algorithms integrate data related to 3D products, schedule, structural simulation and monitoring from various engineering systems, which covers the main data for structural safety management during construction. Meanwhile, automatic calculation and generation of static loads and constraints of a structural model based on 3D product information and monitoring data are also considered. Demonstration in the construction of a longspan bridge shows that with the proposed framework, it is possible to visualize the construction process, generate time-dependent structural models and simulate, monitor and assess the structural safety dynamically. Thus, the structural safety management loop is automated and fully closed. Furthermore, by tracking and simulating the changes of structural performance over time, and comparing the difference between simulation results and monitoring data, earlier detection and better evaluation of potential structural risks are achieved. Moreover, efficiency of information modeling and sharing is improved and effective management and decision-making are achieved with the proposed approach.
下载链接: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1YNW~3Rf7aq621
33 2018
Zhou Y, Hu Z Z*, Zhang W Z. Development and Application of an Industry Foundation Classes-Based Metro Protection Information Model[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, 2018.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000444139200001
Metro protection is the task of evaluating, detecting, and controlling the potential threats presented by external projects to metro structures. To solve the problems encountered in metro protection work, including the isolation of models, difficulties in information extraction, and lack of data processing methods, this study introduced a building information model/modeling (BIM) technology and proposed a metro protection information model (the MPIM) based on the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) international data standard and its expansion mechanism. According to the information exchange requirements for metroprotection, the MPIM defines new customized IFC entities, property sets, and enumeration types to express the models in the metro protection domain. Then the conversion methods of the MPIM and other model formats and the information extraction and application technologies are studied. A metro protection system was developed to implement the MPIM-based model integration and provide assist in preliminary evaluation of external projects via information-rich the MPIM. A trial of the system from Guangzhou Metro’s Modiesha Station to Xingangdong Station indicated that the utilization of the MPIM in metro protection workflow could improve working efficiency and save time obviously; management staff claimed that the application of the system saved more than 40% of the time for project evaluation.
下载链接: ../Files/Resource/MPE_2018_Hu.pdf
34 2018
Weerasuriya A U, Hu Z Z, Zhang X L, Tse K T, Li S W*, Chan P W. New inflow boundary conditions for modeling twisted wind profiles in CFD simulation for evaluating the pedestrian-level wind field near an isolated building[J]. Building and Environment, 2018, 132: 303-318.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000428484400028
关键词: CFDIsolated buildingPedestrian level wind environmentTwisted wind profilesWind tunnel test
The hilly topography of Hong Kong influences oncoming winds and gradually changes their wind directions along the profiles' height. The vertical variation in wind directions, or the twist effect, significantly influences the Pedestrian Level Wind (PLW) field in urban areas of Hong Kong, thus it is a topic demanding systematic investigations. In this study, a new set of inflow boundary conditions are proposed to model twisted wind flows in Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations. The new inflow boundary condition derived based on the horizontal homogeneous assumption, specifies a vertical profile of lateral wind speeds at the inlet boundary to sustain the twist effect in the empty computational domain. The proposed boundary conditions are used to simulate the PLW fields near three isolated buildings with different Height-to-Width ratio using two CFD codes; OpenFOAM, and FLUENT. The results reveal that OpenFOAM is more reliable in simulating PLW fields in twisted wind flows using the new set of boundary conditions. The three-dimensional flow field provided by the OpenFOAM simulation shows sparse streamlines downstream the buildings, indicating lack of organized eddies in the building far wake, which negatively affects the dispersion of air pollutants in twisted winds.
下载链接: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360132318300659
35 2018
Hu Z Z*, Tian P L, Li S W, Zhang J P. BIM-based integrated delivery technologies for intelligent MEP management in the operation and maintenance phase[J]. Advances in Engineering Software, 2018, 115: 1-16.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000416677500001
关键词: MEP, BIM, As-built, Operation and maintenance, Facility management
Incomplete building information in delivery and the lack of compatible tools for Operation and Maintenance (O & M) have hindered the development of the intelligent management of Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) systems. In fact, the information related to the O & M management of the MEP system conventionally comes from the completion documents in the forms of hard copies or unstructured digital files, making it hard to search for useful information in the “sea” of documents and drawings. Therefore, digitalization of information is an urgent task to facilitate the intelligent management of the MEP system. As a project deliverable, the as-built information model shall not only contain geometrical information and necessary construction-related data, but also built-in information useful for the intelligent O & M management. In the present study, based on the Building Information Modeling/Model (BIM) technology, a set of solutions including the automatic establishment of the logic chain for MEP systems, an equipment grouping and labeling scheme and an algorithm to transform BIM information to GIS map model, is proposed to digitalize and integrate the MEP-related information into the as-built model. Subsequently, a cross-platform O & M management system is developed using the MEP-related information in the as-built model to run routine O & M tasks and to effectively response to MEP-related emergencies. The developed system is applied to aid the O & M management of MEP engineering in a real project, showing that the developed system facilitates the intelligent O & M management and guarantees the security of the MEP system and its subsystems.
下载链接: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.advengsoft.2017.08.007
36 2017
Peng Y, Lin J R, Zhang J P, Hu Z Z*. A hybrid data mining approach on BIM-based building operation and maintenance[J]. Building and Environment, 2017, 126: 483-495.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000417010000040
关键词: data mining, building information modeling, Operation and maintenance, cluster analysis, pattern analysis, outlier detection
Huge amounts of data are generated daily during the operation and maintenance (O&M) phase of buildings. These accumulated data have the potential to provide deep information that can help improve facility management. Building Information Model/Modeling (BIM) technology has proven potential in O&M management in some studies, making it possible to store massive data. However, the complex and non-intuitive data records, as well as inaccurate manual inputs, raise difficulties in making full use of information in current O&M activities. This paper aims to address these problems by proposing a BIM-based Data Mining (DM) approach for extracting meaningful laws and patterns, as well as detecting improper records. In this approach, the BIM database is first transformed into a data warehouse. After that, three DM methods are combined to find useful information from the BIM. Specifically, the cluster analysis can find relationships of similarity among records, the outlier detection detects manually input improper data and keeps the database fresh, and the improved pattern mining algorithm finds deeper logic links among records. Particular emphasis is put on introducing the algorithms and how they should be used by building managers. Hence, the value of BIM is increased based on rules, extracted from data of O&M phase that appear irregular and disordered. Validated by an integrated on-site practice in an airport terminal, the proposed DM methods are helpful in prediction, early warning, and decision making, leading to the improvements of resource usage and maintenance efficiency during the O&M phase.
下载链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360132317304444
37 2017
Li S W, Hu Z Z, Chan P W, Hu G*. A study on the profile of the turbulence length scale in the near-neutral atmospheric boundary for sea (homogeneous) and hilly land (inhomogeneous) fetches[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and industrial Aerodynamics, 2017, 168: 200-210.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000408299700019
关键词: Field measurement, Near-neutral stability, Spatial correlations, Turbulent length scale
In the present study, the spatial correlation coefficients of wind speeds at different heights in the atmospheric boundary layer under near-neutral conditions are calculated based on field measurements taken by Doppler SODARs. To guarantee near-neutral stability, only measurements associated with relatively high wind strength (wind speeds in the lower boundary layer >10m=s) are used in the calculation. The correlation coefficients calculated from measured data are fitted to those predicted by models to derive a vertical integral length scale. Through investigating the vertical variations of the vertical integral length scale, which is essentially the mixing length, it has been found that (a) the mixing length increases linearly with heights below 70m, which agrees with the predictions from traditional models; (b) traditional models are applicable for predicting the vertical variation of mixing lengths in a near homogeneous sea-fetch wind flow; and (c) mean wind flow stretches the energy-containing eddy to produce larger mixing lengths, and this stretching effect is more prominent in a land-fetch flow.
下载链接: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jweia.2017.06.008
38 2017
Zhang J P, Liu Q, Hu Z Z, Lin J R*, Yu F Q. A multi-server information-sharing environment for cross-party collaboration on a private cloud[J]. Automation in Construction, 2017, 81: 180-195.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000405536700016
关键词: Data ownership and privacy, Cross-party collaboration, Interoperability, Multi-server, Private cloud
Interoperability remains the key problem in multi-discipline collaboration based on building information modeling (BIM). Although various methods have been proposed to solve the technical issues of interoperability, such as data sharing and data consistency; organizational issues, including data ownership and data privacy, remain unresolved to date. These organizational issues prevent different stakeholders from sharing their data due to concerns regarding losing control of the data. This study proposes a multi-server information-sharing approach on a private cloud after analyzing the requirements for cross-party collaboration to address the aforementioned issues and prepare for massive data handling in the near future. This approach adopts a global controller to track the location, ownership and privacy of the data, which are stored in different servers that are controlled by different parties. Furthermore, data consistency conventions, parallel sub-model extraction, and sub-model integration with model verification are investigated in depth to support information sharing in a distributed environment and to maintain data consistency. Thus, with this approach, the ownership and privacy of the data can be controlled by its owner while still enabling certain required data to be shared with other parties. Application of the multi-server approach for information interoperability and cross-party collaboration is illustrated using a real construction project of an airport terminal. Validation shows that the proposed approach is feasible for maintaining the ownership and privacy of the data while supporting cross-party data sharing and collaboration at the same time, thus avoiding possible legal problems regarding data copyrights or other legal issues.
下载链接: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2017.06.021
39 2016
Hu Z Z, Zhang J P*, Yu F Q, Tian P L, Xiang X S. Construction and facility management of large MEP projects using a multi-Scale building information model[J]. Advances in Engineering Software, 2016, 100: 215-230.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000383298800015
关键词: Construction management; Facility management; MEP; BIM; Multi-scale
Several challenges have been found in the current applications of building information modelling/model (BIM) technology in large-scale mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) projects, such as the huge modelling workloads of MEP models and details, untapped potential in supporting cooperative construction management with multiple participants and insufficient functions for intelligent facility management. This paper proposes a multi-scale solution to address the insufficiencies of the current applications in the construction and facility management of MEP projects. Particularly, a practical multi-scale BIM consisting of several macro-, micro- and schematic-scale information models is described in detail with the required information of the MEP components according to the schema of industrial foundation classes. Based on this model, the paper presents a BIM-based construction management system to provide virtual construction scenes with appropriate scales for various participants to communicate and cooperate, as well as a BIM-based facility management system to share information delivered from previous phases and improve the efficiency and safety of MEP management during the operation and maintenance period. The application in a real-world airport terminal illustrates that the proposed model and two systems can support collaborative construction management and facility management with multi-scale functionalities among participants. This paper proposes a series of feasible models and techniques to promote BIM application in large MEP projects.
下载链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0965997816301880
40 2016
Weerasuriya A U, Hu Z Z, Li S W*, Tse K T. Wind direction field under the influence of topography, part I: A descriptive model[J]. Wind and Structures, 2016, 22(4): 455-476.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000373910800004
关键词: descriptive model; hill terrain; wind characteristics;wind-tunnel test
In both structural and environmentalwind engineering, the vertical variation of wind direction is important as it impacts both the torsional response of the high-rise building and the pedestrian level wind environment. In order to systematicallyinvestigate the vertical variation of wind directions (i.e.,the so-called ‘twist effect’) induced by hills with idealized geometries, aseries of wind-tunnel tests was conducted.The length-to-width aspect ratios of the hill models were 13⁄, 1/2, 1, 2 and 3, and the measurements of both wind speeds and directions were taken on a three-dimensional grid system. From the wind-tunnel tests, it has been found that the direction changesandmost prominentat the half heightof the hill. On the other hand, the characteristiclength of the direction change, has been found to increase when moving from the windward zone into the wake. Based on the wind-tunnel measurements, a descriptive model is proposed to calculate both the horizontal and vertical variations of wind directions. Preliminarily validated against the wind-tunnel measurements, the proposed model has been found to be acceptable to describethe direction changesinduced by an idealized hill with anaspectratio close to 1.For the hills with aspect ratios less than 1, while the description of the vertical variation is still valid, the horizontal description proposed by the model has been found unfit.
41 2016
Li S W*, Hu Z Z, Tse K T, Weerasuriya A U. Wind direction field under the influence of topography, part II: CFD investigations[J]. Wind Struct, 2016, 22(4): 477-501.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000373910800005
关键词: computation; topography; wind characteristics; direction changes
Though hilly topography influences both wind speeds and directions aloft, only the influence onwind speeds, i.e. the speed-up effect, has been thoroughly investigated. Due to the importance of a model showing the spatial variations of wind directions above hilly terrains, it is worthwhile to systematically assess the applicability and limitations of the model describing the influence of hilly topographies on wind directions. Based on wind-tunnel test results, a model, which describes the horizontal and vertical variations of the wind directionsseparately, has been proposedin acompanion paper. CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) techniques wereemployed in the present paper to evaluate the applicability of the proposed model. From the investigation, it has been found that the model is acceptable for describing the vertical variation of wind directionsby a shallow hill whose primary-to-secondary axis ratio (aspect ratio) is larger than 1. When the overall hill slope exceeds 20°, the proposed model should be used with caution. When the aspect ratio is less than 1, the proposed model is less accurate in predicting the spatial variation of wind directions in the wake zone in a separatedflow. In addition, it has been found that local slope of a hill has significant impact on the applicability of the proposed model. Specifically, the proposed model is only applicable when local slope of a hill varies gradually from 0 (at the hill foot) to the maximum value (at the mid-slope point) and then to 0 (at the hill top).
42 2016 评论
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000375630200003
关键词: BIM; Data Model; IFC; Model Conversion; Structural Analysis; WebGL
Medium and large construction projects typically involve multiple structural consultants who use a wide range of structural analysis applications. These applications and technologies have inadequate interoperability and there is still a dearth of investigations addressing interoperability issues in the structural engineering domain. This paper proposes a novel approach which combines an industry foundation classes (IFC)-based Unified Information Model with a number of algorithms to enhance the interoperability: (a) between architectural and structural models, and (b) among multiple structural analysis models (bidirectional conversion or round tripping). The proposed approach aims to achieve the conversion by overcoming the inconsistencies in data structures, representation logics and syntax used in different software applications.The approach was implemented in both Client Server (C/S) and Browser Server (B/S) environments to enable central and remote collaboration among geographically dispersed users. The platforms were tested in four large real-life projects. The testing involved four key scenarios: (a) the bidirectional conversion among four structural analysis tools; (b) the comparison of the conversion via the proposed approach with the conversion via direct links among the involved tools; (c) the direct export from an IFC-based architectural tool through the Application Program Interface (API), and (d) the conversion and visualization of structural analysis results. All these scenarios were successfully performed and tested in four significant case studies. In particular, the conversion among the four structural analysis applications (ETABS, SAP2000, ANSYS and MIDAS) was successfully tested for all possible conversion routes among the four applications in two of the case studies (i.e., Project A and Project B). The first four steps of natural mode shapes and their natural vibration periods were calculated and compared with the converted models. They were all achieved within a standard deviation of 0.1 s and 0.2 s in Project A and Project B, respectively, indicating an accurate conversion.
下载链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926580516300152
43 2016
Lin J R, Hu Z Z*, Zhang J P, Yu F Q. A natural-language-based approach to intelligent data retrieval and representation for cloud BIM[J]. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2016, 31(1): 18-33.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000368000100003
As the information from diverse disciplines continues to integrate during the whole life cycle of an Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) project, the BIM (Building Information Model/Modeling) becomes increasingly large. This condition will cause users difficulty in acquiring the information they truly desire on a mobile device with limited space for interaction. The situation will be even worse for personnel without extensive knowledge of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) or for non-experts of the BIM software. To improve the value of the big data of BIM, an approach to intelligent data retrieval and representation for cloud BIM applications based on natural language processing was proposed. First, strategies for data storage and query acceleration based on the popular cloud-based database were explored to handle the large amount of BIM data. Then, the concepts “keyword” and “constraint” were proposed to capture the key objects and their specifications in a natural-language-based sentence that expresses the requirements of the user. Keywords and constraints can be mapped to IFC entities or properties through the International Framework for Dictionaries (IFD). The relationship between the user’s requirement and the IFC-based data model was established by path finding in a graph generated from the IFC schema, enabling data retrieval and analysis. Finally, the analyzed and summarized results of BIM data were represented based on the structure of the retrieved data. A prototype application was developed to validate the proposed approach on the data collected during the construction of the terminal of Kunming Airport, the largest single building in China. The case study illustrated the following: (1) relationships between the user requirements and the data users concerned are established, (2) user-concerned data can be automatically retrieved and aggregated based on the cloud for BIM, and (3) the data are represented in a proper form for a visual view and a comprehensive report. With this approach, users can significantly benefit from requesting for information and the value of BIM will be enhanced.
下载链接: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mice.12151/abstract
44 2014
Zhang J P, Yu F Q, Li D, Hu Z Z*. Development and Implementation of an Industry Foundation Classes-Based Graphic Information Model for Virtual Construction[J]. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2014, 29(1): 60-74.
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000328101600006,EI检索号: 20135117104296
Virtual Construction (VC) applications encounter difficulty in sharing and exchanging information with one another due to the long periods of interoperability limitation. To address these issues, an Industrial Foundation Classes-based graphic information model (IFC-GIM) is developed according to the exchange requirement of VC, and using the representations of three models in the IFC schema and its extension by defining the dynamic property set and properties for animation. The three models include the physical object model, the construction information model, and the realistic model. An OpenGL-based VC platform is developed and applied to a 440-m-high building to implement the IFC-GIM. The results demonstrate that the proposed IFC-GIM lays the foundation for data sharing and exchange among VC systems and other IFC-compliant applications, which, in turn, significantly reduces the modeling effort for VC and increases the value of VC results. Furthermore, animation is applied to simulate construction activities by the VC platform in addition to color and transparency, enhancing realistic feelings in 4D applications.
下载链接: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-8667.2012.00800.x/full
45 2011 评论
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000288294100009,EI检索号: 20110613654013
关键词: Conflict analysis, Structural safety analysis, Construction management, System development, Site trial
In order to achieve the information-based integrated construction management, e.g., time-dependent structures analysis, schedule/resource/cost conflict analysis as well as dynamic collision detection amongst site facilities and main structure elements, an integrated archetypal system named 4D-GCPSU 2009 is developed. Through 3 project examples, it is verified that the integrated solution is able to assist construction managers or owners in the aspects of analysis and management for process conflict and structural safety problems during construction. The application outcome of the system is accepted and praised by users as they considered that the system functions and analysis results provide significant reference support to the approval and revision of construction proposals, increase efficiency and safety concerning building construction. They also point out some difficulties in practice. As for those difficulties mentioned, a series of solutions plus further development orientation are put forth.
下载链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926580510001433
46 2011 评论
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000288294100008,EI检索号: 20110613654012
关键词: Integrated solution, Conflict analysis, Structural safety analysis, Building information model (BIM), Construction management
Strengthening construction safety analysis and management is of great social and economic significance. For a long time, however, there has been a lack of effective management tools in this important area that involves people's lives and property. Based on new developments in the Building Information Model (BIM), four-dimensional (4D) technology, time-dependent structural analysis, collision detection, and so on, a 4D structural information model is presented and established according to the overall solution of analysis and management for conflict and safety problems during construction. Based on this sub-BIM, the integration of dynamic safety analysis of time-dependent structures, conflict analysis and management of schedule/resource/cost, and dynamic collision detection of site facilities is studied, and theories and key technologies are discussed in detail. The results of this research provide a feasible theory and methodology for integrated applications of BIM. Furthermore, this study proposes a new approach for conflict and safety analysis during construction through the integration of construction simulation, 4D construction management, and safety analysis. The approach lays a foundation for the popularization of complicated theories and methodologies, and has theoretical significance and application prospects in meeting the needs of improving the safety level during construction.
下载链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926580510001421
47 2011
Hu Z Z*, Yu F Q, Li G X, et al. An approach to multi-constrained 3D modeling for curtain wall system based on spatial point-line model[J]. Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2011, 201: 15-23.
检索情况: EI检索号: 20111213766743
关键词: 3D Modeling, Computer Aided Design (CAD), Curtain Wall, Multi-Constrained, Shenzhen Airport Terminal 3
The accurate spatial 3D models and corresponding coordinates of every key point are needed to determine the sizes, shapes, and locations of installation for all curtain wall elements in the process of production and construction. To solve the transition problems between architectural design and construction design of curtain wall system, four kinds of single-constrained computer-aided 3D modeling algorithm for spatial point-line models were discussed in detail. Then, a multi-constrained iterative 3D modeling process was proposed by considering coupling relationships amongst the various constraints. A 3D modeling system named T3-CW-CAD was developed and applied to the Shenzhen Airport Terminal 3. The application results showed that the presented-algorithm can meet the overall demand for automatically generating multi-layer 3D models according to spatial point-line model, along with sizes and other restraints amongst curtain wall elements, therefore playing a key role in guiding the production and construction of curtain wall system.
下载链接: http://www.scientific.net/AMR.201-203.15
48 2009 评论
检索情况: SCI检索号: 000265605400009,EI检索号: 20091311987370
关键词: Visualization, 3D modeling, Computer Aided Design, Animation, Simulation, Construction management, Project management
In this paper, we give a state review of modeling methodologies for four-dimensional computer-aided design (4D CAD) and three-dimensional (3D) animation of operations simulation. We then present our efforts of integrating 4D CAD and 3D animation of operations simulation to facilitate the construction planning of the main stadium for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (nicknamed the “Bird’s Nest”). We propose a “zoom” interface between 4D CAD and 3D animation of operations simulation to enable a natural synergy of two separate, but organically linked research streams. For concept proving and application demonstration, we seamlessly integrated two computer systems resulting from previous in-house research to plan and visualize the construction of the “Bird’s Nest” in close collaboration with the main contractor. The integrated construction planning methodology is found instrumental in visually and intuitively conveying the master project schedule and detailed operations plan for construction of the “Bird’s Nest”.
下载链接: http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/L08-145
序号 时间 名称 评论
1 2024
薛志刚, 李一林, 胡振中*. 轨道交通工程大体量BIM轻量化技术. 铁道建筑, 2024, 64(07):154-157.
中文关键词: 地铁车站;轻量化;理论分析;BIM;数据存储;显示优化;可视化
英文关键词: subway station; lightweight; theoretical analysis; BIM; data storage; display optimization; visualization
为解决轨道交通工程的建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling,BIM)体量庞大导致的数据整合难度大的问题,本文提出了BIM轻量化技术。通过改进二次误差测度算法在降低模型复杂度的同时保留模型的细节和几何特征,并采用三角网格相似性度量算法减少相似构件的存储次数,从而降低模型存储的数据量;对模型数据进行拆分和分步传输,从而提升模型传输速度;通过局部重建和动态剔除冗余构件优化显示效率,并对模型进行分区渲染,从而减少运行耗时。经在广州地铁18号线磨碟沙站应用,采用该技术将大体量模型轻量化后,占用的存储空间减少 15.71% ~ 35.87%,网格数量减少21.46% ~ 31.65%,传输速度提高2.5 ~ 10.0 MB/s,且模型主要几何构件能以50.0 ~ 59.8帧/s的速度在自主开发的图形平台上清晰展示。
To solve the problem of difficult data integration caused by the large-scale Building Information Modeling (BIM) in rail transit engineering, this paper proposed BIM lightweight technology. By improving the secondary error measurement algorithm to reduce model complexity while preserving model details and geometric features, and the triangular mesh similarity measurement algorithm was used to reduce the number of similar component store times, and the amount of data stored in the model can be reduced. model data was split and transmitted in stages to improve model transmission speed. The display efficiency was optimized through local reconstruction and dynamic removal of redundant components, and partition rendering was performed on the model to reduce runtime. After being applied at Modiesha Station on Guangzhou Metro Line 18, this technology was used to lightweight for the large-scale model, reducing the occupied storage space about 15.71% ~ 35.87%, reducing the number of grids about 21.46% ~ 31.65%, and increasing the transmission speed about 2.5 ~ 10.0 MB/s. Moreover, the geometric components of the model can be clearly displayed on a self-developed graphics platform at a speed of 50.0~59.8 frames/s.
2 2023
汪淼, 林超, 胡振中*, 郭文军. 建筑业施工阶段智慧化成熟度评价研究. 施工技术(中英文), 2023.
中文关键词: 建筑业;施工阶段;智慧化发展;成熟度评价
英文关键词: construction industry; construction stage; smart development; maturity assessment
The application of a large amount of information technology has prompted the construction industry, especially in the construction stage, to enter a period of smart development. However, the prerequisite for enterprises within the industry to achieve high-speed smart development is to clarify their own current smart maturity. The study established a framework of smart maturity assessment systems for various segments in the construction stage, detailing the components and operational process of five steps, including selecting maturity assessment methods, developing assessment indicators, presenting assessment results, verifying the assessment system, and discussing strategies for improving smart maturity. Using this as the master template, a smart maturity assessment system for construction management has been constructed and the feasibility, accuracy, and specific usage methods of the smart maturity assessment system framework have been further demonstrated through case analysis. In summary, the above framework can help accurately assess the smart maturity of each segment in the construction stage, and formulate feasible smart development plans, providing fundamental support for the smart development of each segment in the construction stage and the overall construction industry.
3 2023
刘广宇, 安芃, 伍震, 胡振中*. 基于本体的公路工程安全领域知识建模和应用. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023.
中文关键词: 知识建模;安全管理;建筑信息模型(BIM);公路工程;本体
英文关键词: knowledge modeling; safety management; building information model(BIM); highway engineering; ontology
针对工程安全管理中普遍存在的知识缺口问题,提出一套基于本体技术实现领域知识建模和更新的方法。以公路工程领域为范例,从行业标准规范的文本数据中自动提取安全知识,构建领域知识图谱;通过知识模型与建筑信息模型(BIM)的结合,开发安全管理应用场景,展示本体引导的知识图谱对工程安全管理的辅助作用。领域本体在知识图谱中作为本体层结构,表示为一个包含7 个层级、390 个有效节点的多维度层状结构;基于本体层的引导开发知识提取算法,从海量文本中提取网状知识结构,形成知识图谱的数据层。知识模型的更新采用由数据层到本体层的知识流动方式;提出基于类属关系、构成关系和实体核心词聚类的3类方法,实现本体层的更新。将知识模型关联实际项目的 BIM,从安全管理的应用层面出发,验证了本体的引入在知识的组织和扩展中起到良好效果,展现了知识模型与 BIM 的结合呈现出的智能化应用前景。该研究为领域知识图谱的构建、更新、应用全过程提供了一个完整的范例,对于本体更新过程实现了方法创新,拓展了知识图谱的应用领域和技术思路,有助于提升工程安全管理的信息化水平。
[Objective] Ontology structure has been proved to be particularly important in the construction and organization of a knowledge graph (KG), A comprehensive method for the modeling, updating, and application of KG with the guidance of domain ontology needs to be explored. In view of the common knowledge gap in engineering salety management, this paperaims to propose an ontology-based framework to achieve domain knowledge modeling and updating. Using the highway engineering field as an example, this paper demonstrates how safety knowledge can be automatically extracted from industry-standard text data to facilitate the construction of a domain KG. Subsequently, the safety management scenarios are developed based on the building information model (BIM), and the auxiliary role of intelligent knowledge in safety management is demonstrated to verily the effectiveness of the engineering application of the developed KG. [Methods] This paper used the ontology-guided domaln knowledge extraction method to construct the domain KG and proposed a knowledg network-guided method to update the ontology. Specifically, a layered knowledge system with multiple dimensions was summarized as the ontology layer based on the management approach and the established standard specifications withinhighway engineering, Following the guidance of the ontology layer, a structured knowledge network acting as the data layer was extracted from massive text materials by developing a series of knowledge extraction procedures, Consequently, a knowledge-flowing method from the data layer to the ontology layer was proposed. Three categories of methods based on the essence and composition of entities and the clustering of the entity's core words were summarized to realize the automation updating of the ontology layer. Finally, combined with the developed highway safety information retrieval and application system , this paper demonstrated the organization and application of the constructed domain KG, thus verifying the effect of introducing ontology in the organization and deployment of knowledge. [Results] The developed ontology of highway engineering salety knowledge was featured as a layered knowledge system with seven levels and 390 nodes connected with ~ 300 000 valid entity nodes in the data layer, facilitating the creation and integration of the KG's logical structures. The proposed method for updating the domain ontology aided by over 1000 technical terms was demonstrated to be effective, with an increment of 51.5% in the expansion of the nodes to the ontology. The designed method of linking the ontology-guided domain KG with the BIM was validated for its feasibility through practical implementation within a real highway engineering salety management system, displaying the positive impact of ontology's guidance in the organization and expansion of knowledge. [Conclusions] This paper concentrates on the domain of highway engineering safety and presents a comprehensive paradigm for constructing, updating, and applying a domain KG to demonstrate methodological innovation in ontology updating. The results extend the application scope and technical approaches of KG technology, thereby enhancing information technology level in engineering safety management. Moreover, the findings of this research can be used for BIM evaluation and safety guidance in highway engineering construction projects, thereby advancing the level of information technology in construction safety management.
4 2023
王珩玮, 胡振中*, 赵燕来. 大体量集中三维模型的 Cesium 渲染性能优化. 土木建筑工程信息技术, 2023, 15(04):22-27.
中文关键词: BIM;GIS;Cesium;屏幕空间误差;绘制命令
英文关键词: BIM; GIS; Cesium; Screen Space Error; Draw Command
在 Cesium 中展示大体量集中的三维模型需要进行渲染性能优化。Cesium 原生方法效果不稳定,同时会降低渲染效果。为了尽可能避免该问题,提出相机状态变化期间高性能渲染机制,在相机状态变化期间停止加载图元,且仅在此期间采用会降低渲染效果但可提升性能的参数设置与算法,保证模型加载期间的渲染效果。同时提出基于堆的三维瓦片绘制命令限制方法,通过该方法可直接限制绘制命令数量,降低 GPU 计算量。实验证明,相机状态变化期间高性能渲染机制可行。在该机制中提升最大屏幕空间误差(max screen space error,MSSE)以及限制绘制命令对提升渲染性能的效果均显著优于降低分辨率比例(resolution scale,RS)。而限制绘制命令对渲染性能提升的稳定性优于提升 MSSE。
Rendering performance optimization is needed to display dense 3D models in Cesium requires improving the. However, the native approaches are unstable and will cause bad rendering results. To avoid this problem as much as possible, a mechanism is proposed in this paper to enable high-performance rendering when the camera state changes in which the camera states change pauses primitives loading, and applies parameter settings and algorithms that can improve rendering performance but may cause bad rendering results. Besides, this paper proposes a heap-based 3D tile draws command limitation approach, which can directly limit the number of draw commands and reduce the amount of GPU computation. The results prove that the mechanism of high-performance rendering when camera state changes are feasible. The mechanism outperforms the max screen space error (MSSE) increasing and the draw commands limiting, which excels reducing the resolution scale (RS) in improving rendering performance. Limiting the draw commands can ensure the stability of rendering performance compared with increasing MSSE.
5 2023
葛康, 王琛, 胡振中, 郭宇韬*. 基于神经网络的震级和震中距预测研究. 市政技术, 2023, 41(08):68-73.
中文关键词: 震级;震中距;预测;神经网络;机器学习
英文关键词: magnitude; epicentral distance; prediction; neural network; machine learning
公为实现震级和震中距的快速预测,应用卷积神经网络、全连接神经网络、GELU 激活函数、丢弃法、多任务学习等机器学习技术,建立了 1 个高效的震级和震中距预测模型,选取斯坦福地震数据集 STEAD 对其进行训练、验证和测试,结果显示预测值和实际值呈现较好的正相关性,震级和震中距的决定系数分别为 0.938 和 0.881,相关结论为地震预警系统的发展提供了新的思路和方法。
In order to predict rapidly the magnitude and epicentral distance, various machine learning techniques including convolutional neural network, fully connected neural network, GELU activation function, dropout and multi-task learning were applied to establish an efficient model for predicting the magnitude and epicentral distance. The model was trained, validated, and tested by the Stanford Earthquake Dataset (STEAD). The predicted values demonstrated a better positive correlation with the actual ones, with determination coefficients of 0.938 and 0.881 for magnitude and epicentral distance respectively. These results provides new ideas and methods for the development of earthquake warning systems.
6 2023
杜华锋, 张晓冰, 伍震, 胡振中. 公路工程安全大数据平台架构及关键技术. 公路, 2023(08):221-229.
中文关键词: 公路工程;安全管理;大数据;数据处理
英文关键词: highway engineering;safety management;big data;data processing
A large number of safety-related data will be generated during the execution of highway project, which is difficult to be systematically managed and fully utilized. Firstly, the classification, content and collection method of safety data in the process of highway construction are explained, and the characteristics and processing requirements of safety data are analyzed. Secondly, the architecture of big data platform for highway engineering safety is constructed, and the main levels of the platform are briefly explained. Finally, four key technologies of data pre-processing, data fusion and storage, data asset management, data analysis and mining for highway construction safety are analyzed in detail. The results show that:(1) The data of highway project implementation can be divided into seven categories, such as basic data, structure, machinery and equipment, etc., and data processing should meet the requirements, such as data extraction from heterogeneous data sources, etc.(2) The architecture of big data platform for highway project safety can be divided into six layers: data source layer, data access and pre-processinglayer, etc.(3) The key technologies of platform include data pre-processing, data fusion and storage, etc.
7 2023
王珩玮, 胡振中*, 赵燕来. 面向Web的施工工艺三维动态可视化. 施工技术(中英文), 2023,52(11):1-5+13.
中文关键词: 信息化;Cesium;施工工艺;动画;模拟;技术交底
英文关键词: information;Cesium;construction process;animation;simulation;technique disclosure
The existing 3D visualization approaches for construction processes have difficulty updating, limited software environment, or undynamic results. For solving the above problems,a web-oriented 3D dynamic visualization method of construction processes is proposed based on Cesium, including relative data models and animation definition, and a rapid 3D animation generation method based on frame segmentation and integration approaches. An efficiency test proves that the performance of frame segmentation and integration algorithms can meet the needs of general animation of construction processes. Besides, the above method is applied to show a case construction process on the web and to support online editing, playing, and updating of the process step animation, which verifies the feasibility of using the method in actual projects.
8 2023
王珩玮, 胡振中*, 赵燕来, 钟坚, 陈伊. 面向城市信息模型的半自动地理配准方法研究. 图学学报, 2023.
中文关键词: 三维模型;地理信息系统;坐标变换;Cesium;坐标系统;建筑信息模型
英文关键词: 3D model; geographic information system; coordinate transform; Cesium; coordinate system; building
在城市信息建模(CIM)过程中,缺失地理参照信息的三维模型需要在地理信息系统(GIS)进行地理配准。基于地理参照点可在保证精度的同时实现半自动化的地理配准。在三维模型导入 GIS 后,首先以模型附近的任意坐标点为参照点,将局部坐标系(LCS)变换至大地椭球表面。此后在 GIS 中拾取三维模型上的地理参照点,并根据当前的变换矩阵计算 LCS 坐标,结合该参照点的大地坐标可得该模型的正确变换矩阵。若无地理参照点,可在此方法的基础上持续估计地理参照点实现人工地理配准。通过 Cesium 实现半自动地理配准方法,使用实际工程使用的三维模型进行应用验证,证明了方法的可行性。上述方法依赖基于单一参照点的 LCS 向 ECEF 坐标系空间变换算法,按特点与适用场景可分为基础法、参照点投影法、原点投影法和近似原点法。应用验证过程中分别使用后 3 个算法,结合计算结果分析了这些算法受参照点与 LCS 原点距离的影响。
The 3D model lacking spatial reference needs geo-referencing in the Geographic Information System (GIS) when City Information Modeling (CIM). Based on a geometric reference point, semi-automatic geo-referencing can be achieved while ensuing accuracy. After the 3D model is imported into GIS, the local coordinate system (LCS) is transformed to the surface of the geodetic ellipsoid, based on any reference point near the model. Afterwards, the geographic reference point on the 3D model is picked up in GIS, and the LCS coordinates are calculated according to the
9 2022
袁梦, 张晓冰, 胡振中*. 盾构实时监测数据分析与挖掘. 隧道建设(中英文),2022,42(S2):234-241.
中文关键词: 盾构施工; 监测数据; 数据挖掘; 关联规则; Apriori 算法; 分类算法; CART 算法; 土层分类
英文关键词: shield construction; monitoring data; data mining; association rules; Apriori algorithm; classification algorithm; classification and regression tree algorithm; soil classification
为充分利用隧道施工时盾构记录的大量监测数据,首先,采用数据分析与挖掘技术对盾构监测数据进行预处理; 其次,借助关联规则分析方法以及改进的 Apriori 算法,对盾构施工时 10 余项参数之间的关系进行分析与挖掘,并对典型关联结果进行解释,验证人们已掌握的规律、修正人们的误解以及发现潜在未知的规律;最后,基于 CART 分类算法对盾构所处地层进行实时预测,并构建三维地质模型对地层预测结果进行解释和应用。 结果表明,分类模型能更真实反映地层信息,且可作为地质勘测结果的有效补充。 广州地铁某标段的工程实践验证了对盾构监测数据进行分析和挖掘的可行性与合理性。
In order to make full use of a large number of monitoring data recorded by shield machine during tunnel construction, data analysis and mining techniques are adopted to preprocess the monitoring data. Then, with the help of association rule analysis method and improved Apriori algorithm, the relationship among more than ten parameters in shield construction is analyzed and mined, and the typical association results are explained, which verify the mastered laws, correct misunderstanding and discover the potential unknown laws. Finally, based on classification and regression tree algorithm, the real-time prediction of the stratum where the shield machine is located is made, and a three-dimensional geological model is built to interpret and apply the prediction results. The results show that the classification model can reflect the stratum information more truly and can be used as an effective supplement to the geological survey results. The feasibility and rationality of analyzing and mining the monitoring data of shield machine is verified by Guangzhou metro section.
10 2022
张建平, 林佳瑞, 胡振中, 王珩玮. 数字化驱动智能建造. 建筑技术, 2022,53(11):1566-1571.
中文关键词: 智能建造;数字化;智能 BIM;工程项目
英文关键词: intelligent construction; digitalization; intelligent BIM; engineering projects
智能建造是面向工程产品全生命期、深度融合新一代信息技术的新型建造模式,旨在形成工程项目立项策划、规划设计、生产施工、产品交付、运维服务的一体化产业链和协同化运行体系,是推进建设行业转型升级的主导途径。针对智能建造需要突破的关键技术,提出在工程项目全过程数字化支撑下,面向智能建造的数字化思维、数字化路径以及数据驱动的智能 BIM 及全过程应用,为智能建造探索可行的技术路径。
Intelligent construction is a new construction model serving the whole life of engineering products and deeply integrating next-generation information technology, which aims to form a coordinated operation system and an integrated industrial chain of engineering projects including project planning, planning and design, production and construction, delivery of products, and operation and maintenance services, and is the dominant way to promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. Under the digitalization support of the whole process of engineering projects, digitized thinking, digitized path, data-driven intelligent BIM and the whole-process application for intelligent construction are proposed to fill up the key technologies needed to be broken through in intelligent construction, and to explore feasible technical paths for intelligent construction.
11 2022
张楠, 何敏, 孙有恒, 郭雪卿, 胡振中*. 基于BIM的地铁施工设备物资精细化管理系统. 施工技术(中英文), 2022,51(05):1-4+9.
中文关键词: 地铁; 建筑信息模型; 设备物资; 精细化管理
英文关键词: subways; building information modeling( BIM) ; equipment and material; fine management
针对广州地铁工程项目物资采购供货时限长、物资价格高、响应速度慢等问题,研发基于建筑信息模型的地铁施工设备物资精细化管理系统,可通过 PC 端、Web 浏览器和移动设备使用,实现设备物资计划报送、进/退场报审验、出入库管理,生成设备物资管理清单等功能,满足建设方、总承包方、监理方等各方协同工作需求,提高物资报审准确率,降低施工成本,提升施工过程的信息化管理水平。经验证,本项目自主研发的管理系统可大幅提高广州地铁项目施工管理水平,并且通过简单调整即可用于其他大型施工项目,有很强的可拓展性。
In order to solve the problems of long procurement and supply time limit,high price and slowresponse speed in Guangzhou subway project,a fine management system of subway constructionequipment and materials based on building information modeling is developed to meet the needs ofbuilders,general contractors,supervisors and other parties to work together,improve the accuracy ofmaterials application,reduce construction costs,and improve the information management level of theconstruction process. It has been verified that the self-developed management system of this project greatlyimproves the construction management level of Guangzhou subway project,and can be used in otherlarge-scale construction projects through simple adjustment,which has a strong expansibility.
12 2022
王玮, 刘毅, 胡振中*. BIM派工单在工程精细化管理中的应用研究. 工业建筑, 2022.
中文关键词: 派工单; 建筑信息模型; 施工过程; 精细化管理
英文关键词: dispatch list; BIM; construction; fine management
针对传统施工过程与新兴 BIM 技术融合困难的问题,研究以派工单作为切入点,深入探索传统派工单与 BIM 的融合机制,并提出了一种新型的 BIM 派工单。 该机制在充分利用三维数字模型、进度计划、人员与物资等 BIM 信息的基础上,通过半自动化的方式生成派工单,并实现后续施工活动的数据采集。 通过梳理 BIM 派工单的全生命期,研究进一步分析了它在进度管理与安全管理等众多方面中的应用,特别地,通过结合物联网技术,给出了一种基于门禁设备的人员精细化管理方法,以提高施工过程的安全性和可控性。基于所提出的新型派工单机制和精细化管理方法,开发了一个精细化施工管理系统,并将其应用到了实际项目的施工管理之中,结果验证了它们的有效性。
In view of the difficulties in the integration of traditional construction and emerging BIM technology, this research took dispatch list as an entry point to explore the integration mechanism of traditional dispatch list and BIM, and proposed a new BIM-based dispatch list. The mechanism makes full use of BIM information such as three-dimensional digital models, schedules, personnel and materials, and generates dispatch list in a semi-automatic manner, and realizes data collection for subsequent construction activities. By sorting out the life cycle of BIM-based dispatch list, this study further analyzed its application in many aspects such as schedule management and safety management. In particular, by combining the Internet of Things technology, a refined personnel management method based on access control equipment was proposed, so as to improve the safety and controllability of the construction process. Based on the proposed new dispatching list mechanism and refined management methods, a refined construction management system was developed and applied to the construction management of practical project, and the results verified their effectiveness.
13 2022
胡振中*, 刘毅, 林超. 基于BIM 的工程管理信息技术研究展望. 工业建筑, 2022.
中文关键词: BIM; 工程管理; 信息技术; 数字孪生; CIM; 知识图谱
英文关键词: BIM; engineering management; information technology; digital twin; CIM; knowledge graph
随着社会信息化进程的不断加快,信息技术逐渐成为建筑从业人员提升工程管理质量的重要手段,BIM 作为建筑领域数字化发展的关键组成部分被广泛应用于工程管理之中,如何在已有理论和应用的基础上进一步发展工程管理信息技术成为研究者关注的焦点。 分别从工程数据的组织与处理以及挖掘与分析这两个方面对 BIM 相关研究进行总结与归纳,包括 IFC 标准、多尺度信息模型、模型轻量化技术,以及工程领域数据挖掘的关键步骤与典型方法。 在此基础上,对 BIM 与工程信息技术面临的瓶颈问题进行分析,并指出和探讨了三个未来主要的发展方向:工程领域数字孪生、城市信息模型、工程领域知识图谱,为进一步的研究与技术应用提供参考。
As the process of social informatization accelerates, information technologies have gradually become an important means for construction practitioners to improve the quality of engineering management. As a key component of the digital development of the construction industry, building information modeling (BIM) has been widely applied in engineering management. How to further develop information technologies for engineering management on the basis of existing theories and applications has thus become the focus of researchers’ attention. This paper summarized BIM-related research from two aspects: the organization and processing of engineering data as well as the mining and analysis of such data. The research investigated involved the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard, multi-scale information models, model lightweighting technology, and the key steps and typical methods of data mining in the engineering industry. On this basis, the bottleneck problems faced by BIM and information technologies for engineering were analyzed, and three main future development directions were then proposed and discussed: digital twins in the engineering industry, city information models, and knowledge graphs in the engineering industry. This paper is expected to provide a reference for further research and technology application.
14 2022
张嘉鸿, 冷烁, 胡振中*. 面向乡村住宅的数据集成与轻量化技术研究. 土木建筑工程信息技术, 2022, 14(01): 7-12.
中文关键词: 运乡村住宅;信息集成;轻量化算法;建筑信息模型;地理信息系统
英文关键词: Rural Housing; Information Integration; Lightweight Algorithm; Building Information Modeling; Geographic Information System
乡村住宅通常以村落形式构成集合,且受地理环境影响较大,因此在设计与建造过程中需要同时考虑单体建筑、村落布置与地理环境等因素。为此,本研究提出了一种面向GIS 与 BIM 多源数据的信息集成与模型轻量化方法,包括:一,基于 FBX SDK 实现了 FBX的自动集成;二,引入顶点重要度与模型特征因子控制模型的简化过程,实现了面向乡村住宅的QEM改进算法。上述方法从扩充平台的使用场景和提高平台的模型处理能力两个方面,完善了一个已有的乡村住宅轻量化集成平台。成果在江苏省徐州市某乡村的改造中进行测试,验证了技术的可行性与实用性,有利于推进信息技术在乡村住宅设计与建造中的推广应用。 
Rural houses usually combine into villages and are greatly affected by the geographical environment. Therefore, in the process of design and construction, factors such as building information, village information and geographical environment need to be considered at the same time. This study proposes an integration method and a lightweight method for GIS and BIM multi-source data, including an automatic integration method of FBX based on FBX SDK and an improved QEM algorithm for rural housing, which uses vertex importance and model characteristic factor to control the simplification process. The above methods improve an existing rural housing lightweight integration platform from two aspects: expanding the applicable scenarios of the platform and improving the model processing ability of the platform. Taking a village in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province as an example, the methods are applicable, practical, and usable. This study promotes the research and application of information technology in rural housing design and construction. 
15 2022
胡振中*, 冷烁, 袁爽. 基于BIM和数据驱动的智能运维管理方法. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(02): 199-207.
中文关键词: 运维管理; 建筑信息模型(BIM); 数据驱动; 智能建筑; 数据挖掘
英文关键词: operation and maintenance management; building information model (BIM); data-driven; intelligent buildings; data mining
 Building information models (BIM) provide improved building operation and maintenance(O&.M) efficiencies. However, BIM-based intelligent O&.M still faces challenges related to data acquisition, integration and analysis. This paper combines BIM and data-driven techniques to develop a solution for intelligent O&.M. This approach includes a method to identify upstream and downstream relationships among mechanical, electrical and plumbing(MEP) facilities to supplement the O&M information in BIM.A data cube model is then used to integrate the BIM and building information. Multiple data mining methods including clustering, frequent pattern discovery and neural networks are then used to analyze the O&.M data and assist intelligent decision-making. This method reduces the O&.M personnel workload, increases the O&.M data value, and improves the intelligence level of the O&M management.
16 2020
冷烁, 李孙伟, 胡振中*. 基于开源技术的城市地理信息平台构建方法研究. 图学学报, 2020, 41 (6), 1001-1011.
中文关键词: 城市地理信息平台;开源;地理信息系统
英文关键词: city geographic information platform; open source; geographic information system
针对城市地理信息平台构建过程中存在的数据获取困难、研发成本较高等问题,引入开源技术,对基于开源数据、开源开发平台与开源工具的城市地理信息平台构建技术进行研究。所提出的城市地理信息平台由数据模块与可视化模块 2 部分组成。为构建数据模块,由开源地理信息项目(OSM)获取了建筑与区划数据,并设计了建筑合并算法以提升数据质量。建筑数据随之基于行政区划分级存储,通过由 ASP. NET 构建的数据接口提供给具体应用。可视化模块则基于开源地理信息系统(GIS)项目 Cesium 实现,并设计了完善的用户界面。以北京市为例,完成了原型系统的开发与测试,证实了该技术体系的可行性,通过开源技术降低平台研发成本,推进城市地理信息平台的研究与应用。 
To solve the problems in the establishment of city geographic information platform including difficulty in data acquisition and high development cost, this paper introduced open source technologies, and proposed a platform establishment method based on open source data, open source tools and open source framework. The proposed platform consists of two parts, including the data module and the visualization module. In order to construct the data module, the open source geographic project open street map (OSM) was selected to obtain building and division data, and a building merging algorithm was designed to further improve data quality. The building data was then organized hierarchically based on administrative divisions and provided to specific applications through the data interface constructed by ASP. NET. The visualization module was implemented based on the open source geographic information system (GIS) project Cesium, and complete user. 
17 2020
Wang H W, Lin J R*, Hu Z Z. Bibliometric review of visual computing in the construction industry. Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art, 2020, 3 (1), 1-15
英文关键词: Visual computing, Bibliometric analysis, Construction application, Building information modeling, Laserscanning, Augmented reality, Construction management
In the construction area, visuals such as drawings, photos, videos, and 3D models, play a significant role in thedesign, build and maintenance of a facility, bringing efficiency to generate, transfer, and store information.Advanced visual computing techniques facilitate the understanding of design contents, work plans, and other typesof information shared in the construction industry. Automatic visual data collection and analysis provide manypossibilities to the construction industry and a large number of works have investigated how visual computing canimprove construction management processes and other problems in the construction area. However, acomprehensive literature review is needed. This study uses bibliometric approaches to review the works publishedto date, and analyses the development of knowledge, significant research results, and trends. The purpose of thisstudy is to help newcomers to this research field understand knowledge structure and formulate researchdirections, thereby enhancing knowledge development. From this study, it can be concluded that computer visionis a key axis of improvement. Moreover, building information modeling, laser scanning, and other visualization-related techniques are also important in advancing the construction area. 
18 2020
胡振中*, 袁爽. 建筑能耗与环境监测系统标准化数据提取技术. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 60(04): 357-364.
中文关键词: 能耗监测系统; 标准化; 能耗数据模型; 数据提取
19 2019
文桥, 张建平, 向雪松, 石涛, 胡振中*. 基于GIS的大型公共建筑轻量级运维管理平台研发与应用. 图学学报, 2019, 40(4): 751-760.
中文关键词: 建筑运维管理; 大型公共建筑; GIS; 属性数据标准库; 运维管理标准流程
英文关键词: building operation and maintenance; large-scale public building; GIS; standard attribute library; standard operation and maintenance procedure
Large-scale public buildings play an irreplaceable role in business, office, tourism, science, education, culture and health, communication and transportation. Due to technical difficulties, large public buildings usually lack operation and maintenance (O&M) management information platforms. To ease these difficulties, this paper presents an application method of lightweight O&M management platform for large-scale public buildings based on GIS. Large-scale public buildings’ drawings are converted into map services through conversion and editing. Attribute data are summarized to form hierarchical structures, and unique identifiers are given to establish standard attribute libraries. Based on these libraries, O&M management processes are reviewed to form standard O&M management procedures and data flows. A unified platform is developed to integrate the above 4 achievements before actual application. This method is tested in a large airport terminal. A lightweight O&M management platform is developed, which realizes the information O&M management of the terminal. The results have verified the effectiveness and operability of the proposed method.
下载链接: http://www.txxb.com.cn/CN/volumn/home.shtml
20 2018
冷烁, 胡振中*. 基于BIM的人工智能方法综述. 图学学报, 2018, 39(5): 797-805.
中文关键词: BIM; AI; 综述
英文关键词: BIM, AI, review
建筑信息模型(BIM)作为建筑领域的新兴技术,正在深远地影响着建筑行业的发展,而人工智能(AI)技术的跨学科应用也日趋广泛。将BIM与AI方法结合,有着良好的可行性与广阔的前景,但目前国内外的相关研究应用仍处于初级阶段。在广泛调研国内外相关研究的基础上,从技术、系统、应用3 个层面,对基于BIM的AI方法相关研究进行综述,介绍该领域常用的AI技术,典型开发平台与开发方法,以及基于BIM的AI方法在设计、施工、运维等各建筑阶段中的成功应用。在此基础上,对该领域存在的问题与挑战加以分析,总结问题原因,并对其未来发展方向加以展望。
As an emerging technology in the construction field, building information modeling/model (BIM) technology is making profound influence on the development of the construction industry, while the cross-disciplinary application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has become increasingly widespread. The combination of BIM with AI methods is characterized with good feasibility and broad prospects. However, related research and application at home and abroad are still at the initial stage. Based on extensive literature review, this paper summarizes previous studies on BIM-based AI from the perspective of technology, system and application, and introduces commonly used AI technologies, typical development platforms and methods, as well as the successful applications in different construction stages such as design, construction, operation and maintenance. In this light, the problems and challenges in the field are analyzed, the causes of the problems summarized, and the future direction of development anticipated.
下载链接: http://www.txxb.com.cn/CN/volumn/home.shtml
21 2018
胡振中*, 田佩龙, 李久林. 基于IFC的传感器信息存储与应用研究. 图学学报, 2018, 39(3): 522-529.
中文关键词: 建筑信息模型;工业基础类;传感器;监测;信息集成
英文关键词: building information model/modeling; industrial foundation classes; sensor; monitoring; information integration
在建筑的施工和运维管理过程中,存在大量的传感器采集的数据,但是这些数据存于各自的监测系统中,产生“信息孤岛”局面,难以对其进一步的融合分析,使其产生更大的价值。建筑信息模型(BIM)技术支持将传感器数据与工程数据集成管理和应用,但是面向 BIM存储的工业基础类国际标准(IFC)对传感器数据的定义和描述仍有缺陷。为此,提出了基于IFC的传感器信息存储方法与应用流程,分析了IFC中与传感器有关的信息描述和关联机制,进而通过自定义属性集的方式扩展了IFC标准,最后以北京槐房再生水厂项目为应用案例验证了IFC扩展内容的有效性。
There are a lot of sensor data collected in the construction, operation and maintenance of buildings, but these data only existed in the respective monitoring systems, leading to a situation of “information island”, thus the sensor data cannot be effectively used. BIM (building informationmodel/modeling) technology can implement integrated management and application of sensor data and engineering data. The IFC (industrial foundation classes) standard which is an international standard for BIM storage, is still not sufficient for sensors and their data. In this paper, IFC-based sensor information storage method and application process are presented. Specifically, the description and association mechanism of sensor information in IFC are analyzed, followed by the extension of IFC property set to achieve the storage of such information. Finally, the IFC-based application process of sensor information is described. The proposed methods were applied to the HuaiFang Water Reclamation Plant in Beijing for validation.
下载链接: http://www.txxb.com.cn/CN/volumn/home.shtml
22 2017
张晓洋, 胡振中*. 面向结构有限元分析的模型转换方法研究. 工程力学, 2017, 34(6): 120-127.
中文关键词: 土木工程信息技术;建筑信息模型;模型转换;集成化建筑设计;结构分析
英文关键词: information technology in civil engineering; building information model (BIM); model conversion; integrated architectural design; structural analysis
通过分析当前建筑工程项目模型信息传递中存在的典型问题及应用需求,提出 IFC-API 建筑结构模型转换模式,并结合前期结构分析模型转换框架,形成一套完整的基于 BIM 的面向结构有限元分析的模型转换体系,对解决设计阶段信息断层、提高效率具有重要意义;同时针对模型显示进行优化,扩展研发基于 BIM 的模型转换平台,并通过某一小学教学楼进行实例验证。该研究从理论、技术、应用层面就面向结构有限元分析的模型转换取得突破性进展,也为后续基于 BIM 的时变结构安全性能模拟和分析提供支持。
Inadequate integration and interoperability are still inflicting an economic burden with the increasing requirement of model conversion between architectural and structural models. This paper presents a novel approach which combines an Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)-Application Program Interface (API) based conversion approach with our previous research on model conversion among different structural analysis models, providing a Building Information Model (BIM)-based model conversion framework towards structural finite element analysis to improve the efficiency within design industry. The approach was implemented in the self-developed BIM-based conversion platform based on the optimization algorithm of model display. The platform was tested in a teaching building to verify the conversion process. This research has made a breakthrough in the theory, technology, and application of model conversion towards structural finite element analysis and has established the foundation for the subsequent research of BIM-based simulation and analysis for time-varying structures.
下载链接: http://gclx.tsinghua.edu.cn/CN/volumn/home.shtml#
23 2016
Xiao Y Q, Hu Z Z*, Wang W, Chen X X. A mobile application framework of the BIM-based facility management system under the cross-platform structure. Computer Aided Drafting, Design and Manufacturing, 2016, 26(1): 58-65.
英文关键词: facility management; building information model/modeling; mobile application; cross-platform; hybrid application
The building information model/modeling (BIM) technology is currently applied in a broad range of applications and research for facility management (FM), while the BIM-based mobile FM is difficult owing to various factors and environments. For example, the mobile applications usually require frequent cross-equipment compatibility. This paper proposes a reasonable BIM-based FM cross-platform framework and develops a mobile application on the basis of an existing BIM-based FM system. The developed mobile application is applied in a case study of a metro station project in Guangzhou to verify its effectiveness in FM practice. It helps maintenance staff in viewing BIMs, accessing related information, and updating maintenance records in a unique platform. The test results demonstrate that the proposed BIM-based cross-platform framework meet the FM application requirements and supports the extension of FM functions.
下载链接: http://mall.cnki.net/onlineview/MagaView.aspx?fn=cadd201601*1*
24 2016
刘强, 张建平*, 胡振中. 基于键-值缓存的IFC模型Web应用技术. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 36(4): 348-353.
中文关键词: IFC标准;建筑信息模型;键-值缓存;数据解析;模型轻量化
英文关键词: industry foundation class(IFC); building information modeling(BIM); key-value cache; data parsing; lightweight model
Industry foundation class(IFC) based building information modeling(BIM) systems has developed rapidly in recent years. However, there are still few methods and tools supporting web-oriented transmissions and querires of IFC model data. This paper describes a web-enabled IFC object model using the JSON format and the IFC data cache with the Redis distributed key-value store for IFC applications in web environment. Stepwise and dynamic parsing of the IFC data enables lightweight, standardized network data transmission with large-capacity, high-spped dynamic parsing of the IFC data. Tests show that the object model and the parsing method are able to support web BIM applications and significantly enhance the efficiency of parsing IFC data files, with double the parsing speed of large (over 30 MB) IFC files.
25 2015
胡振中*, 陈祥祥, 王亮, 何田丰. 基于BIM的管道预制构件设计技术与系统研发. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 55(12): 1269-1275.
中文关键词: 建筑信息模型(BIM);管道;支架;预制构件;深化设计
英文关键词: building information model(BIM);pipeline;piping support; prefabricated components;detailed design
随着中国建筑产业化进程的不断推进,管道工程也更多地由现场施工转为工厂预制加工的生产方式,然而当前管道预制构件深化设计技术落后的现状制约了管道工厂化生产和施工的进一步发展和推广应用。为解决此问题,该文针对预制管段、支架及管组等深化设计的具体需求,引入建筑信息模型(Building information model,BIM)技术,提出了一种面向管道预制构件的自动深化设计方法,实现了管道辅助划分、支架半自动设计和管组智能拼装。在此基础上研发了一个通用的管道预制构件智能设计系统,解决了模型可视化、递进式参数化建模以及模型信息共享等3个核心技术问题。该系统应用于2个实际工程项目,验证了所提出的方法和系统应用于管道预制构件深化设计的可行性,表明其能提高设计效率、减少材料浪费。
The industrialization of China is creating prefabricated pipelines instead of pipeline made on site. However, prefabricated pipeline design methods are not entirely suitable for manufacturing in the factory and assembling on site. A building information model(BIM) isintroduced here for designing prefabricated pipelines. An automatic prefabricated pipeline design method was developed for dividing the pepelines with a semi-automatic design method for pipeline supports and an intelligent assembling method for pipeline groups. A general purpose prefabricated pipeline design system was then developed. The method addresses three core issues for model visualization, progressive parametric modeling and information sharing. The model is applied to two real-world projects to show the enhanced design efficiency and reduced material waste.
26 2015
张晓洋, 林佳瑞, 方继, 杜伸云, 胡振中, 张建平, 梁崇双. BIM技术在石济黄河桥施工安全管理中的应用. 铁路技术创新, 2015(6): 74-76.
中文关键词: BIM;工况管理;安全监控;桥梁施工;信息集成;石济黄河桥;施工安全管理
27 2015
胡振中*, 彭阳, 田佩龙. 基于BIM的运维管理研究与应用综述. 图学学报. 2015, 36(5): 802-810.
中文关键词: BIM;运维管理;技术研究;应用项目;
英文关键词: BIM; operation and maintenance management; technology research; application project; review
在建筑物的运营维护阶段中引入BIM 技术可以得到显著效益。尽管近年来相关文献发表数量持续增长,但目前国内外运维阶段的BIM 研究与应用还处于初级阶段。为此在广泛的文献调研的基础上,从技术层面和应用层面对当前国内外BIM 运维的研究和应用现状进行综述,介绍其所涉及的关键技术及相关系统研发现状,进而归纳了已经实现的各种运维功能和项目应用情况。在总结现状的基础上,最后讨论了该领域现存的挑战和瓶颈,并针对性地展望了BIM 运维未来的发展方向。
Introducing BIM into building operation and maintenance management (O&M management) has significant benefits. Though the number of related literatures keeps increasing in recent years, current domestic and foreign researches and applications on BIM-based O&M are generally in the exploratory stage. Based on a broad literature survey, this paper reviewed domestic and foreign BIM-based O&M researches and applications from the perspective of technology researches and application projects.Relevant key technologies, research status and related system developments were introduced. The functions and project applications were then summarized. Finally the challenges and bottlenecks for BIM-based O&M management, as well as an outlook for future researches were discussed.
下载链接: http://www.txxb.com.cn/CN/Y2015/V36/I5/802
28 2015
胡振中*, 李连友, 陈祥祥, 赵红蕊. 基于WebGIS技术的新一代桥梁管理系统研究与开发. 桥梁建设. 2015, 45(4):26-32.
中文关键词: 桥梁管理系统;网络地理信息系统;Voronoi图算法;退化模型;费用模型
英文关键词: Bridge Management System; WebGIS; Voronoi Algorithm; Degradation Model; Cost Model
A bridge management system (BMS) is a management toolkit helpingmanagers collect information, conduct modal analysis and devise polices on adaily basis. The current systems, however, exhibit some common problems. Forinstance, the analysis and evaluation models lag the development of the entiresystem, poor human-machine interaction experience and difficult to maintain,etc. In this research, WebGIS technology is adopted to enhance datavisualization, improve the interaction experience, and solve the problem ofresource sharing. On the other hand, improved degradation model and cost modelare proposed to improve the accuracy of lifecycle analysis and evaluation for bridges.Then a prototype of a new generation BMS is developed for the tracking,analysis and evaluation of bridges-in-service by recording the historicinspection data and then mining the useful data to predict the future status ofa bridge. Application shows that WebGIS technology can improve the efficiencyof bridge management.
29 2015
田佩龙, 李哲, 胡振中, 邹东. BIM与建筑机电设备监测信息集成的研究. 土木建筑工程信息技术. 2015, 7(1): 8-13.
中文关键词: 机电设备;运维管理;BIM;监测;集成
英文关键词: MEP; operation and maintenance management; BIM; monitoring; integration
Management of machine, electric, plumbing (MEP) plays an important role during operation and maintenance management of a building. At present, building automation system (BAS) is the primary mean of MEP management, but the monitoring information of BAS cannot be effectively shared or used by other systems. Data sharing within building lifecycle can be achieved by adopting building information modeling (BIM) technology while most BIM researches and applications for MEP focus on establishing a product model that contains a wealth of information to improve the management efficiency by information inquiries. Few researches in the integration of BIM and MEP monitoring information are reported. By studying the integrated approach of BIM and MEP monitoring information, an extended model of MEP monitoring information can be established based on BIM. The model can provide data to support the operation and maintenance management of MEP, maximizing the value of MEP monitoring information.
30 2013
胡振中, 陈祥祥, 王亮, 余芳强, 王兴坡. 基于BIM的机电设备智能管理系统. 土木建筑工程信息技术. 2013, 5(1):17-21.
中文关键词: 机电设备工程;运维期;建筑信息模型;物业管理;二维码
英文关键词: MEP Engineering;Operation and Maintenance Period;Building Information Model(BIM);Facility Management;Two-dimensional Code
传统的机电设备运维信息主要来源于纸质的竣工资料,在用到这些信息时,往往要从海量纸质的图纸和文档中去寻找。如何采用电子化手段有效地组织这些信息,以实现设计和施工阶段的有效信息能传递到运维期并辅助运维管理,是当前建筑生命周期管理中需要解决的重要问题。本研究通过引入建筑信息模型(BIM)和二维码技术,开发基于BIM的机电设备智能管理系统(BIM-FIM 2012),实现了机电设备工程的电子化集成交付,以及建筑物运维期的维护维修管理和应急管理,为保障所有设备系统的安全运行提供高效的手段和系统平台支持。MEP Engineering;Operation and Maintenance Period;Building Information Model(BIM);Facility Management;Two-dimensional Code
Traditionally,operation and maintenance information for MEP mainly comes from completion data in the forms of drawings or documents.When the information is needed,it requires manual searches from such a huge amount of paper files.In order to realize the information transmission from design and construction phases to operation and maintenance period,effectively organization of such information by electronic means is the key issue to be resolved in current building lifecycle management.This can also enhance the information-aided maintenance.By introducing Building Information Model(BIM)and two-dimensional code,a BIM-based Facility Intelligent Management System(BIM-FIM 2012)is developed to realize the electronic integrated delivery of MEP,and to improve the maintenance management and emergency management of a building during its operation and maintenance period.The System also provides an effective way and platform to ensure the safe operations of all MEP systems.
下载链接: http://cpfd.cnki.com.cn/Article/CPFDTOTAL-OGTY201211004050.htm
31 2013
王珩玮, 胡振中, 林佳瑞, 张建平. 面向Web的BIM三维浏览与信息管理. 土木建筑工程信息技术. 2013, 5(3):1-7.
中文关键词: 建筑信息模型(BIM);WebGL;HTML5;B/S;Three.js
英文关键词: Building Information Modeling(BIM);WebGL;HTML5;B/S;Three.js
BIM Server provides a solution for BIM to support construction life cycle.Currently,the structure of BIM Server is C/S,but gradually  B/S also shows its advantages.The release of the HTML5 standard brings the WebGL technology which supports hardware graphics acceleration in browser and is one of a series of revolutionary Web technologies.Thereby the foundation is laid for achieving Web-oriented BIM information management and 3D display of BIM model.In this paper,the model information scope and its expression of Web-oriented BIM is analyzed,and the corresponding information management technology and the BIM model display based on the Three.js,which is a WebGL framework,are studied.Then,a WebGL-based platform for 3D display and information management of BIM is also developed.Application shows that the graphics platform of the platform performs stable with nice rendering for large BIM.Meanwhile the platform provides rich feature supports for Web client by favorable interactive functions,showing a great application value.
32 2013
张建平*, 李丁, 胡振中. 一种集成空间分解与占用的精确碰撞检测算法及其在建筑工程中的应用. 工程力学. 2013, 31(5): 79-85.
中文关键词: 碰撞检测;空间占用;空间分解;集成算法;建筑工程
英文关键词: Collision detection; Spatial occupancy; Spatial decomposition;Integrated algorithm; Building engineering
碰撞检测是建筑工程三维CAD 中行之有效的辅助手段,现代建筑形式复杂、规模庞大,对碰撞检测算法的效率提出了更高的需求。本文基于空间分解和空间占用这两种应用最为广泛的预处理方法,提出了一种集成、高效的精确碰撞检测算法。通过工程实例的测试和分析,该集成算法的检测效率优于其他几种算法,且模型量越大效率优势越明显。本文还针对建筑工程的实际应用需求,对集成算法进行改进,并应用于实际工程,验证了算法的有效性和鲁棒性。实际应用表明,该集成算法适用于建筑、结构、机电、幕墙等专业设计之间的碰撞检测。
Collision detection is an effective adjunct for three-dimensional CAD of construction projects. Thecomplex and large scale modern architectures bring demand for higher efficiency of collision detection algorithm.Based on the two most widely applied pretreatments, i.e., spatial decomposition and spatial occupancy, anintegrated and efficient accurate collision detection algorithm is proposed. Through the testing and analysis ofproject examples, the results show that the proposed algorithm is more efficient than other algorithms, and thelarger the model is, the more obvious its efficiency advantage is. For the actual demand of different constructionprojects, the integrated algorithm is also improved and applied to actual projects to verify its effectiveness androbustness. The practical applications show that the algorithm is applicable to the collision detection betweenbuilding structures and MEP (Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing) engineering.
下载链接: http://t.cn/zTeuk4T
33 2011
王勇, 张建平, 胡振中. 建筑施工IFC数据描述标准的研究. 土木建筑工程信息技术, 2011, 3(4): 9-15.
中文关键词: IFC标准; EXPRESS语言; 信息模型;数据交换; 建筑施工
英文关键词: Industry Foundation Classes, EXPRESS, Information Model, Information Exchange, Construction
The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) developed by International Alliance for Interoperability(IAI) has been known as a common product model for data exchange and model sharing. In architecture design,entity types and property sets in IFCs are nearly enough to meet the needs. However,in the construction,entity types are insufficient for data description. Therefore,we analyses the demand for data description in construction in mainland China,and extend the IFC model.At last,we test the extension model by some real projects and give some suggestions for further research.
下载链接: http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTOTAL-TMJZ201104007.htm
34 2010
胡振中, 张建平*, 张旭磊. 基于4D施工安全信息模型的建筑施工支撑体系安全分析方法. 工程力学, 2010, 27(12): 192-200.
检索情况: EI检索号: 20110313592236
中文关键词: 4D技术;建筑信息模型;施工过程;支撑体系; 安全分析
英文关键词: 4D technology, Building information model, Construction,Scaffold system, Safety analysis
建筑施工支撑系统倒塌在我国建筑工程施工安全事故中占很大比例,使施工支撑体系安全分析的研究得到广泛重视。该文通过研究现有的支撑体系安全分析方法,针对其三维建模和对施工期连续时变特性描述和分析等方面存在的不足,引入4D(4-Dimensional,四维)技术和BIM(Building Information Model,建筑信息模型),通过建立4D施工安全信息模型,将支撑体系与施工过程信息动态地链接起来,能快速建立支撑体系的3D模型,并自动生成随进度变化的支撑体系安全分析模型,从而简化支撑体系的力学分析过程,提高了计算精度和效率,为支撑体系的分析计算提供了新的途径和方法。该文还通过一个应用实例,验证了将4D施工安全信息模型应用于施工期支撑体系安全分析的可行性。
Collapses of scaffold system account for a significant proportion in construction accidents so that safety analysis of scaffold system during construction received wide attention. However, the existing calculation methods have some deficiencies in 3D modeling and time-dependent description. This paper proposed a new safety analysis approach for scaffold system during construction by inducting 4D (4-Dimensional) technology and BIM (Building Information Model). The 4D Construction Safety Information Model, which provides complete information for dynamic connection between scaffold system and construction process information, is presented and established so that 3D models and structural analysis model of scaffold system can be generated rapidly and automatically, therefore the safety analysis process can be simplified greatly. This paper also demonstrates thatsafety analysis of scaffold system based on the 4D Construction Safety Information Model is feasible and practical through an application example.
下载链接: http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTOTAL-GCLX201012032.htm
35 2010
胡振中, 张建平*, 张新. 基于4D时变空间模型的施工现场物理碰撞检测. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 50(6): 820-825.
检索情况: EI检索号: 20103413174294
中文关键词: 施工现场;碰撞检测;4D技术; 时空模型
英文关键词: Construction site, Collision detection, 4D technology, Space-time model
A 4-D space-t ime model and an improved construction collision detection algorithm were developed for site entities to improve construction safety management. The model uses the hierarchy bounding boxes algorithm and the 4-D technology and building information model(BIM) . The 4-D construction site layout management system accurately describes the 3-D shapes of site entities using the boundary representation (B-rep) method. The algorithm helps managers to dynamically analyze the construction process and avoid collisions between site entities and structural elements to improve the planning and deploym ent of site resources to meet the construction needs.
下载链接: http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTOTAL-QHXB201006004.htm
36 2010
胡振中*, 王重力, 李国星. 深圳机场T3航站楼幕墙CAD系统设计. 施工技术, 2010, 39(4): 109-112.
中文关键词: 深圳机场; I'3航站楼;计算机辅助设计; 幕墙; 三维建模
英文关键词: Shenzhen Airport Terminal 3, Computer Aided Design(CAD), Curtain wall, 3D modeling
The faade of Shenzhen Airport Terminal 3 (T3) is a parametric shaping design based on freeform surface. Architect provides a single layer wireframe model for facade outer skin by listing related spacial point coordinates. During design development,it’s required for facade consultant to pretreat the raw data from architect in order to develop information of guidance for fabrication and construction,and then rebuild a multi-layer 3D model with post-treatment besides drawing output. Thus,based on the raw model and data,a CAD system integrated pretreatment / auto-modeling / post-treatment for curtain wall engineering of T3 ( T3-CW-CAD) is developed to increase the efficiency of drawing designing. The authors discuss the requirements,data structure and core algorithms of the system in detail.
下载链接: http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/periodical_sgjs201004035.aspx
37 2010
胡振中*, 张建平, 路新瀛. 基于建筑信息模型的桥梁工程全寿命周期管理应用框架. 公路交通科技, 2010(9) 增刊: 20-24.
中文关键词: 桥梁工程; 建筑信息模型;全寿命期管理; 三维建模; 施工管理; 耐久性监测;生命周期成本分析
英文关键词: Bridge engineering,Building information mode, Llife-cycle management, 3D modeling,Constructionm anagement, Durability monitoring, Life cycle cost analysis
First, a BIM-based framework for life cycle management of bridges was proposed.Then, according to the application framework layer within the entire framework, four application aspects and functional requirements were illustrated in detail, including BIM-based quick modeling, construction management, durability monitoring, and cost analysis and prediction. Some suggestions for BIM system development were proposed.
下载链接: http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-GLJK2010S1004.htm
38 2009
张建平*, 胡振中, 王勇. 基于4D信息模型的施工冲突分析与管理.施工技术, 2009, 38(8): 115-119.
中文关键词: 4D技术; 建筑信息模型; 冲突分析; 施工管理
英文关键词: 4D technology, Building information model, Conflict analysis, Construction management
Based on previous research achievement —4D construction management system, in order to meet specific requirements of real projects and to enhance the construction conflict analysis abilities of the system, the authors firstly summarize conflict analysis needs for schedule management, resource management and cost management during construction by investigation. Then an improved analysis and management approach for construction conflict is proposed by inducting the 4D information model to solve corresponding technical problems , followed by a detailed description of the work flow of conflict analysis and management. The static alert mechanism according to current construction status and the dynamic early2 warning mechanism are illustrated based on prediction information by development trends during construction. Finally, examples of project applications show that the improved approach proposed can help project managers to grasp and analyze various construction conflicts, achieve purposes of conflict early warning and decision2making support.
下载链接: http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTOTAL-SGJS200908055.htm
39 2008
Hu Z Z, Zhang J P, Deng Z Y. Construction process simulation and safety analysis based on building information model and 4D technology. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2008, 13(S1): 266-272.
检索情况: EI检索号: 20091311987374
英文关键词: Building information model (BIM), Four-dimensional (4D) technology, Structure analysis, Construction simulation, Industry foundation class
Time-dependent structure analysis theory has been proved to be more accurate and reliable compared to commonly used methods during construction. However, so far applications are limited to partial period and part of the structure because of immeasurable artificial intervention. Based on the building information model (BIM) and four-dimensional (4D) technology, this paper proposes an improves structure analysis method, which can generate structural geometry, resistance model, and loading conditions automatically by a close interlink of the schedule information, architectural model, and material properties. The method was applied to a safety analysis during a continuous and dynamic simulation of the entire construction process. The results show that the organic combination of the BIM, 4D technology, construction simulation, and safety analysis of time-dependent structures is feasible and practical. This research also lays a foundation for further researches on building lifecycle management by combining architectural design, structure analysis, and construction management.
下载链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1007021408701603
40 2008
Zhang J P, Zhang Y, Hu Z Z, et al. Construction management utilizing 4D CAD and operations simulation methodologies. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2008, 13(S1): 241-247
检索情况: EI检索号: 20091311987370
英文关键词: 4D computer aided design (CAD), Simulation, Visualization, Genetic algorithm, Optimization, Construction management
The paper presents applications of simplified discrete-event simulation (SDESA), and 4D-GCPSU, to the National Stadium of the Beijing 2008 Olympics. Taking into account influential factors, e.g., resource, spatial condition, and the randomness of the construction process, the installation process of the steel-structure was simulated and optimized by using genetic algorithm (GA) optimization methodology. The operations simulation shortened the installation duration by 39 days (about 16% of the original total duration), guided the manufacturers to plan the construction processes, and provided specific suggestions on the entry time of the installation components, resulting in resource allocation optimization, resource saving, and construction efficiency improvement. Combining with the optimized schedule, the 4D visualization environment can discover time-space conflicts timely, and may assist project managers to reschedule the construction activities in tune with the site layout and resource allocation.
下载链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1007021408701561
41 2008
张建平, 胡振中. 基于4D技术的建筑施工期时变结构安全分析方法及系统设计. 工程力学, 2008, 25(增刊II): 204-212
检索情况: EI检索号: 20090311862461
中文关键词: 4D技术; 时变结构; 安全分析; 建筑施工; 4D施工管理
英文关键词: 4D technology, Time-dependent structure, Safety analysis,During construction, 4D construction management
Time-dependent theory has been proven to be more accurate and reliable for safety analysis of structures during construction compared to the traditional static method based on probability. However, applications are restricted in partial periods and partial structures because of the immeasurable artificial intervention. By inducting 4D technology to safety analysis of time-dependent structures during construction, a visualized environment is provided, where the entire analysis data including structure models are accessibleaccording to the construction schedule. Thus, continuously and dynamically time-dependent analysis is achieved. This idea simplifies the process and enhances the efficiency of structure calculation. This paper demonstrates that the organic combination of 4D technology and time-dependent theory is feasible, proposes the 4D safety analysis model of time-dependent structures and the corresponding method for safety analysis, and presents a system for 4D-based construction management and safety analysis.
下载链接: http://www.cqvip.com/qk/95324x/2008a02/29003928.html
42 2008
胡振中*, 张建平, 周毅, 等. 青岛海湾大桥4D施工管理系统的研究和应用. 施工技术, 37(12): 84-87.
中文关键词: 桥梁工程;4D-CAD;4 D施工管理; 青岛海湾大桥; 项目管理系统; 信息模型; 施工进度计划; 动态管理; 可视化模拟; 施工过程
英文关键词: Bridge, 4D2CAD, 4D construction management, Bridge engineering, Qingdao Bay Bridge
In order to enhance Qingdao Bay Bridge project management level and efficiency , Tsinghua University , cooperation with the investors, developed 4D construction management system for Qingdao Bay Bridge by establishing the Qingdao Bay Bridge 4D information model and its information integration mechanism. The system implemented the construction visual simulation and 4D dynamic managements of construction progress, labor, material, machinery and construction quality by the mutual links of engineering model, construction schedule and resources. The experimental results show that 4D technology is supposed to raise information management and improve the efficiency of the Qingdao Bay Bridge project. The research presents a new information management method for bridge construction, and has a high practical value and broad prospects.
下载链接: http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-sgjs200812032.htm
43 2006
郭建峰, 张建平, 胡振中, 等. 基于数据挖掘的智能工程决策平台. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2006(9): 1518-1522
检索情况: EI检索号: 20065110316966
中文关键词: 数据挖掘, 决策支持系统, 推理机制, 工程决策
英文关键词: Data mining, Decision support system, Reasoning mechanism, Engineering decisionm aking
In order to overcome the inherent shortcom ings in know ledge acquisition and applicability of traditional engineering decision support systems(EDSS), a new mechanism that integrates datamining(DM) technology with engineering decision support technologies is proposed and an intelligent decision support plat form for engineering decision makings named DM-EDSS is introduced. DM-EDSS aims to automatically extract useful know ledge (predictive models or rules) from a large amount of historical engineering data, and provide decision supports to solve new engineering problems by reasoning on the extracted know ledge. The results of case study show that the know ledge extracted by DM-EDSS can provide valuable suggestions for engineering decisionm akings, and the reasoning results are of acceptable precisions that can meet the requirements of engineering practices.
下载链接: http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-HEBX200609028.htm
序号 时间 名称 评论
1 2024
Liu Y, Ning H C, Hu Z Z*. Real-time Monitoring and Analysis for Digital Twin of Floating Wind Turbine. Proceedings of 11th ICCCOE, Shandong, China. Aug. 2024
关键词: Floating Wind Turbine, Digital Twin, Real-Time Monitoring, Data Fusion, State Inversion
The increasing demand for clean energy has made floating wind turbines (FWTs) a viable option. However, the operation and maintenance of FWTs face numerous challenges. The emergence of digital twins provides a potential solution. This study focuses on real-time monitoring and analysis techniques for FWTs, aiming to address key challenges in building the digital twin of such systems. We propose a monitoring and analysis framework for the digital twin of FWTs, covering three main aspects: ocean environment, FWT’s pose, and structural state. For the tower structure of FWTs, we present a state inversion method based on limited sensors, enabling rapid and comprehensive assessment of structural health. Based on this, we construct a scaled model of the FWT and apply the proposed methods to the monitoring and analysis of an actual FWT, realizing a complete process from data perception, storage, integration, and fusion to feedback control, creating an information closed-loop between the physical and virtual worlds. Furthermore, the application of the constructed digital twin platform validates the feasibility and effectiveness of the methods. By deeply integrating digital models, ocean environment data, and FWT state data, we create a comprehensive digital twin of the FWT, providing crucial support for transparency of state information, safety risk management, intelligent parameter adjustments, and informed decision-making.
2 2024
Loh C W, Zhang X B, Lin J R, Hu Z Z. Standard-Driven Chinese Knowledge Extraction in Highway Domain using Machine Learning and NLP Approach. 2024 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE), Pittsburgh, USA. Jul. 2024
关键词: knowledge graph, chinese standards, highway, construction
Advancements in informatics have led to numerous data-driven strategies for improving transportation efficiency. However, data exchange between transportation systems is often hindered by complexity, ambiguous definitions, and varied datasets. To tackle these issues, this article introduces a method for creating an automatic knowledge extraction model for highway standards. Machine learning models like BiLSTM-CRF, TextCNN-BiLSTM-CRF, BERT and BERT-CRF are utilized on small training sets for tasks such as Named Entity Recognition using ISO 12006-3 as upper-level ontology, and relationship classification. Additionally, post-prediction and manual corrections refine training datasets for iterative learning. The best results are formatted into graphs and saved as OWL ontologies. This approach yielded 158 graphs from Chinese standards, linked via ISO 12006-3 referenced classes and the outcome links highway domain concepts, enhancing data management and project collaboration. This method shows promise for better data management and interdisciplinary collaboration in highway projects, furthering datadriven progress in the field.
3 2024
Li Y H, Hu Z Z, Li B B. Application of Hierarchical Analyst Domino Evaluation System in Floating Offshore Wind Farm Operation Stage. Proceedings of the ASME 2024 43rd International, Singapore, June. 2024
关键词: Risk assessment, Domino effect, QRA, HADES, FOWF
In light of the escalating greenhouse effect and the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, the global spotlight has shifted towards the development of green energy solutions. Notably, Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (FOWTs) have gained prominence as a high-tech innovation in harnessing wind resources in deep-sea field. However, an expanded perspective that encompasses entire wind farms necessitates a more comprehensive approach to risk assessment and safetymanagement. 
This paper introduces the application of the Hierarchical Analyst Domino Evaluation System (HADES), originally designed for offshore oil and gas facilities decommissioning, to assess the domino risk of the Floating Offshore Wind Farm (FOWF) situated near the Wanning Sea area, Hainan, China. The assessment includes scenarios involving navigating vessels collisions, typhoons, storm surges, and large waves, which can lead to accidents such as capsizing, deviation, and structural damage. HADES offers a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)framework that hierarchically models the development of domino accidents, providing a clear visualization of the accident progression. Unlike other domino risk assessment methods, HADES incorporates Frequentist Approach to reconstruct the trigger mechanisms and propagation logic of these accidents. HADES simplifies calculations and reduces the reliance on extensive historical data. Through the analysis of accident scenarios, probabilities, and consequences, this study aims to address the concerns of FOWF operators regarding the layout, operation, and monitoring of FOWTs. The results of the analysis indicate that due to the lower integration and density of equipment in FOWFs, domino incidents are unlikely to occur and propagate. The majority of domino events are caused by external structural failures of the FOWTs themselves and collisions with vessels within the wind farm area. The focus of research on domino accident assessment for FOWFs should be placed on the reliability of FOWT components such as blades, towers, floating foundations, and anchor chains, as well as on strategies to avoid collisions with vessels. This study enhancing our understanding and preparedness for potential accidents in this dynamic and critical sector.
4 2024
Li Y L, Loh C W, Li S W, Hu Z Z. Offshore Infrastructure Disaster Ontology Construction Based on Feature Engineering. Proceedings of the ASME 2024 43rd International, Singapore, June. 2024
关键词: Digitization, Risk, Offshore Wind, Offshore Platform
In recent years, the South China Sea has faced a surge in marine meteorological disasters, causing substantial financial impacts across Asia and threatening the livelihoods of coastal communities. Despite earnest disaster prevention and mitigation efforts, formidable challenges persist in offshore engineering.
This study conducts a comprehensive analysis of potential transformations, structural failures, and collapses in offshore infrastructure under specific marine and meteorological conditions. It aims to deepen the understanding of the complex and dynamic mechanisms underlying marine disasters. To achieve this, a bottom-up multidimensional feature extraction approach is employed from historical data, considering temporal, spatial, and textual dimensions. Parameters such as spatial-temporal data, physical characteristics, geographical locations, meteorological conditions, and marine environmental factors are meticulously considered. The identified multidimensional features are then analyzed and integrated into an ontology representation, describing the intricate relationship between properties and marine infrastructure disasters. This comprehensive disaster ontology is structured using ontological and feature engineering, encompassing both ontology and epistemological data layers.
In conclusion, this study contributes to improving disaster preparedness and response strategies in the South China Sea and similar regions. By addressing offshore engineering intricacies during marine disasters, it offers valuable insights for more effective risk management and mitigation measures in the future
5 2023
An P, Lin J R, Yu Y T, Hu Z Z*. Fusion Modelling of Heterogeneous O&M Data for infrastructures: Standardization, Semantic Enrichment and Knowledge Association. 30th International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, London, UK. Jul. 2023
关键词: Operation and Maintenance (O&M), Data Fusion, Semantic Web, Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), Knowledge Graph
The data related to operation and maintenance (O&M) of infrastructure exhibit a high degree of heterogeneity, decentralization, and multiform due to extensive collaboration and long-term operation in the construction industry. Much effort should be made for eliminating the information gap between various forms of data. The main objective of this research is to develop a fusion model that integrates diverse O&M data, including BIM, GIS model and specification texts, for infrastructures. An ontology system was constructed referencing IFC & CityGML data framework and terminology, and utilized to establish the association between the extracted knowledge structure and data model. The proposed framework achieved semantic interoperability between the BIM-GIS model and domain knowledge graph. The results of fusion modelling was presented on a developed 3D graphic platform, and verified in the exemplary case of an O&M engineering project.
6 2021
Zhang Y Y, Hu Z Z*, Lin J R, Zhang J P. Data Cleaning for Prediction and its Evaluation of Building Energy Consumption. Proc. of the 38rd ISARC, Dubai, UAE. November. 2021
关键词: Data Cleaning; Building Energy; Prediction
Building consume a large amount of energy and a plenty of methods  to mine into energy consumption data  to  aid  intelligent  management  are  proposed. However, the  data quality issues  are inevitable and the  influence  is  lack  of  discussion.  This  paper proposed a data cleaning method combing threshold and  cluster  method.  This  paper  also  proposed  an index to  evaluate the accuracy improvement on big data prediction. A  case study is conducted and  it is found that the accuracy of data filling is not sure to agree  with  the  improvement  of  prediction  after filling.
7 2020
Leng S, Hu Z Z. A Lightweight BIM-GIS Integration Method for Rural Building Design and Construction. Creative Construction e-Conference 2020. Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2020: 25-30.
关键词: BIM; GIS; integration; lightweight algorithm; rural building
Building Information Model (BIM) and Geographic Information System (GIS) are both important data sources in the design and construction of buildings, and they have different emphasis on building information definition. A unified database that integrates BIM and GIS information is needed in many cases. However, most of the studies and applications of BIM-GIS integration are concentrated in urban buildings. Research on BIM-GIS integration in rural buildings is still rare. In fact, rural residences usually have different information characteristics with urban buildings. These characteristics need to be carefully considered to achieve effective information integration. A lightweight BIM-GIS integration method for rural building design and construction was proposed in this paper. The proposed method integrates BIM and GIS based on the Cesium platform, and realizes multi-scale lightweight algorithm based on the characteristics of rural houses. Based on a case study, the proposed method demonstrates its feasibility and efficiency in integrating BIM and GIS data. We believe it can assist with the design and construction of rural buildings.
8 2019
Leng S, Hu Z Z, Luo Z, Zhang J P, Lin J R. Automatic MEP knowledge acquisition based on documents and natural language processing. Proc. of the 36rd CIB W78 Conference, Newcastle, UK. Sep. 2019
关键词: MEP; Knowledge graph; NLP
Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) systems are critical assets in buildings. A series of systematic specifications have been developed and extensive experiences have been accumulated as human knowledge to guide the design and maintenance of MEP systems. However, most of the MEP-related knowledge is represented in the form of unstructured texts and heterogeneously dispersed in the design documents and Internet. It is therefore difficult for managing, querying and utilizing them. To address this challenge, the research study described in this paper constructed a knowledge graph by automatic collecting and storing of MEP knowledge from unstructured data. Specifically, the MEP documents were first acquired from the Internet, and multiple Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques were then adopted to extract entity and discover relationship from the information documented in these documents. Finally, the knowledge graph was established and presented in a vivid form. The constructed knowledge graph is expected to contribute to the promotion of AI technology in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.
9 2019
Lin J R, Zhou Y C, Zhang J P, Hu Z Z. Classification and exemplary BIM models development of design changes. Proc. of the 36rd ISARC, Banff, Canada. May. 2019
关键词: Design changes; Classification; Building information Modeling; Exemplary model database; Validation
Detection of design changes is essential for collaboration and version management in the design process of buildings. However, current detection methods based on Building Information Modeling (BIM) usually cause unreliable or meaningless results. This is because most of the current researches look at the question from a data change view, which sometimes is meaningless from a designer’s view. To overcome this problem, this paper first classifies and identifies meaningful design changes from a designer's view, and develops exemplary BIM models of typical design changes. In this paper, categories of data changes are divided into property data, appearance data and relationship data, and design changes are classified into instance level, type level and model level from a designer’s view. The test of two BIM tools (Autodesk BIM360 and IFCdiff) with developed BIM models shows that the detection results for changes at instance level are perfect while detection results for type and model level still need to be further improved. This work contributes a new view and classification method of design changes, and also sets up a baseline model database for further development and validation of relevant methods and tools.
10 2018
Xiao Y Q, Hu Z Z, Lin J R. Ontology-Based Semantic Retrieval Method of Energy Consumption Management. Advances in Informatics and Computing in Civil and Construction Engineering, 2018: 231-238.
11 2018 评论
关键词: Building Information Modeling, Building Operation and Maintenance Management, Environmental Monitoring, Emergency Evacuation Management
The past few decades have witnessed the birth and development of BIM technologies, greatly enhancing the extent, quality and efficiency of the operation and maintenance management of buildings. It is critical that the building managing community is aware of this groundbreaking tool. Traditional operation and maintenance management practices are largely hurdled by the difficulty to retrieve precise, real-time, full-scale and multi-dimensionalbuilding system data, to which a solution is presented by the combination of BIM technologies with sensor systems, which collect data including occupant presence, utility usage, environmental parameters, etc. Additionally, BIM technologies also present managers with a means to query building system information in case of emergencies, such as locating faulty wires or finding shortest path for evacuation. This paper takes a recently constructed building in Shenzhen, China as an example, and looks into how BIM-based management system may exploit sensors implemented inside the building to help exert efficient environmental monitoring, and provide assistance for managing emergency evacuations.
12 2017
Zhang Y Y, Lin J R, Zhang J P, Fan D D, Hu Z Z. How Information Technology Can Improve Construction Management for General Contractor: A Case Study. Proc. of the 3rd ICCBEI, Taibei. Apr. 2017
关键词: Information Technology, BIM Application, Case Study, Construction Management
Information technology such as Building Information Modeling, 3D-printing provides an innovativeapproach for construction project management, aiming at increasing efficiency, improving quality and reducingcost. Construction corporations in mainland China are making active attempts to increase the informatization levelin construction projects. This paper discusses Beijing Headquarter building project of Tencent as a case study forthe information technology application in the construction phase in terms of how information technology canimprove construction management for general contractor.The project for case study is designed as a large public building located in Beijing, with a footprint areaof 334,386 square meters. Considering the complexity of the structure, tight schedule and difficulties in detailedconstruction, various of attempts of information technology application have been made in the project, including4D-BIM integrated management, 3D-printing, construction simulation. These attempts cover schedule, quality,safety and cost management, resulting in reduction of redundant work, optimized detailed design, improvedefficiency, etc. This paper examines the process of each application and analyzes the necessity of each techniqueby comparing the benefits and the devotion. This project won the first prize in “Longtu Cup” national BIMcompetition in 2015 and held an exhibition presenting information technology application.The paper also discusses the value and challenges appeared during the application of informationtechnology in the case. Information technology application can result in resource and workload reduction, problemsolving in advance and realizing precise management, thus improving construction management for generalcontractor. However, promoting information technology application can be challenging at first, given themanagement team is not familiar enough with the techniques. Countermeasures are proposed regarding thechallenges and difficulties arose in the case.
13 2016
Zhou Y, Hu Z Z, Zhang X Y, Lin J R. A BIM-based Safety Monitoring and Analysis System for a High-speed Railway Bridge. Proc. of the 33rd CIB W78 Conference, Brisbane, Australia. Nov. 2016
关键词: BIM, High-speed railway, Bridge monitoring, Safety evaluation
Safety monitoring remains a challenging issue in engineering construction although the demand for safety monitoring has reached its peak. This study investigates the innovative application of building information modeling/model (BIM) technology in the safety monitoring of engineering projects. BIM technology provides the design and development of monitoring data interface, the visualization and dynamic integration of monitoring data, security monitoring management, dynamic security analysis, safety prediction, and early warning system for engineering projects. Through the successful implementation in the Xu Huaiyan Bridge project, the validity and feasibility of BIM-based safety monitoring and management in guaranteeing safety and quality in construction were confirmed, thereby proving that it would worthy of further application and promotion.
14 2016
Zhang X Y, Lin J R, Hu Z Z, Zhang J P, Fang J, Du S Y. Towards BIM-based Model Integration and Safety Analysis for Brdige Construction. Proceedings of 16th ICCCBE, Osaka, Japan. Jul. 2016
关键词: BIM, Data Model, Model Integration, Integrated Application
Construction projects are challenging because of significant investment from various investors. The completion of construction work also requires the collaboration among experts from several disciplines. However, previous works on the integration of information available in the design, construction, and maintenance phases are insufficient. In this study, we initially reviewed the previous studies in this area and then discussed the possible challenges and demands. Afterward, we presented a thorough comparison of different models (i.e., Tekla model as architectural model and Midas Civil model as structural analysis model) and software applications. Then, we proposed a novel approach in which a unified information model and a region-based feature point matching algorithm (RFPMA) were employed to enhance the integration of information available in different phases of a construction project. Furthermore it has been achieved to dynamically integrate the monitoring data and analysis results into the unified inform  model. Finally, we proposed the method and the overall workflow that show how the available information in different phases is integrated. The proposed approach was implemented in a Client Server (C/S) platform and applied in a large real project located at Jinan, Shandong Province, China, which is called Jinan Yellow River Bridge. The application involved several scenarios, including information sharing between Tekla model and Midas Civil model, synchronous model updating and data visualization, and collaborative analysis of the safety level during the construction process. This research has made a breakthrough in the theory, technology, and application of model integration and has established the foundation for safety management.
下载链接: http://www.huzhenzhong.net/Files/Resource/Towards BIM-based model integration and safety analysis for bridge construction.pdf
15 2016 评论
关键词: building information model; personnel safety; machine learning; decision tree; support vector machine
Ensuring personnel safety is mandatory in the operation and maintenance (O&M) management of large public buildings. Personnel safety hazards should be controlled in the O&M phase. As a crucial step in controlling hazards, the evaluation of the safety level should be based on the most accurate information. However, difficulties arise in such evaluation because of the complexity of variables that influence personnel safety. For this reason, this paper proposes a novel approach for evaluating personnel safety in public buildings. The proposed technique is based on two machine learning methods that apply building information model/modeling (BIM) technology. The proposed framework implements a supervised machine learning process through the following steps: (1) a training set, which is an integration of already known personnel safety levels derived from different sources, such as expert opinion, historical accident records, and attributes of the region, and the necessary data are extracted from BIM; (2) both decision tree and support vector machine are employed to summarize the evaluation rules; (3) evaluation of the safety levels of all regions of the building is performed automatically in accordance with these rules. The outputs would help O&M managers in dealing with each safety hazard. The proposed approach was implemented through a prototype and applied to a real public building, thereby proving that the machine learning methods were accurate and feasible in terms of safety evaluation. The proposed approach provided valuable information regarding safety management during the O&M phase.
下载链接: http://www.huzhenzhong.net/Files/Resource/BIM-based Personnel Safety Level Evaluation Approach Using Machine Learning Methods for Public Buildings.pdf
16 2016
He T F, Zhang J P, Lin J R, Jia W D, Hu Z Z. A Topological and Hierarchical Information Integration Approach for Standard-unit-based Residential Planning. Proceedings of 16th ICCCBE, Osaka, Japan. Jul. 2016
关键词: BIM, IFC, Topological information, Hierarchical information, Information integration, Residential plan.
Standard-unit is a residential design template which is concluded from flats sharing the same layout, similardecorating style, and same kind of furniture and appliances. Conventional way to implement standard-unit is touse standard design drawings. Such drawings are mainly kept as hard-copies or CAD digital files, which lackssemantic information and makes it difficult to fully utilize the standard-units. Building InformationModel/Modeling (BIM) technology provides a solution to enhance the implementation of standard-unit. In thisstudy, we first developed a series of algorithm to extract semantic, topological and hierarchical information fromIFC-files. Then a topological and hierarchical information integration approach was proposed for standard-unitbased residential planning. A prototype database and modeling system were also developed to demonstrate thisapproach. Both the database and modeling system were tested with real project data. The application indicates thatthe proposed approach can efficiently integrate topological and hierarchical information in the residential project.
下载链接: http://www.huzhenzhong.net/Files/Resource/A Topological and Hierarchical Information Integration Approach for Standard-unitbased Residential Planning.pdf
17 2015
Wang H W, Zhang J P, Hu Z Z, Wang H D. BIM-based Onsite Location-dynamic Information Integration and Management. Proc. of the 32nd CIB W78 Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Oct. 2015
关键词: Construction management; collaboration; BIM; metro station; case study
In addition to difficulties in collaboration and information sharing, each of the participants in Hedong metro station in Guangzhou, China, has special BIM-based management requirements during construction Based on a detail field investigation of different requirements from different participants, a series of methods including integrating different parametric 3D models, establishing the construction schedule and the 4D model by attaching each 3D component with a region attribute, and the order sheet method for construction process control were proposed to achieve meticulous construction management for this project. Then, a BIM-based multi-platform construction management system was developed for the owner, the engineering consultant and contractors. The application results show that the proposed methods and system reduced project cost, shortened construction duration, and ensured the safety of construction by contributing to the real-time communication and data exchanges within construction process and enabling tracking project updates and rapidly updating the data of construction activities.
下载链接: http://www.huzhenzhong.net/Files/Resource/BIM-based Meticulous Construction Management for Metro.pdf
18 2015
Tian P L, Hu Z Z, Wang H W, Zhang J P, Zou D. BIM-based Meticulous Construction Management for Metro Station Projects: A Case Study. Proc. of the 32nd CIB W78 Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Oct. 2015
关键词: Onsite localization; BIM; information integration; construction management;
Existing methods for onsite safety and quality management mainly focus on particular purposes such as risk detection, accident warning and quality monitoring, and are limited in construction phase. In order to control the quality and safety on the construction site, inspections with location information are applied to the management process. Existing methods to integrate location information to a reliable data source according to Building information modeling (BIM) technology is to manually input information delivered by hardcopies. However, the unreliable operation process limits the result validity and the efficiency of subsequent management. In this study, a concept called Onsite Inspection BIM is proposed for construction onsite information integration. Then a location-dynamic data collection approach and a location-dynamic onsite management framework are presented. Finally, a prototype system is developed and implemented in the construction of a metro station, demonstrating the feasibility and effects of the proposed solution.
下载链接: http://www.huzhenzhong.net/Files/Resource/BIM-based Onsite Location-dynamic Information Integration.pdf
19 2015
Lin J R, Zhang J P, He T F, Hu Z Z, Yao F H. Visualization and automatic verification of a schedule-driven 4D model. 15th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality. Proc. of the CONVR 2015, Banff, Alberta, Canada. October, 2015
关键词: Four dimensional, Visualization, Model verification, Schedule-driven model
By integrating physical 3D elements with time, 4D technology provides a comprehensive tool to visualize construction sequences as part of an interactive experience. With years of development, 4D technologies were adopted in more and more projects, to improve crew coordination, shorten the construction period, and to reduce request for information. Though research that improves the productivity of 4D tools exists, most studies so far failed to keep synchronization between work schedules and animations and are not capable to verify the 4D model automatically. By evaluating commonly used 4D visualization tools, the pros and cons are concluded in this article. Then, a schedule-driven 4D model is proposed, which consists of physical element model, geometry model, schedule model and visualization model. With this model, different construction operations can be represented by colors, textures, and transformations. What's more, processes for model verification and frame rendering were proposed in this research. Finally, demonstration of this model was implemented in the construction of a cable-stayed truss bridge over the Yangtze River. It is illustrated that with automatic model verification and a better visualization, the proposed model can reduce rework and mistakes. Future improvements of the model are also discussed in this article. 
下载链接: http://www.huzhenzhong.net/Files/Resource/Visualization and automatic verification of a schedule-driven 4D model.pdf
20 2014
Zhang X Y, Hu Z Z, Wang H W, Kassem M. An industry foundation classes Web-based approach and platform for bidirectional conversion of structural analysis models. Proceedings of 15th ICCCBE, Orlando, USA. Jun. 2014
检索情况: EI检索号:20152701000823
关键词: Model Conversion, Structural Analysis, BIM, IFC, WebGL
Projects in the Architectural Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry involve several organizations and practitioners who require sharing very diverse set of information and models. Building Information Modeling (BIM) and open standards such as Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) have made substantial progress in improving the interoperability in recent years. However, inadequate interoperability is still inflicting an economic burden and is considered one of the main limiting factors for BIM adoption. This paper presents an IFC and Web-based approach and tool that enable a bidirectional conversion among structural analysis models. The approach consists of an IFC-based unified information model and a number of algorithms that help overcoming the differences between the data structures and representation logics of different structural analysis technologies. A web-based platform, that utilizes WebGL, was developed to enable the sharing and converting of different building models. The testing of the approach and the platform developed, in a live case study, demonstrated consistency in the conversion process and stability and rendering quality in the display of models over the Web browser.
21 2014
He T F, Lin J R, Hu Z Z, Zhang J P, Jia W D, Su J. BIM-Based Plan Modeling System at Preliminary Stage for Residential Real Estate Projects. Proceedings of 15th ICCCBE, Orlando, USA. Jun. 2014
检索情况: EI检索号:20152701000790
关键词: Plan modeling, BIM, Performance analysis, Residential real estate
The preliminary stage of a residential real estate project is of great importance but also is known to be with poor efficiency. However, residential real estate project contains numerous built standard units such as dwelling units and floors. By introducing BIM, this research tapped the full potential of this advantage to improve the performance of the preliminary plan modeling in residential real estate projects. This research proposed a standard-unit-based modeling approach which contains 3 main steps: 1) standard unit management, 2) rapid plan modeling and 3) in-time estimation.By integrating functions such as intelligent standard unit boundary revision, sun analysis, multi-level and information-based model visualization,a prototype system was developed based on this approach, and wasapplied to a real estate project in Xian, China. The results indicate that this approach has the potential to improve the efficiency and quality of preliminary plan.
22 2014
Zhang J P, Liu Q, Yu F Q, Hu Z Z. A framework of cloud-computing-based BIM service for building lifecycle. Proceedings of 15th ICCCBE, Orlando, USA. Jun. 2014
检索情况: EI检索号:20152701000695
关键词: BIM; Distributed server; Virtual integration; Cloud computing; Building lifecycle;
With the amount increasing, the BIM (Building Information Modeling or Building Information Model) data exchange and sharing face a series ofchallenges includingintegration ofdisparate data models,fast information extraction anddata consistency maintenance. Since the existing BIM data storing and transferring method based on neutral files or a centralized database cannot meet theabove-mentioned requirements, a framework ofdistributedBIMservice on a private cloud platform was proposed. By this BIM service, multi-stage participants store relevant data on their own servers, which arevirtually integratedthrough a CC (cloud computing) platformto form a logically complete BIM. It supports participantsto establish, manageand transfer consistentBIM data efficiently withensuring ofdata privacy.Toachieve this BIM service, a BIM integration and service platform (BIMISP) based on IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) and CC was developed. Proved by experiments, the research achievements are useful for improving the efficiency and quality of information extraction and delivery, ensuring the safety and legality of data sharing during building lifecycle.
23 2013
Lin J R, Hu Z Z, Zhang J P. BIM oriented intelligent data mining and representation. Proceedings of 30th CIB W78 International Conference, Beijing, China, Oct. 2013
关键词: Data mining, Semantic analysis, Building Information Model (BIM), Natural Language Processing (NLP), International Framework for Dictionaries (IFD)
Building Information Model (BIM) encompasses mass of data specified by Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)from multiple fields during the whole lifecycle of the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) project.Recently, a large international initiative is launched to provide extensive support that will facilitate the creation,sharing and integration for BIM through all professions in the AEC industry, while few bend their mind tointelligent BIM data mining, which will improve the value of BIM. As the Information becoming increasinglyrich and complicated, utilization of the data is getting harder, particularly for personnel without extensiveknowledge of IFC specifications.This paper proposes a framework utilizing Natural Language Processing (NLP) and International Frameworkfor Dictionaries (IFD) to address the intelligent BIM data mining problem. First, user requirements depicted witha sentence of natural language are processed for keywords extraction by NLP. Then, keywords will map to IFCentities (or properties) through IFD-driven mapping mechanism, providing information for data retrieval. Finally,the analyzed results of BIM data collected by previous research and application will be represented in accordancewith its format such as tables, charts, animations or combination of them. The framework provides an intelligentdata mining and multi-aspect data representation method for users without any special training, thus enhancingthe applicable value of BIM.Practical application results in construction management illustrates that with semantic understanding ofhis/her intention in natural language, user concerned data will be automatically retrieved, analyzed andrepresented in a suitable form, which is of great benefit for corporations without requiring extremelytechnological users, facilitating BIM application and enhancing the value of BIM.
24 2012
Hu Z Z, Chen X X, Zhang J P, etc. A BIM-based research framework for monitoring and management during operation and maintenance period. Proceedings of 14th ICCCBE, Moscow, Russia. Jun. 2012
关键词: Research framework, Monitoring, Informatization management, BIM (Building Information Model), Operation and maintenance
With the deepening research of BIM, BIM applications have been permeated into each phase of thebuilding life cycles. However, there is less research and engineering application during the operationand maintenance of property facility management, i.e., lacking of specific feasible solutions.Combining with actual major projects, addressing to three demands, respectly the durabilitymonitoring and safety evaluation, the information management of mechanical and electricalequipment, and the simulation and optimization of airport business processes, how to apply BIM inthe operation and maintenance stage were discussed from following three aspects, namely thesupporting technologies, research contents and anticipated goals, so as to realize the comprehensivemonitoring, simulation, optimization and management of BIM and other modern informationtechnology. Among the said three application research frameworks proposed in this paper, the BIMbaseddurability monitoring in the operation and maintenance period is expected to be applied inlarge-sized bridge projects, and the other two have been put into the project approval and applicationin an ongoing large airport construction project, which are expected to receive great social andeconomic benefits and can be further researched and deeply applied in other similar projects.
下载链接: http://www.icccbe.ru/paper_long/0485paper_long.pdf
25 2012
Chen X X, Li Z H, Hu Z Z and Shen Z P. Key technical research and platform development of bridge management system. Proceedings of 4th Asia-Pacific Young Researchers & Graduate Symposium, Hong Kong, China. Dec. 2012
关键词: Bridge Management System (BMS), WebGIS, Degradation Model, Cost Model, Platform development
Efficient evaluation and maintenance management on bridge during the operation and maintenance period havealways been key issues which bridge maintenance department and municipal bridge management department arevery concerned about. With the development of computer technology, Bridge Management System (BMS) cameinto being. However, current systems have some common problems, for instance, incomplete managementsystems, backward and inaccurate analysis and evaluation models, weak database functions and imperfectembodiments of human-computer interaction, etc. In order to solve these problems and aim at researching anddeveloping a generalized BMS, an approach to life cycle management for bridge, and the detailed workflow arepresented in this paper, followed by establishing a scientific analysis and evaluation model of a bridge. In thismanner, the core technological solutions for BMS based on B/S structure and GIS service are discussed.According to the above solutions, a prototype system of comprehensive management and evaluation for bridgesis developed, giving a cautiously positive outlook for the new-generation BMS.
26 2012
Zhang J P, Lin J R, Hu Z Z, etc. Research on IDM-based BIM process information exchange technology. Proceedings of 14th ICCCBE, Moscow, Russia. Jun. 2012
关键词: IDM, IFC, BIM, Process information exchange, MVD (Model View Definition)
IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) laid the foundation for interoperability with different applications. However, the IFC lacked the specifications for the process, such as where and when the information was created, edited, and exchanged. Determining what and when to share is difficult. Thus, IDM (Information Delivery Manual) was introduced to capture the business process while providing detailed user-defined specifications on the information that need to be exchanged at particular points within a project. However, the development of IDM needs the widespread support of participants who have high professionalism. Thus, the development of IDM lasts long, and the model view of the exchange requirement is difficult to modify, which obstructs BIM (Building Information Modeling) information sharing. In this paper, the technical framework of the BIM process information exchange was proposed based on the relationships among IDM, IFC, and IFD (International Framework for Dictionaries). According to the framework, the basic method for BIM process information exchange, which is composed of process modelling and exchange requirement extraction based on IDM, model view auto-generation depending on natural specification of exchange requirement, exchanging data by the requirement view in a linear sequence, was established. The exchange requirement model view auto-generation application was also developed. Actual practice in the 4D (4-Dimensional) construction management system of the information specified by the exchange requirement view was presented. Application results illustrate that the framework and the method for BIM process information exchange is effective, and helps in the safe, accurate, and highly efficient exchange, sharing, and integration of data.
下载链接: http://www.icccbe.ru/paper_long/0491paper_long.pdf
27 2012
Liu Q, Zhang J P, Li D, Hu Z Z. Research on building information modeling and model transformation technology based on the IFC. Proceedings of 14th ICCCBE, Moscow, Russia. Jun. 2012
关键词: Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), Building Information Modeling (BIM), Model transformation
This paper focuses on several key technologies in Building Information Modeling (BIM) to providethe technical route and method for building a high-quality BIM. The paper discusses the direct use ofthe Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) data structure in a building information modeling system tominimize data loss theoretically. This work also addresses the efficiency problem, which is one of thebiggest obstacles in the application of IFC. In this research, the IFC information expression, includinggeometry, material definitions, and construction properties, among others, is studied, and a modelingsystem based on IFC is developed to build an IFC-represented model. Engineering information, suchas physical quantity, material, schedule, cost, safety, and quality, as well as extensible properties, hasalso been added or edited into the previously established model. The paper presents several IFCmodel transformation technologies, including model reconstruction of IFC data, solid-to-surfacemodel conversion, mesh simplification for surface model, and repeating unit simplification based onmapping. Application of these technologies could improve system efficiency and IFC datatransmission efficiency to a certain extent.
下载链接: http://www.icccbe.ru/paper_long/0492paper_long.pdf
28 2010
Hu Z Z, Zhang J P, Lu X Z. Development of a Sub Building Information Model for 4D Structural Safety Analysis During Construction. Proceedings of 13th ICCCBE, Nottingham, UK. Jul. 2010
关键词: Structural safety, Building information model, 4D, Construction, Safety analysis
Building Information Model (BIM) is a full-fledged digital framework that models building components and their relationships. As a subset module of BIM, a sub-BIM focuses on a certain field or objective and provides all related building information. Aiming at the unsolved problems of establishing the complete BIM at the beginning of a project, this paper presents a feasible and necessary method for the implementation of BIM applications by combining various sub-BIMs. The research took the National Stadium of 2008 Olympic Game as a case study in which an Industry Foundation Class (IFC) -based sub-BIM, 4D Structural Information Model was developed by combining three smaller sub-BIMs to support 4D structural safety analysis during construction, so that time-dependent structural analysis could be carried out precisely following the construction activities. The case study shows that the proposed method is rational and feasible, and it is an integrated and intelligent method for building lifecycle management.
下载链接: http://www.engineering.nottingham.ac.uk/icccbe/proceedings/pdf/pf90.pdf
29 2008
Liang X, Lu M, Zhang J P, Hu Z Z. A case study of dynamic construction site facilities modeling in a 4D environment . Proceedings of 12th ICCCBE & 2008 INCiTE, Beijing, China. Oct. 2008
关键词: Dynamic Site Layout, Construction Sites, Construction Management, Construction Planning, 4D Construction Management
This paper presents a dynamic construction site layout modeling technique developed to follow an open architecture in a four dimensional (4D) environment. We intend to address the limitations of established two dimensional (2D) site layout planning approaches by processing information of site facilities in three dimensions (3D) and alleviate the difficulties of creating new types of facilities as experienced by existing 3D/4D-based methods. The new modeling technique enables creation and insertion of new types of fa-cilities to the site layout model, driven by the diverse nature of construction sites. In addition, the new tech-nique also seamlessly adds location and progress data in a site layout model.  Its basic architecture and components, including database design, facility components and 4D environments are described. In order to demonstrate its advantages, a case study is presented on how to apply the proposed modeling method at a high-rise building site.
30 2006
Hu Z Z, Zhang J P, Lu M, etc. Simulation and optimization of prefabricated steel-structure installation operations. Proceedings of 1st International Construction Specialty Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 2006
关键词: Construction Plan, Simulation, Optimization, Genetic Algorithm
This research presents a university-industry joint research endeavor in applying simulation modeling combined with genetic optimization to the prefabricated steel-structure installation operations in an ongoing stadium construction project in Beijing. The simulation platform of SDESA (simplified discrete-event simulation approach) resulting from the latest research was utilized to establish the construction process model. By simulating, analyzing and optimizing this process model, valuable and practical recommendations are provided to the contractor and the steel prefabricator, allowing them to reduce the resource utilization, improve the construction efficiency and shorten the project period.
序号 时间 名称 评论
1 2023
何佳泽, 孙海林, 胡振中*. 基于YJK和SAUSG-PI的隔震结构设计应用研究——以西昌某住院楼为例. 第九届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 西安, 中国. 2023
中文关键词: BIM应用;隔震;框架剪力墙;医院;结构设计
2 2023
郭金霄, 陈再现, 安芃, 胡振中*. 面向路桥的多源运维数据融合及应用. 第九届中国图学大会论文集. 泰安, 中国. 2023
中文关键词: 多源异构数据;数据融合;建筑信息模型;地理三维模型;运维平台
3 2023
胡振中*, 闵妍涛, 刘毅, 李彬彬, 张建民. 数字孪生在海上风电安装中的应用研究. 第十九届中国CAE工程分析技术年会论文集. 厦门, 中国. 2023
中文关键词: 海上风电安装;数字孪生;同步反演
4 2022
安芃, 胡振中*, 林佳瑞, 伍震, 于言滔. 知识图谱对工程安全管理的智能支持方法研究. 第八届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 深圳, 中国. 2022
中文关键词: 知识图谱;公路工程;安全管理;智能支撑
5 2022
闵妍涛, 冷烁, 胡振中*, 林佳瑞, 于言滔. 基于知识驱动的建筑风环境灾害评估平台研究与实现. 第八届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 深圳, 中国. 2022
中文关键词: 建筑风环境;风灾;机器学习;近邻检索;知识图谱
6 2022
潘灶林, 于言滔*, 胡振中. 基于二维图纸的老旧建筑HVAC系统BIM信息自动抽取方法. 第八届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 深圳, 中国. 2022
中文关键词: 建筑信息模型;工业基础分类;计算机视觉;图像处理;三维重建
建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling,BIM)包含了丰富的建筑几何和语义信息,对于建筑供暖、通风和空调(HVAC)系统的运维和管理具有重要意义。然而,多数老旧建筑仅有二维图纸,并且人工从图纸重建HVAC系统的BIM繁琐费时。因此,本研究提出一种结合深度学习和图像处理的方法,抽取图纸中构件语义和几何信息,用于自动化重建BIM。本研究以老旧建筑的HVAC系统为例进行实验,验证了所提出方法的有效性。
7 2021
吴浪韬, 冷烁, 梁雄, 罗征, 胡振中*. 建筑机电设备知识图谱的构建和应用. 第七届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 重庆, 中国. 2021
中文关键词: 知识图谱;机电设备;信息抽取;信息检索
8 2021
林超, 程宇, 胡振中*, 周晖, 林佳瑞, 王国荣. 智慧监理信息化使能技术调研与分类. 第七届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 重庆, 中国. 2021
中文关键词: 智慧监理;信息化技术;BIM;智慧程度评估;智慧化升级
9 2021
张云翼*, 胡振中, 林佳瑞, 张建平. 建筑运维期能耗大数据管理模式与架构. 第七届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 重庆, 中国. 2021
中文关键词: 建筑能耗;大数据;运维期;数据管理
10 2020
刘毅, 吴浪韬, 梁雄, 罗征, 胡振中*. 知识图谱在BIM模型审查中的应用研究. 第六届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 太原, 中国. 2020
中文关键词: 知识图谱;机电设备;约束条件;实体提取;关系抽取
随着我国建筑行业的高速发展,建筑领域在各个方面积累了大量的原始数据,如何从这些琐碎的数据中获取结构化的知识成为了行业智能化所面临的新问题,而知识图谱是一个很好的解决方案。在构建知识图谱的过程中,本研究分别应用和评估了BiLSTM-CRF和ResCNN模型,结果表明它们具有良好的性能。针对机电设备规范中的属性约束条件,本研究提出了一种基于知识图谱的提取方法,该方法对于辅助 BIM 模型的审查具有重要意义。
11 2019
吴浪韬, 肖亚奇, 梁雄, 罗征, 胡振中. 基于知识图谱的机电逻辑关系检索. 第五届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 长沙, 中国. 2019
中文关键词: 知识图谱;机电设备;信息检索
12 2019
袁爽, 胡振中. 建筑大数据处理技术应用案例分析. 第五届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 长沙, 中国. 2019
中文关键词: 大数据;MEP;能耗监测;存储优化
13 2018
冷烁*, 梁焘, 黄威然, 胡振中. 基于数据挖掘和BIM的盾构机地层预测技术研究. 第四届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 合肥, 中国. 2018
中文关键词: 盾构机;地层;数据挖掘;BIM
14 2018
周一*, 胡绮琳, 胡振中. 基于BIM的地铁保护系统研究与开发. 第四届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 合肥, 中国. 2018
中文关键词: 地铁保护; 建筑信息模型;数据分析
15 2017
王石雨, 胡振中*, 田佩龙, 李久林. 基于BIM和监测数据的水厂水位动态模型及其应用研究. 第三届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 上海, 中国. 2017
中文关键词: BIM;IFC;监测;运维管理;水位动态模型
16 2017
袁爽, 胡振中*, 田佩龙. 面向智能运维的室内照明系统研究. 第三届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 上海, 中国. 2017
中文关键词: 智能运维;照明系统;信息物理系统;模式识别;建筑信息模型
17 2016
彭阳*, 胡振中. 应用离散傅里叶变换的BIM监测数据智能分析和展示. 第二届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 广州, 中国. 2016
中文关键词: BIM;监测;离散傅里叶变换;MATLAB
18 2016
田佩龙, 胡振中*, 王珩玮, 张建平, 邹东. BIM在地铁项目精细化施工管理中的应用案例研究. 第二届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 广州, 中国. 2016
中文关键词: 施工管理;协作;BIM;地铁;案例研究
19 2016
王珩玮, 王洪东, 胡振中, 张建平*. 基于BIM的施工现场质量安全动态管理. 第二届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 广州, 中国. 2016
中文关键词: 施工现场;BIM;质量安全;现场定位
20 2015
田佩龙, 庄亮东, 孟欣, 胡振中. 基于BIM的停车场动态模型研究. 第一届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 北京, 中国. 2015
中文关键词: BIM;停车场;动态模型;拓扑模型
下载链接: http://www.huzhenzhong.net/Files/Resource/基于 BIM 的停车场动态模型研究.pdf
21 2008
胡振中*, 张建平. 基于子信息模型的4D施工安全分析及案例研究. 第六届全国土木工程研究生学术论坛论文集. 北京, 中国. 2008 (优秀论文, 第八届中国土木工程学会优秀论文鼓励奖)
中文关键词: 建筑信息模型; 4D技术; 施工过程; 安全分析
英文关键词: Building information model, 4D technology, Construction process, Safety analysis
To address the issues of constraining construction safety management caused by relative independence of architectural design, structural analysis and construction management, the research introduced the concept of building information model (BIM), and 4D construction management to construction safety analysis applications. To solve the problems of establishing the complete BIM at the beginning of a project, the paper presents a new concept of sub-BIM by focusing on specific domain or subjective, extracting kernel information. The paper also describes four sub-BIMs, namely Basic Information Model, 4D Information model, Structural Information Model and 4D Construction Safety Information Model. The research took the National Stadium as a case study that 4D Construction Safety Information Model was established to support 4D construction safety analysis. The case demonstrates that sub-BIMs are feasible and rational for reducing the workload of construction management and structure modeling, supporting the effective implementation of construction safety analysis.
22 2007
张建平, 胡振中. 基于4D信息模型的建筑施工安全分析. 第十届全国建设领域信息化技术与应用交流会论文集, 桂林, 中国. 2007
中文关键词: 4D信息模型; 时变结构; 安全分析; 建筑施工
英文关键词: 4D information model, Time-dependent structure, Safety analysis, Construction
The safety problem of building during construction is attached importance to both people and government due to frequently accidents. As a result, seeking after more scientific and accurate methods of safety analysis during construction has become an emergent research area. By inducting 4D-CAD and building information modeling technologies, a safety analysis model and system framework were proposed in this paper based on the summarization of current analysis methods. Through 4D information model corresponding to time-dependent connotation, the process of analysis is prominently simplified and the goal of exchange and communion of information during design period and construction period is achieved together with 4D visualized simulation.
下载链接: http://www.chinabim.com/school/cm/2010-03-07/607.html
23 2006
张建平, 胡振中, 郭建锋. 中国建筑业科技发展的问题与对策. 第九届全国建设领域信息化技术与应用交流会论文集, 威海, 中国. 2006 (特邀报告, 优秀论文)
中文关键词: 建筑业;科技发展;问题与对策
英文关键词: Construction industry, Science and technologies development, Difficulties and countermeasures
The construction industry is one of the foundational industries in China. However, compared with some advanced countries, it is still a labor intensive industry and of low productivity. This paper raises the difficulties of science and technologies development, implementation technology and industrialization technology in building industry based on the current status of construction in China. Then experiences from advanced countries are used for reference and some countermeasures are presented.
24 2006
张建平, 胡振中. 建筑施工企业信息化管理系统框架. 第二届中国国际数字城市建设技术研讨会论文集, 苏州, 中国. 2006 (特邀报告)
中文关键词: 建筑施工企业; 管理模式;信息化管理系统; 框架
英文关键词: Construction enterprise, Management mode, Information management system, Framework
The framework of an information management system for construction enterprise integrated with the advanced management mode and potential information technologies has been established, based on extensive field investigations and analysis for the organization system, management mode, work flow and information management status of construction enterprises. The framework can be used to guide the design and implementation of information management system for construction enterprise. This study should also provide some references to make relative policies for promoting the application of information technology in the construction industry in China.
25 2005
张建平, 郭建峰, 胡振中. 国外建筑业科技创新现状及发展. 第八届全国建设领域信息化与多媒体辅助工程学术交流会论文集, 承德, 中国. 2005
中文关键词: 建筑业; 科技创新; 应用现状; 发展趋势
英文关键词: the Construction Industry, Science and technologies, Current status, Development trend
The construction industry is one of the foundational industries in China. However, compared with some advanced countries, it is still a labor intensive industry and of low productivity. In order to meet the challenges brought by information technologies and knowledge-based economy, and promote the competition ability of China’s construction industry, it is of crucial importance to survey the current status and development trends of science and technologies in the global construction industry.
序号 时间 名称 评论
1 2023
胡振中, 林佳瑞, 邓逸川. 土木与建筑工程CAE. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社. 2023
2 2022
《城市信息模型(CIM)技术研究与应用》编委会. 城市信息模型(CIM)技术研究与应用. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社. 2022
3 2019
张建平, 胡振中, 杨谆. 全国BIM技能等级考试试题集. 北京: 清华大学出版社. 2019
4 2019
郑展鹏, 窦强, 陈伟伟, 胡振中, 方东平. 数字化运维. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社. 2019
5 2014
赵昕等. 中国建筑施工行业信息化发展报告:BIM应用与发展. 北京: 中中国城市出版社. 2014
中文关键词: 中国建筑施工行业信息化发,BIM应用与发展
6 2011
胡振中. 基于BIM的建筑生命期安全分析与管理技术研究. 博士后出站报告. 深圳: 清华大学研究生院. 2011
中文关键词: 建筑生命期管理,建筑信息模型,协同设计,施工安全,耐久性监测,运营期管理,工业基础类
英文关键词: Building lifecycle management (BLM), Building information model (BIM), Collaborative design, Construction safety, Durability monitoring, Operating management, Industrial foundation classes (IFC)
在建筑业高速发展的今天,建筑业的低效率问题和浪费现象却越来越明显。为了统筹建筑生命期各个阶段所产生的海量信息和多元化应用需求,引入BIM(Building Information Model,建筑信息模型)的理念和技术,应用于BLM(Building Lifecycle Management,建筑生命期管理)具有重大的社会和经济意义。尽管近年来已经有了应用BIM技术的众多实际工程项目和案例,也取得了一些让人欣慰的成果,然而,BIM技术的发展,以及BLM的全面实现,依然任重道远,这也意味着还需要对涉及到的众多关键技术进行一项一项地深入研究和重点突破。本研究通过引入BIM技术,面向建筑生命期的安全分析和管理,提出了基于BIM的BLM框架,并参照IFC(Industrial Foundation Classes,工业基础类)国际标准,研究了BIM的IFC描述。在此基础上,通过引入碰撞检测算法、时变结构分析、耐久性监测、离散事件模拟算法等领域的知识和最新成果,面向建筑生命期中安全分析和管理的四个典型应用,即1)BIM的建立和共享;2)面向安全性能的协同设计;3)施工过程安全分析与管理;4)运维期监测与管理,系统地研究了实现的理论、方法、技术,以及探讨了在研的一些内容与展望,并通过一些工程实例对其可行性和有效性进行了验证。本研究的成果表明:通过引入BIM技术,可以将建筑生命期内产生的信息统一管理起来,为建筑生命期安全分析和管理提供新的思路和工具,从而解决信息孤岛、信息断层等信息共享难、流通难的问题。研究成果对于提高建筑生命期安全性能以及推动土木工程信息技术的发展,尤其是确保安全信息的一致性,提高安全信息利用的效率,具有理论意义和应用前景。
Though the construction industry is developing rapidly today, low efficiency and labor waste have become increasingly obvious. In order to co-ordinate the huge amounts of information and diverse application requirements emerged during every stage of the building lifecycle, it is of great social and economic significance to introduce the concept of Building Information Model, BIM for short, to Building Lifecycle Management, BLM for short. Although in recent years, there have been some successful BIM applications of many engineering projects with some delightful achievements, BIM technology, as well as the full realization of BLM is still long way to go, which also means that many key technologies involved need a thorough study and some major breakthroughs.By introducing BIM technology and for safety analysis and management within building lifecycle, this study proposed a BIM-based BLM framework, as well as IFC (Industrial Foundation Classes) descriptions of several BIMs according to the IFC schema. Then based on the newly developments in collision detection algorithms, time-dependent structural analysis, durability monitoring, discrete event simulation algorithm and so on, four typical safety analysis and management applications within different stages of the building lifecycle are discussed in detail, namely 1) the establishment and sharing of BIM; 2) safety-oriented collaborative design; 3) safety analysis and management during construction; and 4) monitoring and management during operation and maintenance period. Also, all the theories, methodologies and technologies involved, as well as some on-going researches and future directions are discussed. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness are verified by some real projects.The results show that information generated during the building lifecycle can be unifiedly managed by the help of BIM. This provides new management ideas and tools for safety issues within building lifecycle, to solve problems of information sharing and delivering, such as information island and information fault. The meaningful and promising results may improve safety performance within building lifecycle and accelerate the informalization of construction industry, especially in the aspects of ensuring the consistency of safety information and improving the efficiency of safety information use.
下载链接: mailto:huzhenzhong@tsinghua.edu.cn
7 2009
胡振中. 基于BIM和4D技术的建筑施工冲突与安全分析管理. 博士学位论文. 北京: 清华大学. 2009
中文关键词: 建筑信息模型,4D管理,结构安全,冲突分析,建筑施工
英文关键词: Building information model (BIM), Four dimension management (4D management), Structure safety, Conflict analysis, Construction
建筑业是我国职业安全事故率仅次于采矿业的工业部门,事故起数和死亡人数居高不下。因此,加强施工期冲突与安全分析管理,具有重大的社会和经济意义。然而长期以来,这个涉及人民生命财产安全的重要领域,一直缺乏科学、有效的管理工具。如何从根本上改变这一落后局面,以新的理论和管理方法为手段,实现建筑项目的现代化集成管理已经成为目前亟待解决的关键问题。基于上述需求,本研究综合应用建筑信息模型(Building Information Model,BIM)、4D技术、时变结构分析、过程模拟、预测评价和碰撞检测等领域的知识和最新成果,面向设计和施工阶段的信息共享和重用,描述了施工过程冲突和安全分析管理的总体需求和整体解决方案,提出了建筑子信息模型(sub-Building Information Model,sub-BIM)的概念,并建立了4D施工安全信息模型。基于此sub-BIM,着重研究了施工过程时变结构和支撑体系的动态安全分析、进度/资源/成本费用的冲突分析与管理、以及场地设施碰撞检测的相关理论和关键技术,并详细论述其实现的流程与集成方法。在此基础上,进行了应用系统的需求分析、功能设计、架构设计、数据库设计以及程序设计,采用面向对象编程方法开发了基于BIM的建筑工程4D施工管理及安全分析系统(4D-GCPSU 2009),并通过工程实例对系统的可行性和有效性进行验证,从而为施工现场提供新的安全分析手段和管理工具。本研究的成果表明:通过引入BIM和4D技术,建立4D施工安全信息模型,可实现建筑设计、结构分析和施工管理三个领域的信息共享与集成管理,为BIM的创建和集成应用探索了可行的理论和方法。同时,本研究能将建筑施工过程模拟、4D施工管理和施工过程安全分析集成,为解决建筑施工冲突与安全问题提供新的理论、方法和技术,为复杂理论和方法的工程应用奠定技术基础,对于满足建筑安全生产的实际需求,改变建筑施工安全管理手段落后的局面,提高安全水平具有重要理论意义和广阔的应用前景。
The accident rate of building industry and the numbers of accidents and deaths remain high. It is of great social and economic significance to strengthen the construction safety analysis and management. However, there has been a lack of scientific and effective management tool for a long time in this important area that involves people's lives and property. It has become an important problem demanding prompt solution to achieve the information-based integrated construction management by new theories and approaches in order to change the backward situation fundamentally. In view of the current situation, for the purpose of information sharing and reuse between design and construction phases within building lifecycle, based on newly developments in Building Information Model (BIM), 4D technology, time-dependent structure analysis, construction simulation, collision detection and so on, the concept of sub-Building Information Model (sub-BIM) is proposed and the 4D Construction Safety Information Model is described and established according to the overall solution of analysis and management for conflict and safety problems during construction. Based on this sub-BIM, the integration of dynamic safety analysis of time-dependent structure and scaffold system, conflict analysis and management of schedule/resources/ cost, and collision detection of site facilities is studied. Theories and key technologies for the integration mechanism are detailed discussed. Then a BIM-and-4D-based analysis and management system for conflict and safety problems during construction named 4D-GCPSU 2009 is developed. By real project-applications, the feasibility and effectiveness of the system are verified to be a new tool for construction management, providing new safety analysis approaches. The achievements of this research have indicated that through the establishment of the 4D Construction Safety Information Model by inducting BIM and 4D technology, information sharing and integrated management among three areas, i.e., architectural design, structural analysis and construction can be implemented. This also provides a feasible theory and methodology for the establishment and integrated applications of BIM. Furthermore, this study proposes a new approach for conflict and safety analysis during construction by integration of construction simulation, 4D construction management and safety analysis. The approach lays a foundation for the popularization of the complicated theories and methodologies. It also has important theoretical significance and wide application prospect in meeting the needs of safe construction, changing the backward situation and improving the safety level during construction.
下载链接: mailto:huzhenzhong@tsinghua.edu.cn
8 2005
胡振中. 国家体育场施工方案的优化及虚拟实施. 本科毕业论文. 北京: 清华大学. 2005
中文关键词: 国家体育场,4D管理,施工方案优化,虚拟实施
英文关键词: the National Stadium, 4D management, Construction Optimization, Virtual Construction
国家体育场是北京2008年奥运会的主体育场。作为该工程总承包的北京城建集团肩负着组织和实施工程建设的重任。因为体育场结构复杂、规模庞大,施工难度大,加上建设工期十分紧迫,所以如何高效而高质的施工是本项工程的关键。为了确保国家体育场工程高效、优质地顺利进行,关键在于应用高新技术,对施工方案进行科学的优化、对施工过程进行严格的管理和控制。本课题研究将建筑施工4D管理系统应用于国家体育场工程,采用CATIA建立钢结构网盖的精确三维模型,并将模型细分,通过转换成3ds max 的STL格式文件,再转换成DWG文件,成功导入到AutoCAD和4D-GCPSU 2005中;通过对国家体育场施工方案的深入分析和了解,结合4D-CAD技术,采用动画演示和4D显示方式实现了国家体育场施工方案可视化模拟;课题研究还将Augmented SDESA系统应用于国家体育场工程,建立了与工程实际符合的施工过程模型,对钢结构吊装过程及其资源控制进行模拟和方案比较,并通过系统优化功能的扩充,实现了施工方案的资源优化,取得了较好的成果,为国家体育场施工方制定施工方案提供了定量的参考意见。本课题研究针对国家体育场工程的实际需求,综合应用先进的计算机技术,所取得的研究成果在实际应用中得到了充分的肯定,对于实现节约施工资源消耗、提高施工效率、缩短施工工期的目标,具有研究和应用价值。
The National Stadium is the main stadium of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. The Beijing Chengjian Corporation, which is the chief contractor, is in charge of organizing and implementing the project. It is Crucial to complete the construction efficiently and high-qualitatively since The National Stadium has complex structure, large construct scale, high difficulty in construction and pressure time. To ensure that the project be under construction efficiently and with high quality, it is important to manage the project with high technology and optimize the construction method.Our researches focus on the application of the 4D-GCPSU 2005 in the National Stadium project. We set up the exactitude 3D-Model of its steel structure in CATIA and convert the model to DWG data files, which can be read by AutoCAD and used by 4D-GCPSU 2005. By using the technology of 4D-CAD we also implement animation of virtual construction and the 4D-display. Also we set up the construction process model in SDESA. By simulating the construction process, comparing different construction methods and optimizing the construction method, we can give out valuable and quantitative ideas for construction managers. The result is satisfying.This research combines advanced computer technology with the construction of the National Stadium to achieve the aims of reducing construction resources, improving construction efficiency and shortening the duration of the project.
下载链接: mailto:huzhenzhong@tsinghua.edu.cn
9 2005
张建平等. 信息化土木工程设计——Autodesk Civil 3D. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社. 2005






清华大学土木工程系 教授

北京云建信科技有限公司 董事长



清华大学水利工程系 教授

中国工程院 院士




















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什么是BIM呢?BIM的全称是Building Information Model/Modeling,中文通常翻译为建筑信息模型。通俗的来讲,它是一个饱含建筑各种信息的三维数字模型。这意味着除了几何外形之外,它还包括了许多的其他信息,比如建筑构件的材料和工程性能、施工的顺序和进度等等。通过BIM,我们可以直观的看到建筑中各个对象的位置、快速地查找到目标对象,还可以通过动态更新数据来展现建筑的实时状态,进而为实现建筑的运维期安全管理打下基础。



有了基本的思路之后,我们所面临的第一个问题,就是如何建立一个能够满足我们需求的BIM模型,然而这并不是一件简单的事情。通常我们用LOD(Level of Development,模型细度等级)来描述一个BIM模型的详细程度,LOD越高意味着模型越详细和完善,那是不是LOD越高越好呢?




通过以上分析,项目提出了一种多尺度BIM作为大型MEP项目的解决方案。多尺度BIM由若干宏观模型、微观模型以及概要模型组成,通常我们可以通过LOD来区分它们,各个模型有不同的精细程度和侧重方面,以满足不同的管理需求,方便不同管理角色之间的协作。当高级管理人员需要简要的信息来掌握整体施工状态时,一个简单的、无细节元素的宏观CM(Construction Management,施工管理)模型就足够了,因为他可能并不关心附属管道、阀门等小配件的几何信息和状态信息;而当我们需要处理紧急设备故障时,比如前面提到过的燃气管破裂的情况,我们就必须要知道管道和阀门等配件的位置信息、状态信息以及设备的关联信息,此时就要用到微观FM(Facilities Management,设施管理)模型了。这就好像在一次考试之后,班主任需要掌握学生各个科目的总体得分情况,而不需要知道学生每道题目上的具体得分,但是各个科目的老师却要关心学生在哪道题上扣的分比较多。可以看到,通过多尺度BIM,我们可以按照需求建立少量的详细模型,而不用把所有构配件放在同一个详细模型中,在减少建模工作量和硬件需求的同时,也为不同的管理者提供了最适合他们的模型。

多尺度BIM在方便管理的同时,也带来了一个问题,那就是如何管理不同尺度的BIM模型。比如当其中一个模型被修改时,怎么才能把这一修改反映到其他模型之中呢?一个直观的解决方案就是让所有模型使用同一个BIM信息库,这样任何一项修改都会引起共用信息库的变化,进而传递给其它所有的模型。打个比方,当一位老师发现自己学生的分数被登错了,而全年级的成绩排名表已经被分发给了不同的老师时,我们可以通过这样的方法来更正它们:老师把成绩改动告诉年级主任,然后年级主任生成一份新的年级排名表并通知其他老师,老师们再从年级排名表中提取自己班学生的成绩信息。在这个过程中,年级主任掌握的成绩排名表就起着独一无二的“BIM信息库”的作用,所有的成绩表(相当于“不同的模型”)都是通过它来建立的。基于这样的思路,我们给每个元素赋予一个GUID(Globally Unique Identification,全局唯一标识)作为名字,这样就可以区分出不同模型中的相同元素了。

那么各种信息在BIM信息库中要如何存储呢?我们将多尺度BIM需要用到的信息分成了4个部分,分别是对象定义、设计信息、施工信息和运维信息,BIM信息模型的架构如下图所示,它能够满足我们目前的需求。另外,我们还采用了IFC数据标准(Industry Foundation Classes,工业基础类,是一种数据标准)来实现多尺度BIM的表示,这样我们的BIM信息库就能够与其他兼容IFC标准的BIM应用程序进行信息交换了。







经过以上研究,大型公共建筑中涉及的BIM信息定义、描述、存储和管理的问题已经基本解决了。但是上面的建筑信息大多是针对IFC格式的信息来说的,而建筑中涉及到的各种信息并不全是IFC格式的,如果我们想要充分利用这些信息,就要想办法把它们转化并融合到已有信息体系之中。项目研究并实现了多种非IFC格式信息的转化和融合技术,其中包括标识信息、结构安全监测信息、机电设备监测信息、GIS(Geographic Information System,地理信息系统)信息等等。









































    [1] Yang Peng, Sun-Wei Li, Zhen-Zhong Hu. A Self-Learning Dynamic Path Planning Method for Evacuation in Large Public Buildings Based on Neural Networks. NeuroComputing. 2019, 365C: 71-85.
    [2] Zhen-Zhong Hu, Pei-Long Tian, Sun-Wei Li, Jian-Ping Zhang. BIM-based integrated delivery technologies for intelligent MEP management in the operation and maintenance phase. Advances in Engineering Software. 2018, 115: 1-16.
    [3] Yi Zhou, Zhen-Zhong Hu, Wei-Zhong Zhang. Development and Application of an Industry Foundation Classes-Based Metro Protection Information Model. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2018, Article ID 1820631, 20 pages, 2018.
    [4] 冷烁, 胡振中. 基于BIM的人工智能方法综述. 图学学报, 2018, 39(5): 797-805.
    [5] Shuang Yuan, Zhen-Zhong Hu, Yang Peng. Application of BIM in Environmental Monitoring and Emergency Evacuation Management within Building Operation and Maintenance Phase: A Case Study. Proceedings of 17th ICCCBE, Tampere, Finland. Jun. 2018
    [6] Yang Peng, Jia-Rui Lin, Jian-Ping Zhang, Zhen-Zhong Hu. A hybrid data mining approach on BIM-based building operation and maintenance. Building and Environment. 2017, 126: 483-495.
    [7] Jianping Zhang, Qiang Liu, Zhenzhong Hu, Jiarui Lin, Fangqiang Yu. A multi-server information-sharing environment for cross-party collaboration on a private cloud. Automation in Construction, 2017, 81: 180-195.
    [8] 张晓洋, 胡振中. 面向结构有限元分析的模型转换方法研究. 工程力学, 2017, 34(6): 120-127.
    [9] 袁爽, 胡振中, 田佩龙. 面向智能运维的室内照明系统研究. 第三届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 上海, 中国. 2017
    [10] 王石雨, 胡振中, 田佩龙, 李久林. 基于BIM和监测数据的水厂水位动态模型及其应用研究. 第三届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 上海, 中国. 2017
    [11] Zhen-Zhong Hu, Xiao-Yang Zhang, Heng-Wei Wang, Mohamad Kassem. Improving interoperability between architectural and structural design models: An industry foundation classes-based approach with web-based tools. Automation in Construction. 2016, 66: 29-42.
    [12] Zhen-Zhong Hu, Jian-Ping Zhang, Fang-Qiang Yu, Pei-Long Tian, Xue-Song Xiang. Construction and facility management of large MEP projects using a multi-Scale building information model. Advances in Engineering Software. 2016, 100: 215-230.
    [13] Zhang Xiaoyang, Lin Jiarui, Hu Zhenzhong, Zhang Jianping, Fang Ji, and Du Shenyun. Towards BIM-based Model Integration and Safety Analysis for Brdige Construction. Proceedings of 16th ICCCBE, Osaka, Japan. Jul. 2016
    [14] Yi Zhou, Zhen-Zhong Hu, Xiao-Yang Zhang, Jia-Rui Lin. A BIM-based Safety Monitoring and Analysis System for a High-speed Railway Bridge. Proc. of the 33rd CIB W78 Conference, Brisbane, Australia. Nov. 2016
    [15] Yang Peng, Zhenzhong Hu. BIM-based Personnel Safety Level Evaluation Approach Using Machine Learning Methods for Public Buildings. Proceedings of 16th ICCCBE, Osaka, Japan. Jul. 2016
    [16] 田佩龙, 胡振中, 王珩玮, 张建平, 邹东. BIM在地铁项目精细化施工管理中的应用案例研究. 第二届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 广州, 中国. 2016
    [17] 彭阳, 胡振中. 应用离散傅里叶变换的BIM监测数据智能分析和展示. 第二届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 广州, 中国. 2016
    [18] Pei-Long Tian, Zhen-Zhong Hu, Heng-Wei Wang, Jian-Ping Zhang, Dong Zou. BIM-based Meticulous Construction Management for Metro Station Projects: A Case Study. Proc. of the 32nd CIB W78 Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Oct. 2015
    [19] 胡振中, 陈祥祥, 王亮, 何田丰. 基于BIM的管道预制构件设计技术与系统研发. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 55(12): 1269-1275.
    [20] 田佩龙, 李哲, 胡振中, 邹东. BIM与建筑机电设备监测信息集成的研究. 土木建筑工程信息技术. 2015, 7(1): 8-13.
    [21] 田佩龙, 庄亮东, 孟欣, 胡振中. 基于BIM的停车场动态模型研究. 第一届全国BIM学术会议论文集. 北京, 中国. 2015
    [22] 胡振中, 彭阳, 田佩龙. 基于BIM的运维管理研究与应用综述. 图学学报. 2015, 36(5): 802-810.











城市内建筑并非孤立,邻近建筑及周边地理环境都会对建筑运维产生影响。如果想要对某一建筑群进行分析,不仅需要建筑物/群的详细信息,也需要外环境区域尺度内的其他建筑信息与地形地貌数据。通过网络中的公开数据集——开放街道地图(open street map, OSM)可以获取这些信息:建筑数据来源于OSM下的子数据集OSM Buildings,行政区划数据则来源于其另一子数据集OSM-Boundaries。因为由OSM Buildings获取的原始数据包含了城市区域内所有建筑的信息,并统一存储于一个文件中,不利于查询存储,因此我们将建筑信息与规划信息进行集成,通过遍历的方法判断建筑所属的县/区。随后,我们将建筑数据按照其所属区划进行分级存储,共分市、县/区、乡镇/街道三级。


从OSM Buildings获取的原始数据仅包含建筑物的二维平面坐标,无法直接用于可视化及性能分析,因此还需根据平面几何信息和语义信息生成三维几何模型。总体流程如下图所示:首先由建筑物的语义信息获取其高度。随后,根据建筑物平面坐标及高度,确定其三维空间中的顶点坐标,并由三维顶点确定建筑物的顶面与立面。对每一个平面进行三角面片化,即以数个三角形的形式表示平面多边形。最终生成的区域建筑群模型存储在文件中。进行可视化时,调用函数对文件进行读取和解析,即可实现建筑模型的显示。























在建模之前,我们需要明确一个问题,模型越精细越好吗?答案是否定的。我们使用LOD表示模型的详细程度,其具体选择需要根据应用场景确定。对于建筑群尺度的分析,采用高LOD模型显然既没有必要,就像想了解河流流向时无需了解河底一块石头的形状,过多的信息只会增加建模的时间和成本。而对于某个构件或某片设备的分析,则必须使用微观FM(Facilities Management,设施管理)模型,就像确定河流某一点流速时,必须了解含有这一点的附近区域的相关信息。
















绿色性能分析是一项重要的建筑物/群性能模拟技术。其中,风环境是既有建筑物/群的绿色性能的重要评价指标。计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)是一种应用计算机获得流体控制方程的近似解的风环境分析方法。为进行风环境模拟,我们建立了基于外环境区域尺度既有建筑群数据的CFD信息模型。信息模型集成了气象数据、建筑数据、行政区划、底图数据以及模拟结果。不同类别的数据通过其以经纬度表示的位置相链接。为应对多尺度分析需求,我们设计了三个子信息模型,以面向不同层次的需求。这些数据将通过数据接口提供给相应应用。



















在风通过多山地形时,其风向将被迫沿山脉走向偏转,而偏转程度随高度的增加逐渐降低,最终形成风螺旋形的轮廓线,即扭曲风廓线(twisted wind profile, TWP)。CFD技术常被应用于既有建筑的行人层面风(Pedestrian Level Wind, PLW)场分析中,但目前并没有一种模型可以持续地生成TWP,导致在扭曲风频繁发生的城市,其风环境分析的准确率降低。为此,我们基于标准k-ε模型提出了一种新的流入边界条件,在CFD分析中引入对扭曲效应的考虑,并进一步对TWP下单体建筑的PLW场进行数字模拟。通过与风洞试验的比较可发现,该方法可有效提升这种风环境下的模拟精度。





















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从模拟结果中可以看到,在污染物排放后的前期,污染区域扩展较为迅速,在第60天时污染范围就达到20纬度×30经度。由于受到洋流影响,污染物沿纬线方向的扩散速度要明显大于沿经线方向的扩散速度,较高浓度区域保持在35°N纬线附近。在第360天(1年),污染物将占据北太平洋超过一半的区域,且东亚的大部分沿岸海域将被污染物所覆盖;在第1200天(3.3年),污染物就可分别向东和向南抵达北美及澳洲沿岸海域,此时污染物几乎覆盖了整个北太平洋;到第1800天(5年),污染物开始在赤道洋流的作用下通过巴拿马运河(南北美交界处)附近区域,随后向南太平洋迅速扩散,图3 (E)和图3(F)中直观的b表现了这一过程。到第2400天(6.6年),污染物除了在太平洋内部扩散,还会通过澳洲北侧海域向印度洋少量的扩散;到第3600天(9.9年),污染物几乎分布到了整个太平洋海域。在模拟结果中有一个值得注意的现象,尽管污染物的排放位置是在日本岛附近,但随着时间的推移,污染物高浓度区域(黄色及红色部分)将沿着35°N线附近向东延伸,从开始的东亚附近海域扩散到北美附近海域。为了更清楚的说明模拟结果,图4展示了30°N附近的某些城市位置及其相邻海域在4000天内的污染物浓度变化。


















此项成果近期以Discharge of treated Fukushima nuclear accident contaminated water: macroscopic and microscopic simulations为题发表在《国家科学评论》(National Science Review)期刊上。二年级博士生刘毅和二年级硕士生郭雪卿为论文的第一、第二作者,张建民院士和本人为论文的共同通讯作者,论文作者还包括李孙伟助理教授。该研究得到了深圳市规划国土资源委员会和深圳市海洋智能感知与计算重点实验室的支持。

















